Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 183

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 183

Episode 183

Numerous troops have gathered in the holy land of Berserk. A large army numbering well over 300,000. It was an army to attack Hell Palace.

The departure was tomorrow. When the sun rises, we will advance to the heart of the Demonic Land. The end of the war is just around the corner. This time, humanity will win.

Adequate rest is needed on the eve of a major ceremony, but many people have difficulty falling asleep.

Because I couldn’t shake off my excitement.

It puts an end to a war that has lasted for hundreds of years. It is to fulfill humanity’s aspirations with their own hands. Anyone could not help but be excited.

From high-ranking commanders to the lowest ranking soldiers. Regardless of status, the Bible recorded everyone’s names.

“It’s my name!”

“I wrote it down too!”

“When will I…”

The exclamations continued to erupt. People could not take their eyes off the Bible. When will your name appear? It was hard to fall asleep unless I checked.

Tomorrow’s operation may be disrupted.

Euron couldn’t just leave it alone. I fully sympathized with their feelings, but the priority was the battle at hand.

Great Chamber White Sheep Knights’ Dormitory Euron said as he got down from the bed.

“Just close the Bible and close your eyes.”

A loud voice was heard from somewhere.

“It’s a historic day when the name of country boy Kedan is included in the Bible. “Unless you see it with your own eyes, it may remain a lifelong experience.”

Another voice followed.

“you’re right. I will object for the first and last time. haha!”

At the same time as the adjutant joked, laughter erupted. Everyone was excited.

Euron said with a sigh.

“I will collect everything.”

I had no choice but to pretend to be a villain. A commander should do that. You have to bear the barrage of criticism.

Cheers poured in from all over.

Euron didn’t care and took a walk around the interior.

“Please organize everything!”

“It’s not possible.”

The Bible was taken away.

“Just wait ten minutes…”

“I’d rather sleep for ten more minutes.”

The Bible was taken away.

“This is cruel treatment!”

“I can’t help it.”

They also took away the Bible.

“Baekyang must be watching the leader’s tyranny!”

“You must praise me like this.”




So I collected all the books, down to the last one.

The atmosphere in the dorm became gloomy.

Just as Euron was about to go outdoors, someone outside opened the door first.

A knight from the Sacillie family was standing there.

He raised his sword towards Euron.

“Meet the hero.”

“Nice to meet you. But what’s going on?”

The driver scratched his head.

“Well… His Excellency Commander ordered us to collect all the Bibles in the barracks.”

It seems that the leadership’s thoughts are the same as Euron’s. It would be a natural decision. The soldiers needed to rest.

Euron nodded and handed over twelve Bibles to the knight.

“Thank you for your hard work. “This is the entire Bible of the White Sheep Knights’ General Staff.”

The knight who took over bowed his head slightly.

“You did my job for me. thank you.”

“no. “We must help each other.”

Euron responded and passed the knight.

said the knight.

“Excuse me, where are you going? Traffic is prohibited after sunset. As you know, there are evil rumors going around…”

At night, the devil appeared and bewitched people. Its target was all sapient beings wandering around the Holy Land. Although it was still only a rumor, evidence was emerging from time to time.

Euron stopped walking.

“I’m going to the dungeon. It might also be related to the devil you mentioned. Do you need a pass by any chance?”

The Heresy Inquisition issued passes to several people. Of course, I also received a euro. It’s probably stuck in the bed somewhere.

The knight thought for a moment and shook his head.

“Oh no. You unintentionally took up my time. Please go quickly.”

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no way the hero could be possessed by the devil. Wasn’t he a paladin who stood firm despite Jinjo’s temptations? The knight truly respected Euron.

Euron nodded and went outdoors.

The road to prison. Many thoughts filled his mind. What should I do with my imprisoned brother? Although he was a sinner who sacrificed many troops because he was blinded by the pursuit of success, Yurein was still Euron’s brother.

It was very difficult to directly ask for the punishment.

According to military regulations, it would be beheading.

‘I really don’t know what to do.’

Euron looked up at the night sky.

Baekyang delegated full authority over judgment to him, but it was very difficult for Euron to fulfill his duty.

They couldn’t bear to sentence him to death, so they are still locked up. However, if my older brother had committed apostasy…

Euron’s thoughts were suddenly cut off. Because we arrived at the dungeon before we knew it.

The sentry saluted.

“Nothing wrong at work!”

“Thank you for your hard work. “I have business for Yurein.”

“We will be open!”

The iron gate rattled and went up.

The stairs leading to the basement were revealed. Euron said, taking a step forward.

“Did the Saint of Punishment visit by any chance today?”

The two sentries looked puzzled.

“The saint has never visited this place. As far as I know, yes.”

“I’ve never seen it either.”

It didn’t seem like he was lying.

The problem has become more serious.

In other words, it means that Beatrice secretly contacted Eurain in some way.

A tangent made with awareness of other people’s perspectives. There was a high probability that profane conversation took place.

Euron was informed of their meeting by Siron. Because Xerath’s eyes were everywhere, it was difficult for even Beatrice to move secretly.

Euron swallowed his sleep.

My anxiety grew.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the basement.

The clanking sound of a chain continued.

Yurain, who noticed the presence of people, put his face in front of the iron bars.


He welcomed his younger brother with joy.

“I haven’t been able to see you for a while, brother. sorry.”

“no. no. Didn’t you come here after all? I’m so cold and hungry. “Hurry and release me.”

