Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 37 – Simplified Analyze Status(Self)(Evolvable)

Chapter 37 – Simplified Analyze Status(Self)(Evolvable)

"Hm... I will name you Farus." Gerhart decided.

"Is there a reason behind the name?" Hope asked.

"Yeah, I know a guy named Farus. He was quite the greedy bootlicker, picking on the weak while worshipping the strong. I thought it would thus be a suitable name for a bootlicking dog." Gerhart explained with a malicious grin.

It was the name of his mine manager from his previous life, a greedy bastard who would bully the slaves and embezzle money. But when he faced a superior, he would treat them better than his parents and offer bribes.

"Pft... My lord, you have an evil sense of humor." Havre stifled a laugh.

"Farus, hah? I sincerely wish you will show more backbone when facing the enemy from now on." Hope said with an amused grin.

"Awo?" Farus tilted its head, not understanding anything.

If it knew the origin of its new name, it would likely weep.

"Hm... Now then, let's see what talents you have." Gerhart muttered and petted Farus.

Thrall: Farus's worthy qualities:

Talent - Survivalist: 200
Talent - Bully: 100
Talent - Beginner Olfaction: 9
Talent - Intermediate Danger Perception: 100
Talent - Intermediate Intimidation: 10

"Yeah, those are the talents and skills of one who bullies the weak and fears the strong." Gerhart thought. "But on second thought, they are also practical. It wouldn't have survived this long without them."

Gerhart remembered that evolutions can improve a creature's base stats and talents. Curious, he asked Hope. "Hey, Hope. Can I help it evolve?"

"Indirectly, yes. Depending on the race and talents, they would evolve after their base stats and level reach a certain point." Hope said.

"I see... then I will refrain from blessing it for now.

A Dire Wolf was an E-rank monster. Although strong, it was still tamable. But if it became a D or C-rank monster, it would be a different story.

"Farus," Gerhart said to his new pet.

"Wawu!" Farus straightened itself.

"Find prey," Gerhart ordered.

"Woof!" Farus barked in acknowledgment and sniffed the ground.

After ten seconds, it started walking in a direction.

"Follow it," Gerhart said.

The trio followed Farus for a minute until they found a boar.

"A boar, hah? It would do." Hope nodded.

"Farus, can you hunt it?" Gerhart asked while pointing at the boar.

"Wow!" Farus barked and eagerly charged at the boar.

The boar noticed the calf-sized Dire Wolf charge at it and got filled with dread. If it was a regular wolf, the boar would fight it, but a Dire Wolf was faster, bigger, and more powerful, able to cut through the dense defenses of its hide and muscles like it was nothing.

What happened next could only be described by Gerhart as a one-sided slaughter. Farus first bit and clawed at the boar's hind legs before climbing on top and biting its neck.

"Woof!" Farus stood on the boar's carcass, its mouth bloody, declaring victory.

"Good job, Farus." Gerhart smiled and petted the wolf.

Farus closed its eyes, its tail wagging in contentment at being praised.

"My lord, we should disembowel and bleed the boar quickly before it starts to rot." Havre reminded.

"Right. Let's do that." Gerhart nodded and was about to field-dress it.

"My lord?! I will do it. Please, don't lower yourself to do such dirty work." Havre quickly stopped him.

"Ah. Yeah. Please, help me with it." Gerhart stopped himself, realizing he slipped into a habit from his previous life.

As Deadmeat, he lost count of the carcasses he had to disassemble and field-dress to the point he got too used to it.

Gerhart used the rope they brought to tie the boar to a large branch they found, and he and Hope carried it on their shoulders while Havre and Farus guarded them.

After trekking for several miles, they returned to the village. At the fortified entrance, Gerhart saw two women. The first was Albatia, who lightly smiled when she saw Gerhart but pretended not to know him. The other was a herculean woman about his size in her late twenties with a halberd. Gerhart found her a good-looker, but she was more handsome and heroic than beautiful.

"Kerry, Albatia! We returned with some game." Havre greeted the two guards.

