Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 59 – Evil Conversion. (Edited)

Chapter 59 – Evil Conversion. (Edited)

In the guest house-

"So you got a weird talent from a Chimera and now have three split souls in one body?" Hope had a strange expression.

"Yes. It is a weird situation, so do any of you know of a monster that can merge souls?" Gerhart asked.

"I know slimes separate their cores to reproduce, and high-tier slimes can merge several slimes to form a giant body," Havre said with some thought.

"Yes, I had the same idea." Gerhart nodded.

"I hear some demons have split souls, but they can merge them back," Qold said after some thought. "But those demons are rare and powerful."

"I don't plan on going to the demonic realm anytime soon, so that won't work." Gerhart shook his head.

"What about the undead? Some wraiths should have the ability to split and merge souls." Hope suggested.

"I should first find them before I attempt anything. Maybe find a necromancer first." Gerhart said, not rejecting the idea.

"Fair enough. We will put this issue aside for now." Hope nodded. "Now, what do we do about those knights?"

Hearing this, everyone became more serious.

"Although the knights are a joke, I want to avoid deaths or equipment damage," Gerhart said with a deep look.

Except for the senior knight, the others were barely worth mentioning. The senior knight was lvl 38, while the others were lvl 29 and 23. Coupled with their C-rank potential, they were mediocre. The men at arms were even more laughable, the strongest being a weaker D-rank and the others E-rank, barely comparable to the Goblin Riders. 

A single Goblin Century is enough to wipe them, let alone the now-improved villagers. The problem is that wiping them was not the goal, but capturing them alive with the slightest struggle.

"And that is where I come in." Qold smugly smiled, her eyes turning purple.




In the middle of the night-

In the village's training grounds-

Several tents were erected, with several guards patrolling.

The men at arms knew something was wrong with this village, so they raised their alert and doubled the guards but didn't understand it was useless. Some things were impossible to defend against without sufficient strength.

For example: A succubus.

The six guards on night duty were alert, ready to sound an alarm at any time despite their fatigue. However, they suddenly smelled something sweet in the air, but they didn't feel anything strange.

"Mmm... I feel sleepy. I should probably- ask- to swi— Thud* Zzz*."

Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud* Thud*

A minute later, Qold confidently walked over while leading three dozen villagers. "Sweet dreams, little lambs."

The spell she used was called Lullaby, an area of effect compound magic combining Mind and Lust magic. Although Lust might seem like only sexual desire, it is a wrong interpretation. Lust is a desire and could affect other areas, such as the desire to sleep.

Dream Tribe Succubi specializes in lulling targets to sleep, often draining them while giving them an erotic dream. As B-rank demons, most people were defenseless against this, and Qold was even more potent than a B-rank demon. Of course, if one is strong and prepared enough, one could resist it. However, only one person met the requirements.

"MEN! ENEMY ATTACK!" A disheveled senior knight in his fifties, still in his armor, rushed out of his tent while yelling.

But his shouts didn't even cause the sleeping men to react. Even his two fellow knights, still in their tents, only winced before returning to sleep. Sir Huidemar's expression immediately turned ugly as he looked at the villagers, led by Qold.

"Witch! It was you, wasn't it?! Do you not fear the retaliation of the kingdom when they find out about this?!" Sir Huidemar glared at Qold, drawing his sword.

"Hahahaha! Fear what? You will join us." Qold grinned.

"Vile Witch! Die!" Fueled with fury, the knight charged, his sword shining with a blue Aura.

Qold did not attempt to move, calmly looking at the man as if looking at a fool.


The next moment, one of the villagers intercepted him. It was Calvin, wielding an Aura-Clad sword.

"Hah? What- Calvin?" Sir Huidemar's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, recognizing the young man under the moon's light.

"Yes, it's me. Sorry, Sir Huidemar." Calvin apologized before Hook-punching the knight in the chin.

