Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 53 – Demon Blood. Using overwhelming force to crush all resistance.

Chapter 53 – Demon Blood. Using overwhelming force to crush all resistance.

Tivnirx led Gerhart and the rest of the group inside the goblin tribe.

The two Hobgoblin gatekeepers fearfully looked at the group, especially at the golden demon. The tribe already understood that trying to block her was meaningless, resulting in death. That was the effect of slaying their Warchief, Goblin Lord Crird, along with over half of the commanders and Hobgoblin population.


"That... That tall male human somehow seems majestic?" One Hobgoblin muttered, looking at Gerhart.

"Yes... It feels like I am looking at Warchief Crird..." The other gatekeeper added, feeling instinctive respect.

It was not just the effects of Born Ruler and Goblin King but also that Gerhart commanded the golden demon, making them perceive him as powerful.

As the group walked inside the village, the Hobgoblins had scared and awed looks as they looked at the two humans. The Dire Wolves were even more so. They directly knelt to Gerhart.

"Well, this is going more smoothly than I thought." Gerhart thought, not fully understanding the effect of his talents.

Soon, they arrived at the center of the village, where nine Goblin Commanders waited, five male and four female, and beside them were Giant Wolves.

When the Goblin Commanders looked at Havre, they slightly shook but were not as intimidated as the Hobgoblins. However, when they looked at Gerhart, their expressions changed. The Giant Wolves were even more restless, lowering their heads and startling the Goblin Commanders.

"What the... Why does he feel like the Warchief? No, it is even above that?!" Grenakx pupils shrank.

"Impossible... He feels like a Goblin Lord!? Why do I feel such respect for a human?!" Brepeelti shuddered.

"So this is the one who commands the golden demon, hah? Does he have the Goblin King talent? And he also commands such respect from the wolves. And that golden demon also has the sensation of a Goblin Commander. What is going on? Did they use a forbidden technique to steal talents?" Qold narrowed her verticle eyes, deep in thought.

Unaware that someone accidentally deduced his power to absorb others' talents, Gerhart and the group arrived in front of the Goblin Commanders, warily looking at them. The one at the center, a seductive shaman wearing a half-revealing fur coat with long ebony hair decorated with bone pieces, strange tattoos, and pearly antlers, stepped forward.

From what Gerhart saw, she was the shortest of the Goblin Commanders, but she was also the most human-like, her body soft, and her tusks tiny. Without her skin color, tusks, ears, and verticle eyes, she would look like a tall tribal beauty. If Havre was an untainted beauty, this woman was a seductive charmer.

"I am Qold Moonhowl, high shaman of the Moonhowl Tribe and currently highest representative," Qold spoke in fluid Youvamorian, keeping a calm voice.

Gerhart couldn't help but analyze her. And when he did, his expression changed.

Name: Qold Moonhowl
Race: Goblin Commander(Antler Tribe)/ Succubus(Dream Tribe)
Age: 1
Sex: Female
Level: 44



Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



{Unique Talent - Elite Warlock: Increases Intelligence, Magic, and Vitality. It enhances ritualism and affinity with otherworldly entities and significantly increases compatibility with foreign bloodlines and resistance to mental effects.}

{Unique Talent - Serene Mind: Greatly increases intelligence and resistance to mental effects, temptation, and desires, maintaining a serene mind.}

{Unique Talent - Favored by Demons(Succubi): Increases affinity and favorability with all demons (Greatly with Succubi) and are more likely to approach you and try to convert you.}

{Unique Talent - Succubus(Dream Tribe) Bloodline(37%): A demon-lineage bloodline that greatly improves Dexterity, Intelligence, and Magic. They are seductresses specializing in Lust and Mind Control spells, fearing frontal confrontation and favoring cunning schemes. This bloodline inherently grants talents, skills, and related affinities.}

{Unique Talent - Energy Drain(Succubus Variant): When touching another living being or energy-rich object, the user can suck out the energy inside, adding it to themselves as sustenance or replenishment. The more intimate the contact, the faster it can absorb. Additionally, the user can gain significant benefits from absorbing male semen.}

{Unique Talent - Sexualized Body: Increases sexual attraction of compatible races to yourself. Modifies the body to appear more appealing to the sexual desires of compatible races. Improves the body's libido, pleasure, tolerance, and ability to pleasure others.}

{Unique Talent - Transformation(Partial): You can partially transform into your body, changing color and shape and hiding certain parts.}

{Unique Talent - Mesmerizing Eyes(Charm, Lust): Via eye contact can make a target charmed and lust over your body, compelling them to listen to orders and sexually assault you.}

"She's a demon-blood?!" Gerhart was startled.

Demon-blooded are those who have demonic blood in their veins, either through natural or unnatural means. Since demons seldom have children with mortals, this is usually the product of demonic gifts through deals, usually through sacrifices to a higher power. If one continues on this path, one can ascend to true demonhood, gaining many boons. At least, that is what he overheard once.

