Dawning Skye

Chapter 434

434 Dressing, Not Undressing


Tidas worried about Skye’s ominous feeling, but knew that they had no choice but to go. His father was depending upon them to solidify the treaty by presenting Zazzy to the Sai Senate. Genie had guaranteed that nothing would happen to them or Zazzy, but both he and Skye were still upset with him over his manipulation, and were having a hard time trusting him.

Genie was like an older brother to Skye, and a mentor to Tidas in their youth. He lived near Moonshire castle in the cotter’s village, and taught Skye on an almost daily basis. It did aggravate Tidas that Skye had told Genie about her powers and not him, but he was trying to not let that influence him.

Skye had told her husband that Genie had convinced her to keep her powers hidden, which she still believed turned out to be the right choice. Tidas agreed, but there was something off about his reasoning..

Jin Laos was a world renowned assassin and spy. When Tidas had learned about it as a kid, he had asked Genie to tell them stories. He kept the blood and gore out, despite Tidas’ protests, but the two had loved the stories. Right before Tidas had gone to chase after his uncle the first time, Genie had told him a story that was sticking out in his mind.

About before, and shortly after Jin Laos had arrived in Alcon..

Genie’s personal records that the senate kept on him had been leaked somehow, and he had publicly retired afterwards. The kingdoms couldn’t take action against him without revealing the circumstances of why they wanted him dead in the first place, so they publicly ignored it. He very rarely had to deal with assassination attempts due it, but enough to make him want a change of scenery at the time.

When his brother had told him of Lord Moonstone’s request for a tutor, he had taken it without another thought, and left shortly after that night. Only his family knew of his whereabouts at first, but one final attempt on his life had ended the threats for good..

A man had attacked him while he was with Skye, and she had nearly set off a trap that he had set. It would’ve killed her instantly, and Genie was furious that he had to reveal his magic to save her. After he had returned her home, Genie found the would-be assassin outside of the castle, hiding in a tall tree.


He had snuck up behind him inside the tree without so much as a twig snapping. As he held the dagger up to the man’s throat, Genie gave him two options..

“You go home and tell the Mu Family that if I see one more of you scurrying around, I WILL come out of retirement.. I hope they recall that I no longer serve a master.. Do your bosses really want a mad dog chasing after them to the ends of the earth?”

The assassin had turned pale and left the moment that Genie had released him, or so Genie had told Tidas. No one had bothered him after that, and Genie had been leading a wonderful, albeit occasionally boring life, ever since. He taught Skye, and spoiled her like a favorite little sister.

Tidas could understand that also being part of his motivation for telling her to hide her trait, but.. ‘There’s still something missing from all of this.. And I intend to find out what..’

As Tidas lost himself in his thoughts, Skye had asked everyone to leave the room so they could change. When Murdoc offered to help Skye out of her dress, Tidas snapped back to reality, and not-so-gently shoved him out of the room. After hearing his angry mutters, and the sound of Amara chiding him fading, Tidas turned back to his wife with a cheeky grin..

Walking up behind her as she started to unzip her pants, Tidas tried to slip a hand into the top of her shirt. Skye had loosened the first few buttons, then started on her pants as she zoned out. Only coming back when she felt Tidas’ searching hand on her flesh.

“And what do ya think yer doin’, husband? We dinna have time fer that. Not if ya wanna be in the banquet hall on time.”

Tidas searched his wife’s expression for a solid ‘no’, but the smile tugging at the corner of her lips told him that she wasn’t refusing him because she wanted to. Testing his theory; Tidas kissed her neck tenderly as he moved up to her ear, then gently nipped at her lobe. Hearing the soft, lazy moan escape her throat, he knew that she was in the same book as him, just not the same page..

‘Maybe a little coaxing will win her over?’

As the thought passed through his mind, Tidas reached inside her bra, and thumbed her taut nipple. Skye leaned back against him with a fluctuating face. He watched with amusement as she flitted back and forth between pleasure and being responsible..

Skye wanted to give in, but Magnus was already in a testy mood from Karena’s antics. As hard as she thought on it, Skye couldn’t recall ever seeing Magnus so angry before. Even when Tidas would pull pranks as a lad: she had Never seen such animosity on the king’s face.

Grabbing his wrist, Skye said; “Tis not like I dinna want you, husband. But Ima serious: we do not have time. Unless ya wanna risk bein’ on yer da’s shit list next ta Karena.”

Tidas huffed with obvious irritation; “I’ll stop if you want, but only if you let me at least enjoy hearing you call out my name..”