"Havre, glad you returned safely." Kerry tenderly smiled at Havre and then looked at the others. Her eyes lit up when looking at Hope but dimmed when looking at Gerhart. When she saw Farus, however, she frowned. "A Dire Wolf? I don't remember anyone taming one recently."

"Gerhart tamed it. It is very tame and obedient." Havre explained.

"Farus, sit and say hello," Gerhart said.

"Woof! Woof!" [Hello, master's bitch and scary weird female!] Farus sat and barked.

"Thank the gods they can't understand it." Gerhart had cold sweat on his forehead.

"Hoh... Either your taming talent is superb, or it is intelligent and afraid enough to follow you. Otherwise, even if you saved its life, it wouldn't be grateful enough to become a pet." Kerry commented.

After scrutinizing Farus, she nodded and made her decision.

"Albatia! Fetch the beast collar and restrainer." Kerry ordered.

"Yes, Captain." Albatia walked into the village.

"Havre, you and the pretty Mousekin can bring back the game. It would spoil if left alone for too long." Kerry motioned toward the village. "The guest will stay with the Dire Wolf for now."

"Okay. Thanks, Kerry." Havre said.

Havre and Hope took the boar and carried it back to the village. Several minutes later, Albatia returned with a sturdy-looking collar, a leash, and a mouth restrainer.

"Put them on your new pet. If it causes any trouble or harms anyone, you are solely liable for it. Understood?" Kerry sternly warned.

"Yes, understood." Gerhart nodded and tied the collar and restrainer on Farus.

Kerry sternly watched Gerhart putting the collar and restrainer on Farus, her hand clenching her halberd in case the beast attacked. But she relaxed her grip when she saw that Farus obediently let Gerhart put the restrainer on it while wagging its tail.

"I am surprised. I prepared to cut it down if it showed resistance, but luckily, I was mistaken. It is rare for a wild Dire Wolf to be so obedient." Kerry gave an appreciative smile.

"I am just lucky Farus is a smart boy," Gerhart replied while petting Farus. He then extended a hand. "I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? I'm Gerhart, nice to meet you."

"I am Kerry, the captain of the village watch. Nice to meet you as well." Kerry said and shook Gerhart's hand.

Despite Gerhart's increased strength, endurance, level, and talents, Kerry made Gerhart feel a tinge of pain from her grip.

"What a hearty handshake! I guess I can squeeze a bit harder." Gerhart decided to use more strength.

"Oh? You have strong arms. As expected from someone Thomas praised." Kerry commented, impressed, and let go. "Sorry for testing you out of the blue. I wanted to see how strong you were."

"It is fine." Gerhart retracted his hand.

"I hear Havre is living with you, right?" Kerry suddenly asked.

"Yes, she is. Is that a problem?" Gerhart asked back.

"On the contrary. Havre looks the happiest I can remember in recent years, so I am happy for her." Kerry smiled. "She is a good girl, so please try not to hurt her."

"I will do my best." Gerhart smiled back.

"Good to hear." Kerry nodded. She then leaned forward and whispered. "Hey, just wondering, are you the jealous type?"

"Depends on what," Gerhart replied.

"Do you mind if Havre sleeps with other girls while staying with you? That is the crux of my question." Kerry said with an uncomfortable look.

"Why ask me?" Gerhart raised an eyebrow.

"Some guests don't mind, but others do, so I ask beforehand. The lesbian community in this village is small as it is, and Havre is one of the best girls here, you see..." Kerry pursed her lips.

"I'm okay with it, no worries. I already consented." Gerhart reassured.

Gerhart didn't mind his women having fun with other women on the side as long as he had the final say, ideally letting him in on the action. As for side women like Irene and Albatia, he didn't see a problem letting them marry someone and live a regular life. What was he supposed to do? Lock them up in a harem palace after a few nights and let them rot? He only had one member and a pair, so he had to know his limits.


"It would be difficult to enthrall you otherwise." Gerhart thought as he looked at the lebian guard captain.

"Thanks! I am glad you are one of the understanding types." Kerry smiled.

"Gerhart, Kerry, we're back!" Havre and Hope returned.

"Ah, Havre. Can you bring Gerhart and Farus to the kennels?" Kerry requested.

