Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 56 – Converting the goblins. Alliance.

Chapter 56 – Converting the goblins. Alliance.

Sometime later-

Gerhart exited the tent, feeling drained but satisfied.

"My lord, did you enjoy yourself?" Havre, who stood guard, asked with a calm smile.

"Hahaha... Too satisfied." Gerhart warily said.

If it were any lesser man, even a Goblin Commander, they would likely be weak in the legs, if not unable to move for several hours.

"I am also satisfied." Qold exited the tent. Her skin was glossy, and despite her expressionless face, her yellow eyes glinted with satisfaction.

"So it seems, fellow Envoy." Havre calmly said. "And you forgot to hide your wings."

"Ah." Qold looked behind herself and noticed a pair of additional bat-like black wings on her back. They were somewhat small, but they were there. "Thank you for reminding me." She said and caused them to retract into her body.

After the ordeal, Gerhart converted Qold into an Envoy. Also, her bloodline went up by a whopping 5%.

Succubus(Dream Tribe) Bloodline(37 -> 42%)

She became slimmer, softer, and curvier. Her antlers were a tad smaller but shinier, her ears shorter, and her tusks even smaller, but she gained demonic wings. Otherwise, there was no change. This 5% was not enough to make a significant difference.

According to his memory, Succubi were B-rank demons, which was not too different from a Goblin Commander. Qold would gradually lose the racial characteristics of a Goblin Commander in exchange for succubus characteristics, possibly losing racial abilities such as Goblin Leader or her talents mutating.

It was unlike Gerhart's natural awakening of his bloodline or Hope's atavism, resulting in a comprehensive improvement. It was instead an equivalent trade, a race-change. And the fuel for this transition was either the power of a higher demon or a tonic- In this case, Gerhart's spooge.

"Havre, how is the situation? Are all the materials gathered?" Gerhart asked.

"Yes. Tivnirx came to report an hour ago, but you were busy." Havre said, eyeing Qold.

"I apologize for that. It is hard to stop my instincts once I let go." Qold lowered her head.

"It's okay. But I am pretty hungry." Gerhart said, rubbing his stomach.

"Ah, yes. Tivnirx kept a meal for you two at the Warchief's tent. I already ate." Havre said.

"That's considerate." Gerhart felt glad.

"Let us go and eat quickly and then go to the tribe center," Qold said.

Even succubi couldn't fully replace food with semen, let alone a half like herself.

After having a quick meal in the Warchief's tent, they headed outside and looked at a giant pile of timber. Tivnirx and many other goblins were already waiting.

"Warchief, the materials are gathered," Tivnirx said.

They had to cut down many trees and drag them over, abandoning all non-essential tasks to gather the required wood post-haste. There were still green leaves attached here and there.

"Good work, everyone! I promise to show you a miracle of god now!" Gerhart looked at the goblins, smiled, and nodded.

The goblins looked at each other, still not fully comprehending their new Warchief's orders. They were also discontent at being forced to do such a strange and tiring task, delaying their work.

"This better be worth it..." The Goblin Commanders secretly thought. Even the females who had a fun time had the same thought.

"Qold, do the honors," Gerhart said.

"Yes, Warchief." Qold nodded and walked to the pile of wood, touching it.

Under the shocked eyes of the goblins, the wood slowly merged, shaping into a giant statue. They stood rooted in place as they saw the great figure of a mighty male emerging.

The body was muscular, reminiscent of a Goblin Lord with giant antlers and demonic wings, holding a staff in one hand and conjuring fire in another. At the figure's feet was a female Goblin Commander with demonic wings, worshipfully grabbing at the figure's thigh. However, Gerhart's lips couldn't help but twitch at several details.

First, the female was Qold, and she was completely naked. Secondly, the figure greatly resembled himself and had an arrogant and disdaining expression, as if scorning the world. But most importantly, his figure was naked, and a lifelike replica of his privates was at full display, rising in a high mast, ready to defy the heavens!

"Seriously? Was this how she saw conquest?" Gerhart warily thought. "I get the reasoning, but did you HAVE TO show my privates?!"

"What do you think, Warchief?" Qold had a smug smile, evidently proud of her creation.

"Magnificent display. It captures our lord's dominance." Havre muttered.

"DON'T PRAISE HER!" Gerhart mentally retorted.

"Er... Good work, Qold. It is really--- demonic." Gerhart forced the words out of his mouth. "But would it be well-received?"

"Hmhmh~ See for yourself." Qold motioned at her fellow goblins.

At some point, the Hobgoblins started to kneel one after another and kowtowing to the statue. Even the Goblin Commanders knelt.

"Mighty god... Bless our tribe..." The goblins muttered as they continued worshiping it.

"I... Think I underestimated the shock factor." Gerhart thought.