"From the looks of it, her talent likely drew the attention of a Dream-Tribe succubus, and probably a high-class one." Gerhart figured.

Qold was highly talented, so being favored by high-class demons was to be expected. And because goblins lacked a proper god and were power-hungry, demons favored their shamans.

"Ignoring her demonic blood, I should stay weary of her. She might summon a succubus or use her magic on me." Gerhart thought, raising his wariness by several notches.

In his opinion, Qold was several times more dangerous than the Goblin Lord Havre slew. It was to the point where he considered whether to let Havre just kill everyone then and there.

Unaware that Gerhart saw through her camouflage and even considered killing her, Qold continued speaking, "State your business, human."

There was no fluctuation in her voice, maintaining a serene mind.

"I, Gerhart, wish to become your Warchief and rule this tribe!" Gerhart spoke loudly, declaring his intention.

From what he understood from Tivnirx, Goblins saw indecisiveness as weakness and had little patience for trickery. To become Warchief, he had to be as blunt and overbearing as possible, showing absolute strength. That was the only way to gain respect and become Warchief.

"Gerhart, the human, has spoken his desire to rule our tribe as Warchief! Tribesmen of the Moonhowl tribe, gather!" Qold yelled in goblin speak, and Tivnirx translated to Gerhart and Havre.

Instantly, except for the Hobgoblins on guard, the rest went to the village center, whether male, female, or young. There were also some leftover Goblins, but they were less than a month old, the time it takes for a Goblin to mature. Crird left some behind for repopulation purposes in case he failed- Though it was unnecessary since Goblins popped up randomly in the forest.

After waiting five minutes for the tribesmen, Qold spoke in goblin-speak, "Goblin Lord Crird, our Warchief, has fallen along with many of our kin! Dead at the hands of the golden demon!" She said, pointing at Havre, who was calmly smiling while her fingers gently tapped a steel sword one of the villagers gave her.

However, there was no hatred in the goblins. If anything, there was only fear and respect. Goblins respected strength and believed that might make right. Even if it was a human, this principle still existed. Goblin Lord Crird, their biological father, deserved to die because he was too weak! That is the goblin way!

Seeing the intended effect happen, Qold nodded and continued, "Gerhart, the golden demon's lord, wishes to rule our tribe! If anyone is dissatisfied, they may challenge him to a holy duel of unarmed combat! Gerhart must defeat all challengers to become Warchief! Who would challenge him first?!"

The Hobgoblins didn't dare step forward. Gerhart was, without doubt, too strong for them. And they also felt a majestic aura from him, making them unable to even think of challenging him.

One of the Goblin Commanders, a bulky 2.1m tall strongman with a vicious scar on his cheek, stepped forward, "I, Grenakx, challenge you!"

"Very well! Gerhart, do you accept the challenge?" Qold nodded and spoke to Gerhart.

"I accept!" Gerhart stepped forward and said.

"Good! You may only fight bare-handed, and all weapons, clothes, and armor are to be removed except underwear, laying bare to the tribe and the spirits and ancestors!" Qold spoke.

After Tivnirx translated, Gerhart's expression turned weird.

"Eh... Must I strip?" Gerhart felt a bit awkward. It wasn't because he was reluctant to be seen naked, but because of another reason.

"Yes. That is tradition. All goblins follow it." Tivnirx nodded.

"... Fine." Gerhart muttered.

Going to a tent, and after a few minutes of rustling clothes, Gerhart exited the tent, almost all of his skin bare to the wind. He had a flawless body, shaped to perfection. However, one bulge stood out when he walked.

None of the Hobgoblins dared stop him as he entered a circle in the middle of the tribe, Hobgoblins surrounding him. On one side were Havre, Tivnirx, Farus, and Jasmine, and on the other were eight Goblin Commanders. Qold remained neutral throughout.

When the commanders saw Gerhart, fascinating looks flashed in their eyes.

"Well... He is certainly Warchief material, especially down there." Brepeelti unabashedly scanned Gerhart, especially the sizable bulge in his loincloth.

"He isn't that tall, but he is undoubtedly the biggest in the tribe." Slat raised an eyebrow.

"Hehe... I wonder if he is as strong as his size suggests." Rifea chuckled.

The other Goblin Commanders also had strange looks when they saw Gerhart. Even Qold had a strange glint in her eyes, eyeing Gerhart's crotch like seeing food. However, she quickly hid it, her mind calming down.

Half a minute later, Grenakx also entered the stage, but although he was not lacking in that department when he looked at Gerhart's sizable bulge, he couldn't help but feel somewhat inferior. "Damn... Are all humans that well-hung?"

Gerhart's lips twitched as he felt everyone's strange gazes and impatiently looked at Qold, "Please, just start it."

Qold nodded and took two steps back. "Gerhart shall now face his challenger, Grenakx! Magic is not allowed, but every other move is fine! The battle will continue until one side concedes, loses consciousness, or dies! Let the battle begin!"

