Dawning Skye

Chapter 425

425 Overbearing Vs. Overpowered


“What kind of cheap, low caliber material is this?! It’s one step up from burlap! What happened to the fabrics I ordered?! Why aren’t you using them?!” Karena screamed as she pushed passed Klaus.

The four women had literally rolled their eyes as soon as they heard her voice. Skye was expecting her to come and say something, but she didn’t think that she’d march down to her quarters as soon as she saw the materials.. ‘Does she have nothin’ else ta do but complain? Probably came now cause Shasta’s wit me. I think she kens not ta risk pissin’ Lawrence off again..’

As Shasta stood up with a low growl, Skye stepped between her and Karena; “Shasta didna want a red weddin’ dress. That’s somethin’ You would pick, not her. She likes yellows and oranges, not reds and purples, and I have No doubt that she made that perfectly clear to ya before ye bought them.”

“By the gods, your speech has become atrocious. Learn to talk properly before you address me,” Karena snipped, but Skye ignored her blatant attempt to piss her off.

Maevis fluttered forward with a surly expression; “What exactly is your issue with the material? It will nearly be fall when the wedding takes place, but we weren’t sure if it would be hot or cold. So we chose a versatile material with the colors that the Bride wanted. What could you possibly have to complain over? Tis not like yellow won’t be a flattering color against your skin tone, so what is it?”

Karena froze for a minute, not sure if the puny pixie had just complemented her or not. The words sounded semi-nice, but her tone and demeanor threw Karena off. As she stared at Maevis with a blank expression, Shasta huffed in irritation..

“Why did you come here, Karena? If it was just to complain, then leave. I just got into a good mood, and I don’t want you spoiling it. Just go..”

Karena snapped her head over towards Shasta; “How Dare you speak to me like that you mangy alley cat! I am the Future Queen of Alcon, not you! This is my palace! I will go where I please!”


“...By the gods, the level of yer audacity is bafflin’ to the mind,” Skye said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, then glared at Karena and continued; “You are as far from what a Queen should be as the poles of the planet are from each other! Ye are one of the most entitled lavvy heid I’ve ever met! A spoiled wee clipe like you should NEVER wear a bloody crown!”

“SHASTA is gettin’ married, not You! Do ya seriously have NOTHIN’ better ta do wit yer time than be a pain in everyone’s arse?! Ye got bairns! Go be a Mother! Be a wife! Just Don’t be a bother ta us!”

Karena was in furious shock as Skye tore into her. She partly spoke nonsense, but knew that they were insults based on the other’s reactions. No one had ever spoken to her in such a manner, not even Marco. He preferred to beat her physically rather than verbally, which was why the only thing she could think of to strike back with was a slap to her face.

Skye had simply leaned back to avoid it, and flashed Karena an unimpressed expression, which infuriated her even more. In a rage, she screamed like a child throwing a tantrum, then called out for Draco..

He came into the room in a rush with Klaus and Ronnie trailing after him. Kari had poked her head in, but saw Maevis mouth ‘get the king’ to her, so she took off at a run to fetch him. As Maevis felt a touch of relief, it vanished as she heard Karena say; “I want you to beat some understanding into these women! Beat them Bloody until they Beg me for my forgiveness!”

Draco sighed heavily; “I am sorry, Princess, but I cannot do that. I think we should return to your quarters, and-”

Before he could finish speaking, Karena had slapped Draco across the face, and screamed at him; “Do Not Talk Back To Me! I ORDERED you to teach them a lesson! Now do it before I have You beaten for disloyalty! NOW!”

“That’s enough, Karena!” Skye shouted as she pushed her away from Draco; “How Dare ya treat yer guard that way! Ye don’t treat workin’ people like that! Ye should thank him fer dealin’ wit yer crazy arse all these years, not hit ’em! What the fuck is Wrong with you?!”

Karena’s face was bright red with anger as she retorted; “You do not speak to me in such a manner! I am the Crowned Princess of Alcon! You Will respect my authority!”

Skye smirked; “What authority? Ta throw parties? Get off yer high horse! Ye do nothin’ fer the people you’ll one day be responsible for! Except treat them like shit! Ye wanna know what kind of a Queen does that? Not an enduring one! And wit the shite goin’ on wit yer brother? How stupid can ya be?!”

Karena was so angry that she was literally seeing red. Every time she turned around, Skye was there in one form or another. People compared the two of them constantly, and Karena was always the lesser of the two. Over a year of people preferring her over Karena had warped her into a hateful and cruel kind of monster..