Unlike Elkington Village, the goblins were affected by overlayed blows to their resistance, shattering it. He then displayed great strength and was accepted by the tribe, building a foundation. And now, they were given such an awe-inspiring display, a statue over 10m high! The goblins have never seen a building half as tall! And it was such a lifelike and powerful image, too!

Goblins respected power and this statue embodied it- Raw power, control, arcane power, and a mighty shaft able to conquer all women.

What more could they ask for? They didn't care about the demonic nature of this statue. They only cared about power!

"Warchief. I think they are ready to convert." Tivnirx walked over and whispered.

"I know." Gerhart nodded and turned to Qold. "Have them come one by one. I will convert them now."

"Yes, Warchief." Qold nodded.

What followed was as expected. All the tribe members converted, starting with the Commanders. Using his influence and Crelm, he also converted all the wolves.

Of course, he also healed the goblins and wolves, including Grenakx's arm, fixed in place with sticks and leather.

Later, Gerhart had a meeting with the Goblin Commanders over a bonfire.

"We now face a multitude of problems. Our long-term problem is our population. Most of the tribe are half-siblings, making future growth impossible without incest. We need to incorporate new blood from the forest and raise them as Hobgoblins, or better, Goblin Commanders." Tivnirx said.

"That is a none-problem. Just find outcasts and small tribes and annex them occasionally. With the Statue of Conquest, we can gradually evolve an entire horde of Goblin Commanders." Qold said.

"Our wolf forces are now less, and Venerable Hact died with Goblin Lord Crird. With the loss of a Hegemon, our control over this territory is now less firm, and we must raise a new male Alpha to continue producing giant wolves and deter other Hegemons from challenging Venerable Crelm." Grenakx added.

"Any Hegemon that comes to challenge would likely be on the weaker side. It would only help feed the Statue of Conquest and help produce a Hegemon of our own. As for a new Alpha--- I have an idea." Gerhart smirked and eyed Farus.

Farus, munching on a bone, couldn't help but shiver. "Why do I suddenly have a bad premonition?"

"Now that we discussed this, what about our relations with the humans?" Brepeelti asked, involuntarily eyeing Gerhart and Havre.

"The humans of Elkington Village are already part of our Warchief's domain. In other words, allies. We will trade and cooperate, perhaps learning their culture and technology to improve. And, of course, future aggressions against them are prohibited. Our vendetta ends. However, we must not show ourselves to other humans, or else we will suffer." Qold said.

The Goblin Commanders looked at each other before silently nodding in agreement. Although warlike, they also understood the importance of allies and cooperation. It was just that, usually, it was with other goblins or monster tribes, not humans, mainly due to trust issues. But they had to admit that relations with the more advanced humans who had access to human civilization were ideal trading partners. They could trade excess furs and ingredients they find for processed goods and daily necessities.

"Now that we discussed this, I want to understand the surrounding forest better. What do you know about the Deep and Ancient forests?" Gerhart asked.

"We know of the Deep Forest, including the several Hegemon territories here. But the Ancient Forest was only explored by Goblin Lord Crird. We only know that powerful Hegemons are guarding the ruler within." Qold turned to Gerhart and said.

"Did Crird ever see it?" Gerhart warily asked.

"No. Crird lacked the qualifications. The one who informed him was a High Hegemon who spared him at a whim while warning him that he was too weak to meet the ruler. The Ancient Forest became taboo, and only Hegemons in the Deep Forest were prey." Qold said.

"Then our only opponents are the Hegemons in the Deep Forest?" Gerhart asked.

"No, Warchief. The Hegemons in the Deep Forest have their territories and seldom leave. However, Hegemons from the Ancient Forest occasionally enter our forest. They are usually new and weaker ones looking for territory since they can't fight the stronger Hegemons, usually challenging other Hegemons since they are afraid of facing two Hegemons. One appears every moon or two." Tivnirx said.

"However, with the recent passing of Venerable Hact, they will more likely challenge us since Venerable Crelm is at the bottom of the hierarchy. Even with our tribe as deterrence, it might start using harassing tactics against us." Brepeelti said.

"I see... What if we kill a few Hegemons in the deep forest? Will they still challenge us?" Gerhart asked.

"No. Since there would be an uncontested territory, the upstarts would move to it. However, killing a Hegemon is a--- challenge --- Oh." Brepeelti suddenly eyed Havre. "Never mind. With the golden demon, you can kill them easily."

"Yes. With the golden demon, we can easily slay those Hegemons." The other Goblin Commanders nodded like a rattle.

"Then it is decided. Havre, you will have many opponents in the coming days." Gerhart smiled at Havre.

"Thank you for the reward, my lord." Havre smiled back.

To her, powerful opponents were always a welcome thing.

The group continued chatting and eating before retiring to their tents, with Gerhart having some company.

