Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 44 – Nip the problem in the bud. I’m rich!

Chapter 44 – Nip the problem in the bud. I’m rich!

Leaving the second catch of the day with the others, Gerhart quickly strode toward the center of the village, where he found Asher welcoming and chatting with the merchant. Gerhart recognized him as the one who brought him from Auchendale.

The two men traded merchandise brought by the villagers, trading locale produce for necessities. However, one particular merchandise was different. They were two handsome male slaves in robes. One was a well-built blond man, and the other had a slim black-haired youth.

Of course, the first thing Gerhart did was check the merchant and two slaves. The merchant was mediocre, a D-rank, but the two guests were monstrous.

Name: Calvin Alphonso La Grace
Race: Human
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Level: 2(Incomplete)

Skills: (+)

Base Stats:


Secondary Stats: (+)



{Unique Talent - Elite Knight(Evolvable): Improves all physical stats and Aura, grants affinity toward Physical Skills, Aura Skills, All Weapons, Heavy Armor, Riding, and Mounted Combat. Can Evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Battle Instincts(Evolvable): Improves battle intuition, strategic fighting, terrain usage, and foreseeing enemy attacks and responding accordingly. Can evolve.}

{Unique Talent - Born Commander(Evolvable): Increases charismatic leadership, strategic thinking, and attention to detail. Can Evolve.}

That was the status of the blond one, likely from noble birth from his long name. Calvin could be said to be a perfect warrior. As for the other one-

Name: ???
Race: Human(?)
Age: 15-17(?)
Sex: Male(?)
Level: 1(?)

Skills: ???

Base Stats: Highest Stat Agility S(?)

Secondary Stats: ???



{Analysis Block(?): A talent that automatically blocks analysis talents and skills. Unknown.}

Gerhart was unable to see his full status. He had a talent that blocks analysis. Furthermore, when Gerhart analyzed him, the black-haired youth stared back at him.

"He sensed it?!" Gerhart mentally exclaimed.

It was evident that either the talent could track the one who analyzed him, or he had high perception and instincts.

Luckily, the young man didn't pay much attention and quickly lost interest.

"I'll talk with Asher later. Right now, I need to continue hunting." Gerhart thought and left.




After hunting two more times, Gerhart contacted Asher.

"Calvin and Ray are guests who arrived without my knowledge. I did not know they would come until they did." Asher helplessly said. "Calvin is the fourth son of a nearby knight household, while Ray is born to serfs attached to the Marquise that Calvin's family is affiliated to. They are both late-bloomers brought here without notification to protect them."

"Do you know Ray's talents?" Gerhart inquired.

"Somewhat. Ray hinted he has assassination-related talents." Asher explained.

"I see... Where will they eat tonight? Do they have a guesthouse?" Gerhart inquired.

"I arranged for them to live and eat with Thea and Fenja as their caretakers, and they will receive a warm welcome. Forgive me if you had designs over them." Asher apologetically said.

"It is fine. Thea and Fenja are both my Thralls, right?" Gerhart asked, recalling some of the names he heard from Havre doing her magic.

"Yes, they are. I specifically arranged for them for that reason." Asher reported.

"Good work. I need you to arrange something and nip a problem in the bud..." Gerhart narrowed his eyes.

If he let them grow, they would become the biggest thorn in his side. He had to deal with them NOW. And he had just the plan for it.




That night.

In one of the guest houses, moans and grunts came from the main bedroom. But soon, the voices stopped.

Sometimes later, Gerhart came to the window and opened the shutters. Looking at the two figures inside, sleeping while joined at the hip, Gerhart analyzed them.

Name: Calvin Alphonso La Grace

Status: Drugged(Aphrodisiac, Sleeping Drugs(High Dosage)), Fatigued, Coma.

Name: Thea Elkington

Status: Drugged(Aphrodisiac), Exhausted, Satisfied, Deep Sleep, Fertilized.

"Oh, wow... Atta go, lad, you did it in one go." Gerhart muttered, somewhat impressed.

Shaking his head, Gerhart walked inside the house unimpeded and entered the room.

