Dawning Skye

Chapter 482

482 Her Fall(Part Three)


Skye grimaced at Karena; “Eew, no thank you. Ima perfectly happy wit the husband I have.”

“Maybe that was it all along: getting Tidas the crown.. You convinced those barbaric idiots in the Highlands that you were their ‘rightful Queen’. Guess you’ll have the whole of Alcon when you’re finally done. Or are your sights higher than that?”

Skye stared at Karena blankly, then asked; “So where do ya come up wit this stuff? Do ya read books? Or is this really what’s goin’ on inside that noggin of yers? Cause those be somethin’ ta talk to yer doctor about..”

Karena scoffed; “Of course you would deny it. You’re ‘the Goddess Eir sent to save the less-fortunate’. You would never admit to wanting the crown for yourself, but everything you do reeks of overreaching. You’ll never replace me. Magnus will ‘make an example of me’, but in reality: my time spent in that god-forsaken cell will be good enough..”

As if she didn’t look like a homeless person, Karena flipped her hair back, and said; “I am royalty, and Real royalty does not get more than a slap on the wrist. You just wait.. You Will regret this one day..”

Holding her chin up, Karena told her guards to escort her to her seat. They gladly obliged, wanting to get rid of her as fast as possible. As she strode away, Skye glanced between Shasta and Lawrence as she said; “I really need ta find out if she’s on any medications..”

“More like Should be,” Shasta mumbled, making Lawrence partially snort with restrained laughter.

Tidas shot them a disapproving expression, but they could tell that he was as amused as they were by the comment. However, he didn’t want to show it. Not with the vultures watching..


The nobles closest to them were already gossiping about ‘Tidas and Skye’s true ambitions’. It was ridiculous and based on nothing but Karena’s bullshit ramblings, but coupled with the previous rumors: Tidas and Skye were starting to look questionable..

“Why would a princess heal commoners for free, if not to win them over?”

Right?! And what about the prince spending his personal fortune to fund those schools and what not? That sounds like a publicity stunt to me..”

“I agree. There’s no way they’re giving away all of that for free. There’s got to be a catch!”

The nobles were practically screaming their theories and speculations at each other until a loud voice rang out; “If ya’ll really think that nonsense is true, then you southerners are far less intelligent than we Highlanders thought!”

As they peered through the crowds, Petrie came strolling up through the parting people. He was wearing a white dress shirt like most men at court, but he kept his kilt on and wore no jacket, which made most of the nobles cringe. The men and older women thought that he looked like a peasant, but a few of the women complimented him in hushed voices.

As he came to a stop in front of Skye and Tidas, even Shasta smiled and greeted him. Lawrence asked how she knew him, and she reminded him of Petrie’s participation in the Summer Games. He immediately recalled the spunky Highlander, and shook his hand.

“So what are ya doin’ here, Petrie? Dinna tell me that yer here as a spectator?” Skye asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

Petrie grinned mischievously; “Kinda, but I get a private seating.. King Magnus has invited me ta witness ‘southern justice’, as I like ta call it.”

“Why? He never lets others sit in on trials. That’s odd,” Tidas commented as he started to drift into his thoughts.

“Oi?! Dinna even try ta check out on me now, husband,” Skye said as she lightly smacked his shoulder; “The trial is gonna start any minute. We best take our seats before Magnus yells at us.”

With everyone in agreement, they all entered back into the trickle of people coming in for Karena’s trial. They were mostly the king’s councilors, Marie, a few choice aristocratic nobles, and a handful of diplomats. Petrie and Lawrence went to stand next to Genie, who was already seated near the front with a few seats reserved.

Tidas elected to stay by Shasta and Skye’s sides. Since he was the Commander of the RMC, he could get away with it. Karena stared daggers at the three as they crossed the room, and took their seats. As Skye looked around, she caught a slight shadowing to the ground in front of her, and knew that Maevis was most likely hiding within the chandelier above her.

She didn’t say anything, assuming that Maevis was invited like the others. But the elder Fae had never liked making small talk, and a few of the dignitaries present had been trying to get an audience with her for weeks. Ital’s representative being a main one.

His name was Antonio Russo, and he was an overzealous, chauvinistic drunkard who loved to talk too much. He had been trying to get either of the Fae representatives to discuss possible trade deals, but Nicolas was always gone, and Maevis was always busy. His actions and personality were ignored because as long as he was still in Alcon, the war hadn’t begun.