"Sure. Thanks for help." Havre smiled at Albatia and Kerry.

"It is what we do. Take care." Kerry nodded and returned to her post.

With that settled, the trio entered the village with Farus in tow, soon arriving at a shed-like building. Inside, there were several thick wooden cages. Although not foolproof, it was enough to restrain an F or E-rank non-magical monster.

"Woo..." Farus let out a depressed whimper, looking at Gerhart with puppy eyes.

"Sorry, Farus. You need to stay here for now." Gerhart removed the restrainer and put the oversized puppy inside the cage.

"Here, Farus. Some water for you." Hope placed a bowl of water in the cage.

"Don't worry, Farus. The hunters will evaluate you by the end of the day. After you prove yourself, they will give you more freedom." Havre reassured and locked the cage.

"We will be back soon. Don't attack anyone." Gerhart ordered.

"Woof!" [I won't hurt a fly!] Farus barked.

After this exchange, the trio left the kennels, had a light lunch with Asher's family, and then Gerhart and Havre went to the Massage Room, where a beautiful woman around Irene's age waited. She had a similar figure to Irene's but looked more lively and bold, unlike Irene's soft and educated demeanor. She also wore more jewelry, accentuating her beauty.

"So Bonnie's father liked women with big tits and wide childbearing hips, hah? I can't blame him." Gerhart thought.

"Gerhart, meet Libby, our Jeweler, Enchanter, and Item Appraiser. Libby, this is Gerhart, our first guest this year." Havre introduced.

"Well, hello, handsome~. Gerhart, was it? I'm Libby, Irene's best friend, and Timmy's mother." The woman introduced herself while unabashedly looking Gerhart up and down. "Oh, I can work with that~," She bit her lips.

Being part of the frustrated women's club in the village, seeing a young and muscular man her best friend recommended was a mouthwatering offer. Even if not for making a child, she would gladly ride on him if it meant satisfying her pent-up urges.

"Yes, I'm Gerhart. Nice to meet you, Libby." Gerhart smiled.

"Likewise. Irene sang high praises of you, you know? That you blew her mind with how good you were." Libby suggestively smiled, placing a finger on her lips. "It makes me want you to play with me with your big, strong, mmm~ Hmhm~."

"Now I wonder what Irene told her." Gerhart thought, liking Libby's flirting.

"I'm glad I could satisfy her. So, you want me to massage you?" Gerhart asked.

"Yes, I do. While Havre's massages are superb, I prefer a big, manly guy like you to do it." She said and turned to Havre with an apologetic look. "No offense, sweetheart."

"None taken." Havre waved her hand.

"Just a fair warning, I never massaged before." Gerhart reminded.

"I already know, but I still want to try. Consider me a practicing target." Libby happily pointed at herself. "But having Havre here to overlook things is reassuring."

"We have two hours until I need to pick Timmy up, so let's not waste any more time. Okay~?"

"Right." Gerhart nodded.

Without feeling shame, Libby undressed herself naked, revealing a body that didn't lose to Irene's, and lay on the massage bed. "I'll be in your care, hun~." She said, relaxing her body.

"Okay... Time to test those new skills..." Gerhart picked up the scented oil container and got to work.




Initially, Gerhart obediently gave Libby a massage, finding pesky knots and undoing them, but later continued by giving her a happy end until she was like a boiled shrimp. Before she could gather herself, he plunged into her repeatedly while activating his dominating touch. Like a spider wrapping a paralyzed prey while shooting his venom inside her, he wrapped layer upon layer on her until-

Libby Elkington has converted successfully.

"Hue... My Husband~ No more~..." Libby muttered with a silly look, twitching on the massage bed in a weird position, white venom dripping between her legs.

"Well, that was too easy." Gerhart thought, sitting on a chair while Havre knelt in front of his crotch, her head bobbing up and down while touching herself. "Letting me massage them is like fighting with their hands tied behind their back. Although it is the most efficient way to get what I want, I should try doing things without the initial message and use it on the go. I will test it on Hope tonight."

And then, his thoughts shifted to Libby's talents and skills.