Thump* Thud*

With an overwhelming advantage, the knight had no room to respond. Calvin hit his unguarded chin, causing the knight to lose balance and fall. Calvin quickly disarmed the unconscious knight, including his hidden weapons, before letting Qold cast a more powerful spell at him. Once the knight was out of commission, the villagers swarmed over and started stripping and tying up the knights and men at arms.

When they woke up, they realized they were all brought before the giant statue, with the Mouse-type Beastkin coldly staring at them. They tried struggling but realized they were half-naked and tied up!

"Release us at once, heathens!" Sir Reimund yelled with hate.

"You are making the entire kingdom your enemy!" Dame Magdalene threatened while futilely struggling with her bindings.

"Do you realize what you are doing? It is not too late to stop this madness." Sir Huidemar's expression turned icy cold while feeling his painful jaw. He was the calmest of the three.

"Yes, release us!"

"What did we do to you?!"

"I have a family!"

"Settle down! We shall give you a choice. If you convert to our religion, we will free you and treat you with respect. If not- Well, we have our ways." Hope calmly said.

"What?! You're insane!"

"As if we will do that!"

"Fuck you, rat!"

"May the gods curse you!"

"Vile Heathen! Your hubris knows no bounds!" Sir Reimund yelled.

"We are the knights of the kingdom! We won't submit!" Dame Magdalene said with an ugly expression.

"My faith is firm." Sir Huidemar frowned, preferring to die than submit.

Of course, not everyone had the same level of faith.

"I... I wish to convert. I want to live."

"Me too..."

"I have a family to feed..."

Of course, this wasn't out of belief but because of survival. The soldiers didn't know what would happen after converting, but living another day was good enough. It wasn't as if they were murdering anyone. If they survive this, they can renounce this so-called religion.

Under the glaring eyes of the others, seven men and four women were converted one by one before being released. Seeing this, another four men and two women also converted, gaining freedom.

The others were firm in their beliefs.

"I won't break under your demonic temptations, heathen." Sir Reimund glared.

The other two knights and remaining men at arms also glared, conveying their agreement.

"Ah... Is that so?" Hope nodded and turned to Qold. "I think they need a little prying."

"I can do that, but only for the lesser ones. The knights would be a bit more difficult. Especially the old guy." Qold said.

"Hahaha... I will handle the remaining women. You handle the rest." Gerhart gave a cold laugh before roughly carrying the heroic female knight on his shoulder as if carrying a child.

"Let me go!" Dame Magdalene furiously yelled while blushing from shame and anger, kicking the air.

"Shut up!" Gerhart chastised and spanked her rear.


"Hic!" The dame felt huge pain from her rear, her eyes involuntarily tearing up.

"Let go of her!" Sir Reimund yelled while attempting to stand up, only to receive a kick to the chest from a furry leg.


"Guhu!" Sir Reimund felt himself choking.

"I still remember your earlier words, calling me a vermin. I will have fun breaking you." Hope narrowed her eyes at him.

"Hahaha! What a great day! Men! Take these little disobedient sluts to the master's chambers." Qold laughed and ordered the villagers.

All the while, Sir Huidemar continued glaring in silence. He watched as the witch started brainwashing the remaining men one by one, making them convert to the dark god. He noticed that everyone who converted became obedient like the villagers and deduced it was divine-level brainwashing. They were already lost.

Sir Reimund was also subject to torture. The so-called Holy Envoy started methodically breaking his bones, one at a time, starting from the fingers. Even when he cried he wanted to convert, she turned a deaf ear and continued the torture. Sir Huidemar felt a chill down his spine and felt thankful he was not racist like his hot-tempered junior.

However, what troubled him was the fate of the women. He could already guess what that vile man was about to do.

"I can only pray she won't suffer too much." Sir Huidemar closed his eyes in resignation.




In the guest house-

Gerhart, Havre, Romilda, and Irene were together with the female knight and four women in the living room.

"W- What are you planning to do?" Dame Magdalene shook, trying to keep her brave facade but failing.

"Well, I think you know what is going to happen," Gerhart smirked as he unbuckled his belt.

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