DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 155: Bird in a Circus (1)

Chapter 155: Bird in a Circus (1)


"If you invest your time, talent, and resources, orphans around the world can have much happier and healthier lives."

- Beau Sides, (Unseen Tears: The Challenges of Orphans and Orphanages in China)


<{Haly's Circus, Gotham Park Row}>

<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"Please can you make some room for us to walk ma'am? We would be thankful if you could move out of our way and make some space for us." Julia politely requested in her slightly British accent while gesturing at one of the overenthusiastic reporters trying to interview me to step aside from before us. However, if anyone could see her face right now, they would be able to understand just how annoyed she truly was at the reporters as they were almost shoving her away to get closer to me, Helena, and Vicki.

"You know Julia, maybe you should just let them do what they want. All this makes me feel like some wannabe celebrity who considers themselves above the rest of the common filth and thus acts like an important and busy person in front of their fans. Perhaps the reporters will leave if I answer a few of their questions?" I said, not at all believing the words coming out of my mouth since I knew very well that these reporters were out for blood especially now that they have seen me with two extremely beautiful women by my side. They were most definitely going to do their very best to turn this situation into some sort of 'playboy trying to have a threesome by wooing two women at the same time' kind of situation... which if I were to be completely honest wouldn't be a bad way to end tonight. Anyway, the fact that Helena was the only living daughter of the person who was one of the most well-known and influential people in Gotham until a few years ago while Vicki was the most famous news anchor and reporter in the city, was only cream on top.

"You know very well that's not true, Bruce. These reporters might look and act desperate for an interview here but that is only because they are a bunch of sharks who have now gotten the smell of a hot scoop. You absolutely can't and won't give an interview here until we get it properly discussed and cleared through PR. Officially, we are here for a charity event and to show that Bruce Wayne has a humane side too which will be published tomorrow in all newspapers and news media that your company controls, not to create a scandal." Vicki aggressively whispered into my ears, warning me before adding, "God, I knew I shouldn't have come with you. Why the hell didn't I think that if you were seen with two different women by your side at the same time, it could evolve into a major problem? Gosh, I am an idiot! I am getting a massive headache just thinking about all the work I would have to put in later to clear this up."

"Yes, I agree with Miss Vale here, Plus, being surrounded by a bunch of reporters during the entire duration of the show will not be very much aligned with security protocols. So, please let me do my job, Bruce." Julia softly said, agreeing with Viki before signaling to the four Colony bodyguards behind me who were now temporarily under her orders to create a perimeter around me. "Hopefully, the circus officials will be enough to stop these reporters once we enter the tent. I am really hoping that they didn't buy tickets in advance."

'Oh, the cringe' I sighed as I saw my bodyguards shielding the three of us from the reporters and their flashing cameras as we walked into the large circus tent at the center of the park.

"Security for you, hahaha, if only you could be killed so easily by common hitmen. Killing you would be harder than assassinating the president. Even now, the three of us are wearing emergency forcefield generators embedded in our rings that according to you can save us from military-grade explosives." She chortled like she was high on drugs. "Also, it's almost laughable that we have to worry about things like public image, now that we have grown up. I think you need to work harder on getting your guys in the government if you want to declare polygamy legal, Bruce. Otherwise, I am not sure how you are going to marry so many girls without being labeled as a serial womanizer." Helena whispered into my ears, giving her own two cents with a wry smile on her face. "By the way, we should move fast considering that Bruce is the guest of honor here. The show is going to start any second and I do not want to miss the performance of the acrobats. I heard they are the best in the country."

Helena was right, none of us wanted to miss this. Haly's circus was one of the few remaining circuses in the country and considering that we had never seen an actual circus, all of us were pretty excited especially me since this was going to be my first circus in both of my lives. In fact, this was the only reason why I even accepted when the owner of the circus requested me as its guest of honor. Haly would be able to get some publicity for his circus because of my popularity while I would be able to enjoy an evening. Of course, I intended to donate some money to the show too if it impressed us enough while Vicki was planning on writing a couple of articles about the amazing circus and the equally amazing billionaire who loves to support such a circus. Win-win baby.