Thrall: Libby Elkington's worthy qualities:

Talent - Beginner Item Appraisal: 10
Talent - Intermediate Jewel Smithing: 100
Talent - Beginner Enchanting: 10
Skill - Intermediate Jewel Smithing: 10
Skill - Beginner Enchanting: 1

Gerhart had no interest in jewel smithing, but enchanting and Item Appraisal were worth his attention. Enchanting was the way to make magical items, and Item Appraisal was a talent to view the details of items. It was only 21 points in total, so he took them all.

The result-

{Massage Table: A wooden table with an insulated mattress built for massages. Sturdy enough for more intense activities.}

{Scented Massage Oil: Seed oil mixed with flower extracts. It moisturizes the skin and is a good lubricant for sensual acts. It leaves a slightly sticky feeling, stains clothes, and might cause a slippery floor.}

{Human Female: A female of an enlightened and populous mammalian humanoid race inhabiting this world.}

Gerhart found that the Item Appraisal could appraise objects and people, but it gave an objective, generic appraisal.

"Luckily, Item Appraisal is an uncommon talent only one in a thousand have, and only Libby has it in the village. Otherwise, it would be problematic if someone detected Irene's aphrodisiac." Gerhart thought.

Although he was uncertain whether this talent could perceive the aphrodisiac, caution is necessary.

And then, Gerhart's thoughts shifted to Libby's son, Timmy, who had the talent he coveted. "Finally, I can get that talent... But first..." His eyes moved to Havre, diligently cleaning him.

"Havre, I'm getting close. go harder, please." Gerhart requested.

"Slurp* Mmm... With pleasure, my lord~. Haum..." Havre upped her pace.

Soon, Gerhart reached his limit and released it in her mouth, and Havre devotedly drank it all, not letting a drop go. At the same time, her body shivered. When done, she carefully cleaned him with a towel and hot water.

"Havre, tell me, don't you want to do it? I am surprised you didn't suggest it until now." Gerhart said while Havre cleaned him.

"I would be overjoyed to give you my purity, my lord. However, I wish to save it for a special occasion." Havre smiled and looked Gerhart in the eyes, desire in her eyes. "As I am now, I am a half-baked Sword Saint, so taking my chastity now would be a waste. Wouldn't it be more pleasing and memorable for you to take my purity when I am a full-fledged Sword Saint?" 

"Taking the virginity of a true Sword Saint? The type of existence even my previous masters called a monster?" Gerhart blinked his eyes, imagining such an achievement.

"Ah~ You got a bit harder~," Havre delightedly said. "Would my lord like me to clean it again?"

"As tempting as it is, I have another talent to get. We'll continue later." Gerhart said and got up. "Libby, if you finished resting, you should get up. Timmy is waiting for you."

"Yesh..." Libby muttered, forcing herself to get up.




In Irene's home-

"Uncle Gerhart can make me stronger?" Timmy's eyes shined like stars.

"Yes. It is a wonderful power. But you must keep it secret." Libby smiled and explained to her son.

"Can I be a hero like in those stories?!" Timmy asked, taking his mother's words for a fact.

As a five-year-old child, he has yet to develop the necessary means to reason and suspect. That doubled for his mother.

"If you have the talent, I don't see why not." Gerhart walked over and knelt.

If Timmy showed the talent of a heroic figure, Gerhart would invest in him. As a conqueror, he felt a drive to bring out and develop the skills of his subjects. Even if not, he could improve his talent a bit.

"Okay!" Timmy readily agreed.

With his consent, Gerhart placed a hand on him and converted him. Timmy showed no resistance, accepting the warmth he felt.

Timmy Elkington has converted successfully.

"My lord!" Timmy opened his eyes and said in adoration.

"Just call me uncle." Gerhart smiled and greedily checked Timmy's talents

Thrall: Timmy Elkington's worthy qualities:

Talent - Simplified Analyze Status(Self)(Evolvable): 1
Talent - Beginner Deep Mana Reserves: 10

"Hm? No Animal Communication? Right, I probably have it. Simplified Analyze Status(Self) sure is cheap, though..." Gerhart thought. But soon, he noticed something. "Wait... Evolvable?!"

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