"My lord, you have saved my life before. Please allow me to bear you children." Tivnirx requested as she undraped her clothes.

Despite being drained dry earlier, Gerhart's recovery rate was superb. He had six rounds with Tivnirx before she couldn't endure it anymore and fell asleep. As if smelling blood, Qold entered his tent while licking her lips, her eyes purple with desire, "You are still unsatisfied, right? Let me handle the rest."

After being sucked dry, Gerhart was officially tapped out and fell asleep.




The following morning-

Gerhart left with Havre and Tivnirx, taking Farus and Jasmine. He left Qold behind to manage the tribe for now. After spending two nights there, he had to return to the village. And, to be fair, it was a tad boring there. He only thought of it as an outpost for hunting.

Upon reaching the village outskirts, Gerhart saw the village. After two days, it returned to standard operation. They had no leisure to continue mourning the dead since they needed to continue living. Only then would they respect the dead, the brave men and women who died for them.

Returning to the village, Gerhart greeted the villagers and then went to rest with Havre. Meanwhile, Tivnirx, accompanied by Hope, had a conference in Asher's house.

At Asher's house-

"So the goblins are now our allies, hah?" Asher rubbed his chin.

"And they want to conduct trade?" Thomas added with an interested look.

"More monster parts are always welcome. We can earn more." Lars pointed out.

"With the goblins, the forest would also be safer. We can prevent Monster Tides." Elder Hannes added.

The four men quickly found the benefits of such an alliance. Elkington Village was troubled by monster tides and goblins for generations. But no more! With both sides under one lord, these problems disappeared with the wind.

"Tivnirx, right? What do your people want?" Asher asked.

"Technology and items we cannot produce in the forest. We also sorely lack in the common sense of the civilized world and require teachers." Tivnirx said.

"We can trade some items and teach you some of our architecture and techniques, but teachers? I don't think that would quite cut it. We also don't understand your goblin-speak." Asher frowned.

"Then how about a cultural exchange? The goblins will send two Goblin Commanders, and we will send several of our available villagers. Both sides will learn from each other and better understand one another. It would also lower the bad blood between us." Hope suggested.

The four men and Tivnirx pondered before nodding.

"I think it can work. We can send some volunteers along with the professionals." Lars said.

"Many have bad feelings toward the goblins, so it might be a chance to lower aggression," Thomas added.

"It would be a good chance to see if we can cooperate militarily," Hannes commented.

"Hm. I believe my people should also understand human emotions and behavior." Tivnirx agreed.

"Then it is decided. We will have a cultural exchange." Asher nodded.

And so began a long-lasting cultural exchange that would change some of the villager's lives. But that is another story.




In the meantime-

Gerhart and Havre reserved the massage room, with Havre massaging Gerhart.

"Ah~ That hits the spot. I needed this." Gerhart moaned, enjoying the sensation of Havre massaging his back.

"I am happy you enjoy it, my lord." Havre gently said while massaging him with her exquisite fingers. The same fingers that tore apart dozens of goblins and wolves.

If anyone from the kingdom saw the scene without knowing about Havre, they would call Gerhart a lucky dog for getting such a beautiful woman to massage his back. However, if anyone knowledgeable knew she was a Sword Saint, they would likely shit their pants. She could dig out a man's heart like scooping mud from wet soil.

Of course, Havre would never do that. Even without being a Thrall or Envoy, her love and loyalty to him was at the maximum theoretically possible. Few understood the madness and despair of having an incomplete talent, let alone an incomplete Sword Saint. For rescuing her from that abyss- She decided to repay by dedicating her life, body, mind, heart, soul, and everything. A fanaticism that even surpasses her talent for the sword.

After becoming a Sword Saint, she decided to stop giving massages to dedicate herself to protecting and serving her lord. However, she would still cater to her lord's every wish, including a massage. She was the one who offered it.

Havre gave Gerhart a regular massage without any sexual innuendo, focusing on relaxing his body.

"Kaa... I feel so much better now. Knack* Knack*." Gerhart said, stretching his body after the amazing massage.

"I am glad you liked it. Would you like a bath now, my lord?" Havre asked with a smile, pointing at the wooden tub in the room.

"Ah... we never used that, did we?" Gerhart recalled.

"Now that I think about it, have I ever bathed in a tub?" Gerhart wondered. "In my past life, I was a slave, and in this life, I was dirt-poor. It would be interesting."

"Well, sure. How do you fill it up anyway?" Gerhart asked.

"With magic, of course." Havre smiled and walked to the tub. "Create water."

The next moment, a large stream of water fell into the tub, gradually filling it up.

"Well, that can would." Gerhart nodded and walked to the tub to assist. "Heat."

Their magic reserves were already top-notch. Filling up a tub and heating the water was not too difficult.

Seeing the filled tub, Havre smiled, "My lord, please enter. I shall help you bathe."

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