Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 636: Sailing Through the Nightmare of the Ancient Gods

Chapter 636: Sailing Through the Nightmare of the Ancient Gods


With immense strength and determination, the Vanished glided through ever-growing, massive waves. The eerie howls of storms resonated near a giant ancient treea source of supernatural power and the center of these wild tempests. The Vanished, more spectral than tangible now, was engulfed in roaring, angry flames as it bravely moved forward.

The mythical realm of Atlantis, sensing this intrusion, activated its natural defenses against any dream-world intruders. Influenced by the magic of the great tree, the surrounding waters churned and swelled, forming massive waves with sharp, jagged peaks like monstrous teeth. These watery barriers assaulted the ghost ship with tremendous force. Amidst the chaotic waters and violent storms, ghostly figures emerged, resembling an ancient army of warriors accompanied by distorted, grotesque silhouettes of birds and creatures, charging through the massive walls of water towards the fiery ship.

Despite the wild storm intensifying, the Vanished continued steadfastly on its course. Its sails, full and taut, pushed it faster. Spooky green flames sprang from every crevice, window, and cannon hole, seemingly trying to ignite the surrounding waters as it charged headlong into the swirling storm of terrifying illusions.

The formidable waves approaching the Vanished were scorched by its flames, creating large gaps in their structure. The sharp water barriers, driven by fierce winds, were dissolved by an unseen force into a gentle mist, quickly dispersed by the winds. The ghostly warriors transformed into ethereal spirits within the fiery embrace of the ship. Remarkably, these spirits passed through the Vanished without causing harm, nor could the ship harm them. As the Vanished continued its journey, the spirits seemed to awaken from a deep, ancient slumber, eventually fading silently into the vast, windy expanse.

Soon, the Vanished entered an even larger storm, encountering more illusions and nearing the central nightmare of Atlantis.

In a way that mirrored the seamless beginning of dreams, the surrounding world suddenly plunged into chaos and obscurity. The Boundless Sea disappeared, the sky darkened, and the distant sunlight dimmed and disappeared.

All that remained were the violent illusions swirling in the profound darkness and a colossal tunnel made of countless vines and roots, appearing sporadically within the storm. The Vanished skillfully navigated this mystic passageway.

After what seemed like an eternityor perhaps just a momentthe loud sounds of the storm faded into silence. The world outside the ship fell into profound, complete quiet.

Ahead in this desolate expanse, only the immense silhouette of Atlantis loomed, casting its shadow over the void.

This grand tree, Atlantis, stood as if it were the last remnant in a desolate world, giving the impression of being the final relic after all of creation had crumbled. Yet, paradoxically, it also seemed like it could be the very first tree to have ever sprouted.

Lune, feeling a change within himself, realized he felt somewhat better. Whether it was from crossing the elusive threshold into the dream or some mysterious transformation the ship had undergone, the relentless voice that once filled his thoughts had now quieted. His mind cleared, and he could feel the rhythmic beat of his heart again.

Looking down, he was amazed to see his body healing and reconstructing itself.

Gazing out of a nearby window, Lunes eyes rested on the enormous tree sprawling endlessly through the void, its sheer size overwhelming.

Although still caught in the treacherous Dream of the Ancient Gods and fully aware of Atlantiss intentions, whether protective or destructive, the elder couldnt help but whisper in awe, So magnificent

Beside him, a voice, eerily familiar yet unexpected, echoed, Indeed, a breathtaking sight

Lune turned toward the source of the voice and was confronted with the eerie sight of a goat head carving on the navigation desk. This figure, with eyes locked on the world outside, seemed to express its awe. Animated by otherworldly green flames that danced and surged within, the entire carving was connected to the desk and the ships deck below by a flame resembling a twisted, hazy spinal column.

In the beginning, when all was shrouded in darkness, I sowed her seed, the wooden goat head began, its voice tinged with nostalgia. Back then, she was just a tiny, twisted sapling, perhaps even perceived as unattractive.

I didnt know what she would become or her true purpose. Her growth and transformation were her own doing. My role was simply to provide the environment and watch her flourish.

As my imagination expanded, I envisioned more trees, plants living symbiotically with those trees, and creatures inhabiting these plants. I released them into the vast darkness, and over the eons, the darkness receded. A thriving world emerged, filled with life and wonders that surpassed even my wildest dreams. It was a sight to behold, far more captivating than the monotonous darkness I once knew.