"Mr. Wayne, Miss. Vale and Miss. Bertinelli, welcome to our little circus. It's a pleasure for all of us to host three of the most well-known people in the city of Gotham. Thank you very much for accepting our request to be the Guest of Honor. Please, let me kindly guide you to your seats. They are the best in the house." Mr. Haly who honestly looked quite stressed said after hurriedly receiving us at the entrance while gesturing for the groundkeepers to stop the reporters and close the entryway.

"It's a pleasure for us to be here, Mr. Haly and please don't let our presence here distract you or your performers. Treat us just like you would treat the rest of your viewers. We are nothing special, just richer than most." I joked with a smile on my face while shaking the man's hands to relieve him from some of his stress before following after him toward our seats.

"So how long will the performance be, Mr. Haly? I was hoping to talk to some of your employees after this for my article and show tomorrow." Vicki asked while bringing a small digital camera out of her bag that also functioned as a voice recorder. 

"It will last about an hour and a half with the acrobatics performances and the tightrope walk scheduled at the latter half of the circus." He answered while handing her a small poster that contained a list of all the scheduled performances. "And yes, of course, you can talk with the performers. They will be happy to answer any questions you have about the circus... However, it seems that you will be meeting one of our performers even before we start." He said with a slightly confused look. "Dick, what are you doing here sitting on the seat for the guest of honor? Don't you have to prepare for your performance?" He grimaced at a boy of about twelve years who was sitting on one of the slightly larger empty chairs at the very front of the audience row.

"Hey, Mr. Haly. Sorry, I was bored, so I was wandering about. And no, I won't be performing today. I got a little hurt in my knees during practice, so Mom and Dad changed the routine for today's events. They will be performing their Special Duo act instead of our family act." The kid named Dick revealed with a slightly embarrassed look on his face like he was regretting getting hurt. 

The boy was dressed in a tight but brightly colored costume that looked like it was designed to attract attention. He was really young but even at that age, a trace of naturally growing muscles could be seen beneath his costume, making it apparent that he was one of the regular performers of the show. He even had a half mask covering his face to generate an additional sense of intrigue in viewers.

"... I see. *Sigh*" Mr. Haly released a frustrated sigh as he turned towards us with a pale face. "This is Richard Grayson or as we all fondly call him Dick Grayson. He is a member of the Flying Graysons, our most famous act. Normally, he is a part of the act as well, but I assure you that the show will be just as entertaining without him. His parents have been doing this from way before he was even born." Mr. Haly tried to reassure us. 

"Of course, we have no doubt about it." Helena was the one who answered while pinching the boy's cheeks. She loved children, maybe because they reminded her of her own childhood that got ruined years ago the night her family got slaughtered. "Since he won't be participating in the circus, maybe he can sit with us and tell us more about all the performances. I am sure he has a lot of interesting facts to tell us about this circus. What do you say, Dick?" She proposed.

"Yeah, sure." The little performer agreed without a single hint of hesitation, happy that he would not have to get bored while sitting alone. 

"Yes, that would be great. Dick can tell you all about our circus and I am sure he only has good things to say, don't you, Dick?" Mr. Haly gave the kid a pleading look at which Dick only chuckled and nodded his head.

'Dick Grayson? Where have I heard that name before?' I thought to myself as I tried to remember. Normally, I had an ideatic memory but that only worked with the knowledge I gained in this universe. As for memories of my previous life, I always had trouble remembering them for some reason. That's why I started keeping them hidden in my memory library in the first place so that I could not only protect them from prying eyes but also easily recall them whenever I needed them.

So, I immediately began to comb through those memories, trying to draw from my limited pool of DC lore knowledge about who Dick Grayson was supposed to be, and then after a few seconds of intense thinking, I finally remembered that name from one of the live-action shows and an old Batman movie I had once watched. 

"You are Robin?" I could not help but ask aloud.

"Oh yes, that is my stage name... or well, at least that's what my parents call me. I am the flying Robin." The kid answered with excitement as he went on to proudly talk about his parents who according to him were the best Trapeze performers in the world.


(A/N 1: Just to clear it up, in the last chapter, the MC has no idea that Pamela will become Poison Ivy in the future)

(A/N 2: Also, I haven't been able to update because I have been doing a small internship/part-time job in a company so that my college stops bothering me about getting more experience. That thing is finally over and hopefully, I can update regularly now... It's so good to be back. I can't wait to write more.)

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