"Thea, wake up." Gerhart shook the beautiful young woman pressed under the man awake.

"Mm... Hah? My lord..." Thea groggily woke up and looked at Gerhart. "My apologies for my shameful display..."

"It is fine. Push Calvin away and move." Gerhart ordered.

"Yes..." Thea said, pushing Calvin away with Gerhart's help.

After covering Calvin's lower side with a blanket, Gerhart put the funnel he brought inside Calvin's mouth, cut his wrist, and poured blood inside, forcing him to drink it.

"Sorry. We didn't even exchange a word, did we? But don't worry, we will have plenty of time to talk in the future." Gerhart talked to the unconscious man, his eyes shining silver.

Calvin Alphonso La Grace has converted successfully.

With one down, Gerhart removed the drugged state, but he remained asleep, so he continued toward the other house.

However, when he arrived at the window and looked inside, he was astonished. He saw that the young lad was deep asleep while the woman was touching herself beside him.

Name: Fenja Elkington

Status: Drugged(Aphrodisiac), Virgin(Hymen Intact), Sexually Frustrated, Ovulating.

It was clear that Ray was not as sturdy as Calvin, and his drug tolerance was lower. It made him unable to eat the ready and willing meal before him.

"Ah... I should have given him a smaller dose..." Gerhart guiltily thought.

Just then, Fenja noticed Gerhart and bit her lips, touching herself even more. It was a clear invitation.

"Eh... Who am I to say no?" Gerhart thought and entered the house.

Gerhart and Fenja had fun for the next ninety minutes, forgetting Ray was comatose beside them.


"Thank you for blessing me with your seed, my lord." Fenja, sweating and tired, lovingly rubbed her stomach.

"Right... Don't mention it." Gerhart shook his head, dressed, and started converting the poor lad.

Ray has converted successfully.

Gerhart then cleared the drugs from his body and left, feeling lethargic.

He didn't know that Ray woke up ten minutes later and saw the tired and sweat-covered body next to him and suddenly felt satisfied.

"I finally became a man!"




The following day-

After morning training and a light lunch, Gerhart finally had time to talk with the two recruits in Calvin's guest house.

"My liege." "My lord." The two men lowered their heads.

"No need for formalities. I apologize for drugging and converting you like that. Believe me, I would prefer doing it peacefully." Gerhart earnestly said.

"No need to apologize, my liege. We are honored to enter your service." Calvin thumped his chest.

"My lord, I was a serf all my life. Entering under your service is a blessing." Ray hurriedly added.

"Hm." Gerhart nodded. "So, tell me about yourselves."

"I am the fourth son of the La Grace family. I was originally an untalented child destined to be married for benefits, but I was lucky enough that my continued efforts in training made me awaken as a late bloomer." Calvin said with some pride.

"I don't have much to say... I am the unremarkable eldest son of a serf family and was supposed to continue being a serf. Luckily, I had the fortune to awaken." Ray played with his fingers.

"I see... I trust you both received Magic Stones?" Gerhart asked.

"Yes, my liege. I received Magic Stones under loan to help me reach a high level." Calvin said.

"Me as well..." Ray said.

"Under a loan? Does that mean you need to pay it back?" Gerhart inquired.

"Yes. I am in a 50,000 Silver Coin debt to the crown. " Calvin said.

"I am at a 60,000 debt. I used 10,000 to compensate my family for raising me." Ray warily said.

"Do you need to render some service?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"Once our initial training is complete, we will be assigned to more specialized units for further grooming. I will likely join the military as a seeded commander or join the king's royal guard. Meanwhile, Ray will likely join a covert unit." Calvin explained.

"I see..." Gerhart rubbed his chin. "Is it fine if I take your resources? I promise to raise you to level 50."

"Please help yourself, my liege." Calvin readily, almost eagerly, agreed.

"It is okay with me as well," Ray said.

"Good. Bring the crates to me tonight." Gerhart said and left.




That night, Gerhart received four crates filled with 2,000 magic stones each, placed next to the Statue of Conquest. Unlike himself, Calvin and Ray received 2,000 additional Magic Stones from level 11 to 30.

