Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

Chapter 317: Relying on Mommy Dearest

Quite frankly, Zane had been so busy these past two years that he had rarely spoken with his mother during them. Once every few months, she would speak to him. But they would not chat for long as he was so focused on dealing with the blood crystals in Seoul.

The fact that now of all times she had decided to speak up meant she probably had some idea in mind about how to deal with Tabitha. And because of that, Zane was quick to ask his mother what she thought about this predicament of his.

"Mother, I'm sorry, but you know I have been busy. But the thing is, your timing is a little too perfect, because I currently have a problem that I need help with… I need some advice…"

While Death's voice seemed upset that her only son had been neglecting her recently. She still offered her support, nonetheless. Of course, that did not mean she didn't have a few choice remarks for Zane in between her words of wisdom.

"Well, obviously, why do you think I reached out to you right now? The relationship between you and that freak is not one that will easily be undone. If you do something stupid, like walk out on her, there will be hell to pay.

Honestly, that's what you get for agreeing to stay away from your mother for two whole years! But alas, you're a big boy, and are capable of making your own decision. Even if the consequences of those foolish decisions might be severe."

Zane could only sigh. He understood now that his mother was not going to let this matter go. And because of this, he was quick to put on an act which he knew she was waiting for. Even if it was deeply embarrassing to do so.

"Mommy… Please! I screwed up! Please don't be so mean!"

Despite knowing that her son was deliberately putting on an act to appeal to her sensibilities as a mother who had been forcefully kept away from her son during his formative years. Death couldn't help but fall for the act.

After all, upon hearing her son call her "mommy" for the first time, even if it was now that he was an adult. She felt her heart skip a beat. Or she would have if she was a being of flesh and bone that actually had such a thing.

Either way, she was quick to sigh, and forget any petty anger she may have had towards the man as she broke down on the spot and gave in to his request without putting up much resistance to begin with.

"Okay, fine… Since you're asking so politely, I suppose I have no choice but to help. I mean what kind of mother would I be if I left my only son to the will of a crazy woman! But Zane, you should know that what I'm about to do is only a temporary measure. It is merely meant to buy you enough time to become powerful enough to subjugate her.

Sooner or later Tabitha will come looking for you. And when she does, hell will follow with her. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Zane instantly broke out into a smile when he heard his mother agree to help him. And because of this, he doubled down on his childish façade.

"I understand, thank you! Mommy is the best!"

He didn't realize it when he said it, but his mother was standing right behind him. Having instantly travelled from the bunker in Gravestone to his side. Where she pulled on his ear and scolded him for taking advantage of her good will.

"You little brat! You've discovered your mother's weakness, huh? I might have to blank this from your memory after I'm done with that crazy bitch! Where is she?"

Zane didn't even have time to answer, as Tabitha kicked down the door to his room. Seemingly detecting the presence of another woman the moment she appeared. There was a crazed look in her eyes as she leaped at Death as if she was some kind of jaguar, all while screaming at her in a crazed tone.

"He's mine! You will not take him from me! You bitch!"

However, before Tabitha came close to even scratching Death. The woman simply raised her hand and sighed. Freezing Tabitha midair as she spoke to her.

"Tsk tsk tsk… Oh little Tabitha, did you really think that in your current state I would simply let you do with my son as you please? This is going to hurt only a little bit. But when you finally wake up from your little slumber, do remember that I will be watching you closely!'

After saying this, Tabitha's flesh began to turn to stone, much in the same way her undead horde had been petrified before Zane broke them down for their blood crystals. Tabitha's eyes looked as if they were about to tear up while she pled with death to be with her son.

"No! Little brother! Please don't go!"

Zane could only avert his gaze, feeling guilty by leading on the mentally ill woman for the better part of two years. In the end, she fell from the air, and hit the ground. Her body completely turned into an impenetrable stone like substance.

Once Tabitha was no longer an issue, Death turned around and faced Zane. The look on her face was that as if she were disgusted in Zane's behavior. And she was quick to voice this sentiment while faking a tear.

"My baby boy turned out to be such a playboy! I'm such a terrible mother!"

Zane couldn't help but stare at the woman as if she had lost his mind. He once more thanked her before summoning his companions. At least those among them who were Death Knights, who had honestly been locked away in the void for so long that they almost had gone insane themselves.

With Gwen falling to her knees while panting and trembling as she spoke in a horrified voice about the experience.

So much darkness… Can't go back! Won't go back!"

The other Horde Kings beneath Zane's command seemed to be in a similar state. That is until they noticed Death staring at them with contempt in her eyes. Immediately after noticing this, they quickly snapped to attention, where Death sighed once more.

"Honestly… This is your own damn fault for taking on powers which you are not capable of dealing with. Now that I have temporarily frozen Tabitha. You lot are going to have to find your own way back to North America. If you even want to make such a move.

I wouldn't recommend it. The entire continent is embroiled in the civil war between the Fanatics and the Moderates. You're better off staying here in Asia, which is home to the fanatics. They are, after all, a little too busy on the other side of the world to pay attention to you all.

If you want my advice head west. I hear China is nice at this time of the year. Or whatever remains of it. Just whatever you do, don't go to Shanghai. Balthazar may be busy trying his best to takedown Lilith. But Ophelia remains within her domain.

Something tells me she won't be fighting Lilith herself any time soon. But if you want to do something stupid again. You're free to do so. Who am I to interfere? Now, I have to get back to watching over those girls of yours. After all, the only thing keeping those Horde Kings from eying your little plot of land is my presence."

Zane waved goodbye to his mother as she turned away and pouted. She seemed to have said something that he didn't hear as she entered the portal and disappeared. After which he turned to Gwen and the others with a relieved expression on his face.

"Well, now that Tabitha has been dealt with. How about we hit the road? I think we have been in Seoul long enough…."

With this, Zane, who now had the strength to contend with Tier II Horde Kings, and perhaps even low level Tier III Horde Kings would begin his journey once more.

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