My appearance had been ruined in just a few months. His well-grown beard and hair were shabby, like those of a wanderer in a slum, and his body, covered in mat, was so thin that he looked haggard.

Bitterness flashed through Euron’s eyes.

When her younger brother did not open her mouth, Yurain let out a desperate voice.

“Why are you doing that? I heard that tomorrow is the departure day. I will perform as promised and be absolved of my sins in front of Baekyang. I am confident. Hurry and break these shackles!”

Euron asked, chewing his lip.

“Who did you hear it from?”

“What do you mean?”

“The fact that tomorrow is the day to go.”

Yurain stopped and was taken aback. He immediately stammered.

“I heard what the guards were saying.”

“Is it true?”

“Of course. I have no reason to lie to you. “Is it because you don’t want to keep your promise?”

Euron couldn’t bear to kill his brother. So I tried to give it a chance. If you make a merit in hell, Yurein will definitely be pardoned.

It was like that until now.

Euron opened his mouth.

“Swear to me. In front of Baekyang.”


“I didn’t betray Beatrice.”

Yurain froze.

I started moving my head as fast as I could. My younger brother came knowing something. I didn’t know that I would be angry if I took it away.

Yurain said.

“A saint has definitely come to visit. However, I rejected her request. This is the truth. “I have no intention of betraying you!”

Euron nodded.

“Make the sign of your cross and take an oath. “You will have to risk your life.”

Then he added:

“If you have accepted the saint’s offer, repent now. “There is still a chance.”

Euron was still soft. I wanted to save my life somehow. It would be possible to stop at just taking away their titles and banishing them.

Yurain immediately made the sign of the cross.

“Castle and Wallenstal. I swear with my soul and body. This lamb has eyes only for you.”

Euron, who was listening, approached the iron bars.

“······I will release you.”

Yurain’s expression turned bright red. Finally, this tiresome life of imprisonment is over. I kept all the things that despised me in my head. I will definitely make you pay.

Euron opened fire. When the sword was put back in, all the restraints binding Yurain were cut cleanly.

The iron bars slowly opened with a friction sound.

Yurein could not follow the series of processes with his eyes. I just swallowed my exclamation and enjoyed the joy.

He stood up and leaned against the wall.

“Little brother, don’t forget this favor. I will wholeheartedly support you as the next head of the Nedval family. forever.”

Euron stared at Yurain in silence.

Yurain walked over with long strides.

“Let’s go out now. “This is no place for us.”

“Please wait for a moment, brother.”

“I waited too long. For now…”

Before he could finish his sentence, urgent footsteps continued into the basement.

“Lord Euron!”

A paladin of the White Sheep Knights came down to the prison.

He whispered something into Euron’s ear.

Euron’s expression sank in real time.

Euron finally spoke after hearing the whole story.

“After meeting her brother, Beatrice headed to the main ship of Nedval’s fleet.”

Yurain’s pupils trembled slightly.

Euron continued.

“I searched the wheelhouse while hiding my body with my power. Do you know what you were looking for?”

Yurain scolded in a trembling voice.

“I don’t know. “It’s irrelevant.”

“I know, but why don’t you know? “There’s Nedval’s plasma there.”

The plasma seal was a seal that could only be used by the head of a noble family and his successor. A seal that only reacts to their blood. It is used when deciding on family matters.

Yurain let out a roar.

“You mean that dirty bitch stole the blood plasma?”

“you’re right. Then he would come back to see his brother.”


Euron held out his hand to the paladin.

The paladin took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Euron.

Euron brought the sealed war book in front of Yurein.

“Isn’t this a familiar item? “The saint who came back would have asked my brother to write it down.”

Yurain’s eyes were extremely fluctuating.

“I am…”

“I will read it.”

Euron tore off the seal on the parchment and read it out loud.

In short, the content was simple.

A letter sent to Nedbal’s main family. It was an order to gather all troops at the imperial capital.

There were quite a few armies on the continent that had not yet crossed over to the Demon Realm. The thousand or so people who remained in the Nedbal family were among them.

What if all of those troops headed to the imperial capital? Even the Imperial Knights and the defense force had all been deployed to the Demon Guard, so the Imperial Capital had no talent to stop them.

The owner of the throne may change.

From Lapelia to Lapela.

It was Beatrice’s plan.

Euron said.

“Your handwriting is clear. “The blood plasma was also taken.”

Plasma only reacts to fresh blood shed within a few seconds. This was the reason why Beatrice went back and forth so hard.

Yurein’s body convulsed.

“Yes, how could you…”

“The Holy Maiden of Punishment is in the hands of the Holy Wisdom. Sir Siron must have seized it as soon as Jeonseogu was launched.”

Euron let out a calm voice.

“With this, my brother kicked away all opportunities. “Now I have no choice.”

The paladin next to him drew his sword.

“Captain, I will handle it. “Please go back.”

Euron shook his head.

“No, I will do it myself.”

Then he took the knife by the handle.

Yurain’s expression turned pale.

“No kidding. Are you going to cut down my own flesh and blood? This is absolutely impossible for you! Little brother, it’s all that witch’s trick! “This guy is playing around!”

Euron raised his sword.

“Stop that! “Do you want to give up on humanity?”

Euron lowered his sword. A translucent track followed. Fresh blood wet Euron’s cheek.

The new model of the older brother collapsed.

Euron trembled and bent down. He lowered his brother’s closed eyelids.

“······Rest in peace.”

It stayed that way for a while.

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