"Havre, begin the offering," Gerhart said.

"Yes." Havre nodded and began operating the Statue, offering the Magic Stones.

Gerhart looked as many strands of black energy seeped out of the Magic Stones and entered the Statue.

"How fast is the rate?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"Approximately 10 points a second, my lord," Havre said.

"Hm." Gerhart nodded and waited.

A bit later, he saw black energy flowing from the Statue and into himself.

"Hey, can you two see the black energy thing entering me?" Gerhart pointed at the energy in the air.

"I can see it because of my connection to the statue," Havre said.

"I can't see it." Hope shook her head.

"So, to outsiders, they wouldn't perceive the energy?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"Most won't. However, some exceptionally talented individuals might have the means to sense it." Hope said.

"Noted." Gerhart nodded and turned to Havre. "Do you need to stay there to continue operating it?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"No. Once I designated the offerings, the Statue will continue absorbing energy until it is full. However, there are certain exceptions. The energy will go to a higher grade Statue if connected. If not, it will go to you if in range." Havre explained.

"But what happens if it absorbs beneficial talents we don't have yet?" Gerhart curiously asked.

"I believe you will receive a warning, questioning if you wish to absorb it. After all, you will be incapacitated once the blessing begins. If you are not in range, it will go to the Envoy if they don't already possess the talent." Hope said.

"Hm... I see..." Gerhart muttered. "Oh, well. Let's go to sleep and let it finish by itself."

And so, the trio went to sleep.




The next morning-

Gerhart woke up to a naked Mousey kissing him, so he got into the mood and had a quick morning session with her.

After the steamy act, Gerhart checked the gains from the night.

Energy: 297,303

"HAHAHAHA! I'm rich! Fucking rich!" Gerhart maniacally laughed in his mind.

Even if he deducted the points needed to raise Calvin and Ray to level 50, Havre's talent repair, and subjugate the village, he would easily have over 200,000. That was more than enough for many things!

"Perhaps I can grant their talents to myself..." Gerhart thought.

The talents of late-bloomers were bound to be powerful, and he was especially interested in Ray's analysis blocking.

Smirking to himself, Gerhart and Hope got up from bed, quickly dressed, and went outside the village where Hauke, Greta, and Heiner were waiting.

"Well, you took your sweet time," Hauke smirked with a knowing look, the other two having similar expressions.

"Hahaha... Sorry." Gerhart awkwardly laughed.

They then headed out and continued hunting in the inner forest for food.

Not all monsters in the inner forest were desirable foodstuff, one of them being a humanoid ape-like creature known as an Antler Troll, a D-rank monster with fast regeneration rates. Its three eyes and blood are expensive alchemical ingredients used for healing potions.

Usually, the hunters would extract the ingredients if they killed one. But this time, Gerhart absorbed it all, gaining two much-coveted talents.

{Intermediate Talent - Natural Regeneration: Improves the speed at which the body regenerates injuries and blood.}

{Unique Talent - Limb Regeneration: Allows the body to regenerate lost body parts but not vital organs and improves regeneration rate.}

"Finally! Losing so much blood has made me dizzy as hell." Gerhart sighed in relief.

Just then, Hope suddenly alerted Gerhart. "Gerhart, I feel something dangerous is approaching!"

"Something dangerous?" Gerhart immediately became alert. "How dangerous?"

Until now, there was nothing Hope considered dangerous. It was a first. This made Gerhart immediately serious.

"It is slightly dangerous. I feel we might suffer injuries." Hope said.

"Oh," Gerhart uttered, his tension lowered.

"Woof! Woof!" [Master! I smell a group of goblins!] Farus warned.

"Goblins? The danger you sensed is goblins?" Gerhart was taken aback.

"It might be a goblin warband. If one forms, it means one of the goblin tribes gained enough power to support it, or perhaps several." Hauke said.

"Well, that's not good... We should destroy it before it becomes a mega tribe." Gerhart decided. "We will fight the warband.

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