“We dinna have-”

“We don’t, but I can at least get you worked up for later,” Tidas replied, cutting Skye off as his other hand slid inside her partially pulled down pants.

As his finger rubbed against the fabric of her underwear, Skye lost all fight as she tried not to let her knees buckle. Tidas had instantly found her jewel, and began to polish it with building vigor. Right as she felt the tidal wave about to crest, a quick and familiar knock came from the door.

Tidas removed his hands right as Peggy came into the room with Skye’s dress, and his suit. It was a looser fit than a tux, but still nicely cut. Skye’s dress was a deep green color, strapless, and had a built-in corset. She didn’t really pay attention to Peggy, though..

Skye wanted to cry, the throbbing between her legs was hurting so bad. It was like daggers covered in needles were stabbing her from the inside out, and she wanted to scream at Peggy for her timing. As Skye tried to control her breathing, Peggy looked up and realized her state.

“Fer the love of the gods! Ye two have been alone fer what? Three minutes?! Ya knew I was comin’ back! I had ta put the ice cream back before it melted everywhere!”

Tidas wanted to laugh out loud, but knew that it would only irritate Peggy even further. As he stifled his laughter, Skye apologized to her for their behavior, then disappeared into the bathroom. When she came back out a moment later, Peggy helped her dress as they talked.

“Do the Highlanders have anythin’ appropriate ta wear tonight? I dinna know how the king will react to seein’ that red-headed woman in nothin’ but a kilt.”

Skye chuckled at Peggy’s remark; “Ya mean Amara? I doubt Magnus will say anythin’ ta her. It’s their traditional formalwear, Peg. And tis not like you can see much but her arms and legs. Yer too old-fashioned.”

“I believe the term is conservative, and I thought Amara looked fine,” Tidas commented as he came out of the bathroom.

Skye grinned ear to ear at her handsome husband. His suit complimented his muscular figure, and his dress shirt under the jacket matched her dress. As he ran his hand through his hair, Skye had to curve the throbbing feeling with her Shaman trait again..

“It really should be illegal fer you ta look that good. Ima gonna be chasin’ hussies away from ya all night,” she said as she lightly smacked his butt.

Tidas grinned mischievously at her; “Is it wrong that you being irrationally jealous is a turn-on for me?”

“Oh, fer the love of the gods. Get yer shoes on and go. Leave me be ta scrub the mental scars from me head in peace,” Peggy stated in a dramatic tone.

Seeing an argument brewing, Skye intervened; “Alright, that’s enough ye two! Peggy’s right: we need ta get a move on now, or we’re gonna get stuck in the crowds. Yer da wanted us there early so we could sit wit Murdoc, Amara, Petrie, and Wallace.”

“....Yay. More Murdoc.. I don’t mind the others, but does he have to sit with us? He’s starting to irritat me already..”

Skye chuckled at her husband; “Only cause ya take him seriously all the time.”

“He’s a king!”

“Oh, he’s Murdoc! He barely holds the title anyway. Ye saw how proficient the Highlander council is in resolvin’ matters.. Wish it was like that here.”

Tidas smiled; “That’s what my father’s advisors are for. They’re supposed to handle small matters, like the Highlander council does, but Marco handles most of it for them now. He’s kind of a control freak about it all. I can’t figure out when he has time to sleep, and that’s sayin’ something, comin’ from me..”

Skye shook her head in a disapproving manner; “Wouldna surprise me if he didn’t sleep. I think if he could, Marco would control everything for everyone. By the way.. What do ya think is up Karena? Did ya hear the rumors?”

Tidas grinned at her; “Gossip.. I think the capital has had a bad influence on you.”

“Oh shut it. I take it all wit a grain of salt, husband. But when multiple stories have a certain amount of commonality, there’s truth ta be found in it. Ima sussin’ that out now.”

Tidas chuckled; “You know, you’re starting to sound like a real courtier-”

“Dinna insult me, husband. Now what have ya heard?”

With his cheeky smile fading, Tidas replied; “That Karena is about to be sent back to Meccano, and that you should replace her as Queen.”

“WHAT?! Who said that Nonsense?!” Skye exclaimed with a mix of hostility and shock.

Tidas gritted his teeth; “Some of the RMC officers were talking outside of my office. They hadn’t seen me yet, and didn’t know I was there.. They said that you were the only logical candidate to be the next Queen.”

Skye barked a sharp, sarcastic laugh as she slipped her second shoe on; “Well, they be dumbasses not ta realize that means that you’d be made king..”

Tidas didn’t reply right away, which made her look at him. Seeing her husband’s balled fists and gritted teeth, Skye realized that they must not have mentioned him...

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