Only unattractive older women were allowed to tend to Karena due to her habit of torturing the pretty young ones. She hated seeing the ever-increasing amount of wrinkles on her own face, and took out her frustrations on anyone she deemed pretty. Even the courtier women did things to appear less attractive whenever they knew that Karena would be around.

Skye found her level of vanity sickening. It was one thing to have self-confidence, but to be so vain as to hurt others over her own perceived flaws was insane. Skye assumed that Magnus never heard about the torture because of Marco, but she had no proof.

It wouldn’t look good if the Future King and Queen of Alcon were known as sadists, even if it were the truth. Skye knew that they would do anything to keep their reputations intact, and wouldn’t put it past them to silence their victims one way, or another.

Skye thought back to how Tidas’ men had saved Felicia’s life by finding her on the side of the road.. ‘That’s why they make me so uneasy: Marco and Karena remind me of Jacob Fowler. They got that same kinda vibe about ’em.’

As Skye momentarily lost herself in her thoughts, Karena reached for Draco’s sword. As she unsheathed it, he tried to stop her by grabbing the hilt, but instead sliced his hands open when she yanked faster than he thought she would. As fresh blood trickled down the blade, she turned towards Skye with the most loathsome expression she had ever seen, then lunged at her.

Karena’s eyes bulged with fury as she clumsily swung the heavy sword. Skye had easily dodged twice, then pivioted and punched the psycho in her face hard enough to knock her out. Shasta caught her before she had hit the ground, to make sure she couldn’t blame some farce of a head injury on Skye later.

As Shasta gently set her down on the floor, Magnus, Lawrence, and Marco came running in together. At first they thought that Shasta had knocked her out, but Maevis and Peggy quickly explained what had happened. As they did that, Skye tended to Draco’s wounds..

He had never really paid attention to Skye other than keep an eye out for her whenever Karena was around her. As she used her gentle hands to heal the gashes in his, Draco looked over the Third Princess..

Her face was heart-shaped, which he liked. Her hair was short and curly, and her chest was decent for her waist size. She was attractive enough, but he didn’t understand the hype surrounding Skye. At least, not until she spoke with him.

“Ima sorry that ye gotta deal wit her all the time. I canna imagine Tis easy, but ye seem ta be quite good at yer job,” Skye commented, attempting to make small talk while she healed him.

Draco quirked an eyebrow; “And how could you know that? You hardly ever see me.”

“Aye, but that dinna mean that I don’t sense ya. Tis on of the ways I know Karena be near. Yer like her personal Jaws theme song..”

“I’m like a what?” Draco asked with a confused look on his face.

Skye chuckled and apologized, then added; “Tis somethin’ I saw durin’ me trip to the Highlands. You’ll see it shortly after we get back from Sai. Tis called a ‘movie’, and they be bloody Amazin’!”

Healing Draco’s hand took a bit of time due to the depth of the cut. If it weren’t for the blood, his bone would be easily visible, and would’ve taken months to heal without Skye’s advanced Shaman trait. She happily went off about the different ‘moving stories’ that she had seen while north as she healed him.

Draco felt very uncomfortable as Skye prattled on. Both Tidas and Marco were staring at him as Skye chattered away. It wasn’t until Karena stirred, and the King started screaming at the top of his lungs did he find a moment of peace to evaluate her.

As she finished up, Skye looked up at the ceiling and yelled; “Hey Sheri! Ye got any extra water ta spare?! I dinna wanna use any more magic! Ima already starvin’!”

Draco’s face was plastered with shock as Sheri replied; “No I don’t and shut up. You gave away my hiding spot.”

Skye chuckled; “Stickin’ ta the ceilin’ likes lizard isna hiding..”

Sheri jumped down and landed gracefully as she quipped; “Not from you. Everyone else, yeah, but not you. How do you do that? My Mirage technique should make me undetectable.”

Skye shrugged; “Ye got a very soothin’ aura, so I look for ya. I dinna think I would find ya if I weren’t specifically lookin’ for ya, though.”

As the two talked, Draco looked over at King Magnus and the Princes. Lawrence was talking with Shasta about what had happened as the King yelled and lectured Karena. She was even stupid enough to try and argue with him about turning the wedding decisions over to Shasta and Skye.

Fed up with her attitude and constant issues, Magnus gave her one final chance..

“We JUST dealt with your attitude a few hours ago! What the hell is wrong with you, lass?! Are you TRYING to get sent back to your brother?! Because if you cause Shasta and Skye one more issue in ANY way: I will ship you to your brother the following day! Then: I will begin searching for a new wife for Marco!”

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