Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 55 – Contract (Short)

Chapter 55 – Contract (Short)

Once Qold finished casting her spell, the magic circle lit up as the offering turned to dust.


Gerhart and Qold looked above them and saw a giant, fiery eye looking from above, possessing multiple tentacles instead of eyelashes.

"As per the ancient contract, I shall watch over this deal." The eye spoke in a neutral and ethereal voice, somehow conveying itself in Youvamoria, the contract paper floating in the air as the words written on it floated out. "I have deemed you both willing, uninfluenced, and capable, so we shall proceed to confirm the contract details."

The next moment, two tentacles touched Gerhart and Qold, transmitting information. He also heard the relic speak in his mind.

An unknown information transmission is detected. It is deemed unharmful. Access approved.

Gerhart didn't make sense of it as the base information of the contract entered his mind. It essentially explained the contract terms that the Watcher understood.

"I have transmitted the contents as I understand them to your minds. If you have any objections or wish to append, state it now." The Watcher said.

Gerhart looked over the terms and found they were exactly as written. To him, it was essentially a contract of Qold selling herself.

"I accept the terms," Gerhart said.

"I accept the terms," Qold also said.

"Very well. According to the contract, Qold Moonhowl shall become Gerhart's familiar. However, due to her still being connected to this world, this clause shall remain suspended until her demonic transformation gets finalized. All other clauses shall enter effect immediately." As the Watcher said that, the ball of bloody words in the air suddenly condensed into two light balls, floating into Gerhart's and Qold's glabellas.

Gerhart suddenly felt the contract in his mind. At the same time, information entered his mind.

An unknown binding force is detected. It is potentially harmful. Quarantining- Successful. Suggesting Solutions:

1. Expel. Benefits: Safe. Drawbacks: Detectable, loss of potential benefits.
2. Absorb. Benefits: Gain knowledge and energy. Drawbacks: Detectable, hostile action.
3. Conquer. Benefits: Retain benefits, Gain knowledge, control, remove the threat, covert. Drawbacks: Costs energy.
4. Continue quarantine. Benefits: Reduced backlash, covert, can choose other options later. Drawbacks: Potential harm.

"Eh... Continue the quarantine, I guess?" Gerhart thought, the message disappearing.

He could conquer it later and likely manipulate it if he wanted, but for now, he saw no reason to do so. It was just a tiny employment contract, and he saw no reason to go against his word as the employer like that.

"The contract is complete. Abide by it or suffer the consequences." The Watcher said with a neutral voice, disappearing to whence it came.

Moments later, the tent darkened, returning to the previous shade as if everything was an illusion.

"It seems like the contract was successful," Qold spoke first.

"Yes," Gerhart replied.

"As per our contract, I must submit myself and be converted. Please do it now." Qold said.

"Okay. Extend your hand." Gerhart replied.

Qold obediently extended her hand, and Gerhart grabbed it. Compared to other goblins, her hand was soft and slim.

"Relax your mind and accept it. It won't hurt." Gerhart said.

Qold nodded, and shortly after, she felt energy invade her body. As instructed, she let the energy do its part and even helped it assimilate into herself.

Qold Moonhowl has converted successfully.

Qold opened her eyes and looked at Gerhart, a soft smile on her apathetic face. "I underestimated the depths of this conversion. I originally planned on finding loopholes, but now I am content. What a thorough mind control."

"I don't know about this, but I made you a Personal Assistant on the get-go, so you should have retained most of your autonomy," Gerhart said.

"Indeed. You have not lied to me. So, what should I call you now? Gerhart? My lord? Warchief? Or master?" Qold softly asked.

"I don't casually go back on my word, and there is no reason to. And you can call me Gerhart." Gerhart replied.

"Okay, then I will call you Gerhart." Qold nodded, "Gerhart, what are your plans now?"

"I will build a Statue of Conquest and make you the Envoy. I shall stay here one more night and return to my village." Gerhart replied.

"That is indeed a plan. But, in the meantime, you won't have anything to do, right?" Qold smiled and asked.

"I suppose not. Why?" Gerhart inquired.

"Hmhmhm~." Qold gave a seductive chuckle and slowly got on all four, pacing forward like a lioness. "Then can you hold the other parts of the bargain, Gerhart~? I am hungry~." She whispered, her eyes burning purple with desire, a sweet scent emanating from her body. One of her hands traced her tribal clothes, slowly lowering to reveal her twin peaks.

"Oh, boy..."

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