Maevis wanted nothing to do with the sycophants below her. She just wanted to watch the trial, and see how Magnus would handle her crimes. Thanks to the palace’s house brownies, she already knew what Draco was going to testify to..

‘The question is: what will King Magnus do?’

As the thought crossed Maevis’ mind, the king banged his scepter on the floor, and called for order in the room. He stood up, and walked to the edge of the platform his throne sat on. After taking a deep breath, Magnus spoke to the room..

“I have called this trial to order, to decide the fate of Princess Karena Garcia! First Princess of Meccano, and Crowned Princess of Alcon! Her crimes were thought to be few and simple, but those simple actions have created both disrespect, and threats towards the crown!”

“We will hear testimony from multiple witnesses, see evidence! And this trial will not end until I am satisfied with the outcome! It is our duty as nobles to fulfill our namesake! Karena will be judged by her peers and betters! And No One will contest my ruling! Is that clear?!”

As the room yelled their agreement, Karena shifted in her seat, then called out; “Crimes? I only tried to stab Skye. That’s hardly a crime. She’s not a Real royal, after all.”

A few of the nobles chuckled at Karena’s jab, but shut up the second that Magnus turned his head towards them. They thought that the trial was just a show for the general public, but as it went on, they realized that their chosen princess was in real trouble..

The first thing addressed was her attempted stabbing of Skye the few days before. There was little evidence because there were so many witnesses, but they didn’t even need to hear their testimony. Karena openly admitted to the crime, but claimed that Skye and Shasta had been bullying her for the past two years.

Magnus told her to prove it, and she tried to say Draco would vouch for her, but he turned out to be her main accuser. He started with explaining the many times that she had tried to poison Skye, but it never worked. She then tried to poison the dragon, to hurt Skye, but she had saved her instead.

As Draco piled on the stories, Karena was practically foaming at the mouth. It got to the point where Magnus ordered her restrained and gagged, just so he could hear the details of Draco’s experiences. He even spoke about all the rumors she had spread about Tidas and Skye over the years.

Marie shot up when Draco was covering his list of ones she had started. She mentioned what her friend Rose had told her, and Draco confirmed it. Karena had bragged about it the first day she was locked in her cell.

She thought that Draco had requested to be her guard to keep her safe, and to give her company. But she had realized after the third day that something was wrong. He wasn’t as chatty with her, and he would occasionally flash her a strange, dark smile when her tolerance reached it’s limits, and she would cry.

Seeing him air out all of her secrets to everyone right in front of her was both the most maddening, and the most painful thing she had ever experienced. When he got to her part in the Bibalow scandal, everyone was shocked. No one knew how she’d escaped her cell, and Draco had just told everyone that Karena had ordered him released.

Draco fully admitted that Marco had covered it up, but that it was because Karena had lied to him. Claiming that Angelica was her friend, and that Karena ‘just wanted to talk when she had overpowered her’. A few of the spectators argued about a personal guard who resented Karena for abusing him might not tell the truth, just to see his revenge play out.

As Draco listed crime after crime, Tidas thought about the legitimacy of their legal system. It was alright with his father as king, but he feared for the people’s rights and safety any time he thought about Marco being king..

There was a legal system, but it was like a house of cards: easily blown over with the faintest breeze. The king’s word was the final one, regardless if it was justified or not. Tidas always hated that about kings and queens.

They had no problem creating just-sounding laws and rules, but didn’t follow them themselves. Nobles bought their way out of any problems, and royalty was never held accountable for their actions unless they were disgraceful in public. Which is why Magnus’ hands were tied when it came to Karena..

“I’m sorry lass, but you’ve left me no choice but to send you back to your brother. I warned you, Karena, but you’ve forced the decision upon me. Karena Garcia: you are hereby stripped of your title as Crowned Princess of Alcon, and ordered to return to your brother in shame. May the gods grant you peace in your new life..”

Draco and two other guards walked over to unshackle Karena, and walk her back to her cell. She fought back like a mad person, but Draco was used to her hitting him. As they escorted her from the room, Skye looked at Tidas with a shocked expression as she said; “What the fuck?! W-What just happened?”

Tidas shrugged, but had a shocked look on his face as well as he replied; “Well.. I guess that’s a good way to get rid of a psychotic bridesmaid..”

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