While Grenakx took a battle position, Gerhart didn't, remaining stationary.

"Human, are you mocking me? The battle started!" Grenakx frowned.

"I am not. I merely don't need to." Gerhart shook his head.

He already saw Grenakx's status and knew he was too weak to pose a significant threat. There was no need to take him too seriously.

Grenakx unmistakably turned angry and charged forward, raising his fist, "Don't look down on me, human!"

A brown aura filled his fist as he launched it at Gerhart.


But Gerhart casually raised a hand, silver Aura covering it, blocking the fist with ease. "Put more weight into it, or I won't feel anything." Gerhart earnestly said.

This punch that could have killed him a month ago now felt as light as a toddler's punch.

However, Grenakx misunderstood, thinking Gerhart was mocking him. Even Goblin Lord Crird didn't look down on his attacks!

"Then eat this!" Grenakx shouted, his body bulging as he activated the physical skill, Strength Burst, and attacked Gerhart in a flurry of attacks.


Sounds reminiscent of the clashing of metal, sparks flying in the air as Gerhart continued blocking each of Grenakx's blows with ease.

"DAMMIT! Stop blocking and fight like a man!" Grenakx yelled in frustration.

"As you wish," Gerhart muttered and punched back, his fist radiating with silver light.

"!!!" Grenakx widened his eyes and hurriedly blocked it with his arm, even activating Toughen Body. However-

BAM* Crack*

"GHK!!!" Grenakx widened his eyes as sharp pain flooded his mind, forced to roll back several times.

That punch just now fractured his arm. Grenakx felt like the one who hit him wasn't a human but a hegemon.

"Do you want to concede?" Gerhart softly asked.

"Grr..." Grenakx's face balked with unwillingness and pain, knees on the ground, and closed his eyes, "I concede."

Grenakx wasn't stupid. He understood the gap between him and Gerhart was too vast. It was like himself bullying a Hobgoblin.

"The battle is over! The winner is Gerhart! Who else wishes to challenge him?!" Qold spoke out.

The other Goblin Commanders looked at each other. They knew how strong Grenakx was. In unarmed combat, he was undoubtedly one of the best in the tribe, and they didn't have the confidence to win against him, yet the human won so easily!

Combined with his control over the Golden Demon and his regal presence as if facing a Goblin Lord, they were convinced!

Seeing as none stepped forward, Qold stepped forward and addressed the crowd. "Gerhart has proven himself strong enough to become our Warchief and remains unchallenged! He is now our new Warchief!"

The goblins looked at Gerhart and thumped their chest, a sign of respect. Even Grenakx thumped his chest.

Seeing this, Qold nodded and turned to Gerhart, "The tribe has accepted your strength, but tradition must follow. To consolidate your rule, you must participate in a crowning ceremony."

"Crowning ceremony?" Gerhart had a strange look.




After sunset, the tribe lit bonfires, cooking skinned carcasses over the fire and wildly dancing.

At the center of the village, Gerhart awkwardly sat on a stone throne, wearing a fur coat and bone crown, yet the rest of his body lay bare except for a loincloth. To him, it looked ridiculous.

"This is probably the most ridiculous get-up I ever wore in both lives." Gerhart warily thought.

"You don't look too happy, my lord," Havre commented.

"You still get to wear your regular clothes, but I feel like a clown on a pedestal," Gerhart whispered, not wanting to hurt the goblins' feelings.

"I feel you look majestic, my lord." Havre smiled.

"I also think so, my lord. You look like a mighty Warchief." Tivnirx, who stood on his other side, added.

"..." Gerhart refused to comment.

"It appears you are somewhat dissatisfied." Qold walked over with her staff as a walking stick. "It must be difficult to accept goblin traditions as a human."

"It is fine. As long as I can safely rule this tribe." Gerhart waved his hand.

"I see. But do enlighten me, why do you wish to rule us goblins? Aren't you a human? Don't you know goblins are difficult to control for long?" Qold curiously asked.

"I have enough confidence in myself and feel that goblins have a high potential," Gerhart replied.

"If you say so," Qold replied. "But there is one final part for you to be fully accepted as our Warchief." As she said that, a glint flashed in her eye.

"Hah? What? Do I need to go out and kill a hegemon or something?" Gerhart asked.

"While it would showcase your prowess and further consolidate your rule, you don't need to do that. Instead, it is much simpler. You must take several concubines and prove your prowess as a man and sire heirs." Qold said with a rare playful smile on her seductive countenance.

"... What?!"




Sometime later, Gerhart found himself in the deceased Crird's tent, facing three of five female Goblin Commanders, only excluding Tivnirx and Qold.

"Oh boy... Am I going to be a goblin fucker? Is it wrong I feel they are hot?" Gerhart felt complicated.

Unfortunately, the hungry females didn't give him much of a choice as they seductively crawled over, revealing their voluptuous and toned bodies.

A new battle was about to start!

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