As time went on, the sentient beings from the expansive forest began to recognize my presence and gave me a title: Creator.'

However, this label they gave me felt foreign and somewhat perplexing. Many of their concepts and actions were beyond my understanding. Their behaviors often mystified me.

They performed elaborate dances, offering the fruits of their hunt to statues they made from tree roots, statues that curiously resembled me. They built giant water wheels on riverbanks, decorating them with bright, colorful fabrics. Eventually, they even mastered the power of flight. Using huge flying machines, they launched themselves from the mighty boughs of Atlantis, soaring over its hills and forests, only stopping at the citys horizon. Their aerial displays were always met with jubilant cheers.

Their explanation was simple: all of this was an act of devotion, a way to express their gratitude and to ensure that I, the Creator, would always be with them.

Yet, I found no real meaning in their rituals and offerings. They were inconsequential to me and always had been.

However, witnessing their happiness and contentment gave me a sense of satisfaction. Their joy resonated with me.

Lune, having listened intently, was momentarily speechless. His gaze, filled with disbelief and awe, remained fixed on the peculiar goat head resting on the table.

Struggling to form a response, Lune was overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. What emerged was a strangled, indistinct murmur.

Suddenly, the tranquility in the captains cabin was shattered by a distinct, sharp crackling sound.

Out of nowhere, an ethereal green flame appeared, gradually outlining a towering figure. As the flames receded, Duncan emerged, his piercing gaze fixed on the wooden goat head. Have the memories returned in full?

Only in bits and pieces, replied Goathead, its voice echoing like creaking timber. There are fractured memories and transient images, and I sense that many of these fragments remain scattered elsewhere.

And do you intend to retrieve all of them? Duncan asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Goathead hesitated briefly, then, to Duncans surprise, it shook itself in denial. Its not of primary importance right now.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Duncan then turned to the window, noting their imminent approach. We must ready ourselves for contact. The trunk is nearing.

Would you like to take control of the ship? Goathead asked.

Duncan quickly declined, If I were to steer, we might end up lost, unable to locate the core of Atlantis. You should continue guiding us since youve regained some of your memories. I trust that this snippet of recollection will lead us in the right direction.

Goathead nodded briefly in agreement, responding simply, Very well.

Duncan was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected brevity of Goatheads responses, which had shifted to such succinct communication almost abruptly.

There was no time to ponder the subtleties of their interaction as Duncan shifted his focus back to the path ahead.

The Vanished glided through the vast expanse, skirting illusory storms and weaving through a seemingly endless maze of tangled vines and roots. This spectral ship, a nomad of the dream world, had navigated these daunting boundaries before. Now, however, the way forward seemed clear and direct.

Duncan and Pope Lune exchanged a look, a tense, prolonged silence hanging between them. It was broken when Duncan nodded toward Alice, who was lost in thought. You should probably free the old man, he suggested.

Visibly disappointed by the command, Alice reluctantly began to untie Lune from the pillar to which he was bound.

Trying to maintain his dignity in the odd situation, Lune joked, Truth be told, I was rather comfortable. Miss Alice has a knack for thisher restraints were quite expertly done

But before Lune could finish his thought, the ship suddenly plunged into violent turbulence!

It felt like a massive, forceful collision with an invisible giant. A powerful shockwave exploded from the front of the Vanished, accompanied by an ear-splitting roar that seemed to threaten the integrity of the ship. The mast swayed dangerously, the ethereal sails blazed with blinding light, and flames whipped wildly across the deck.

Instantly, Duncan placed his hand on the navigation table, tapping into the ghostly flames to stabilize the reeling ship. With urgent authority, he commanded, Secure him again, now!

Alice responded quickly and firmly, On it!

But, wait a minute! Lunes protest was cut short as Alice swiftly secured him once again. In his current condition, the elder elf was no match for Alices agility, especially on the unpredictable deck of the Vanished.

Amid the chaos, Duncan scanned the surroundings intently. As the ship sliced through the void, his vision was briefly blinded by a brilliant burst of ghostly flames from the Vanished. But as the flames dissipated, lighting up the abyss around Atlantis, Duncans eyes fixed on a monumental sighta shadowy figure that dwarfed even Atlantis in its vastness!

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