Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 17

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 17

Episode 17

“Oh my, is there a need to leave in such a hurry? You’ve worked hard, so why don’t you rest for a few days? haha.”

Iden hurriedly moved as soon as the sun rose. This is because I wanted to return to the church, finish the report, and hurry to the next task. In fact, I was not at all acclimated to the climate of Serengal.

The lord laughed heartily and grabbed her ankle, but Aiden shook his head rather forcefully.

“I have to go now. “I will remember your favor.”

The lord quenched his appetite. I tried to build a friendship with a paladin this opportunity, but it didn’t bring much benefit. He was so determined, but it was impossible to hold him back.

The lord gave up and just looked at the paladin with meaningful eyes. Aiden roughly interpreted it as asking him to give back as much as he had given.

He nodded slightly and turned his attention to Sistine and Priest Bandel, who had come out to see him off at the castle gate.

“The Holy Widow will arrive soon. “Hand over the sinners to them.”

The Holy Council was the general term for the punishment unit directly under the Holy Council. It was a special purpose unit that carried out intelligence operations, heresy detection, assassination, extermination of barbarian villages, etc.

They usually intervened in matters related to the Demon God Cult, but Iden predicted that they would unconditionally intervene in this case.

This is because the demon that the Demon God Cult attempted to summon was not an ordinary entity, but Marticoras.

Sistine and Priest Bandel nodded. The two remained in Serengal and were tasked with sorting out the situation and safely handing over the demon cultists captured in the tomb to the Holy Wife.

Sistina took a step closer to Aiden.

“Do not worry. “We will monitor it closely and hand it over safely.”

“Okay, I’ll come back first, so please take care of the rest. “I have to go now.”


Sistine’s hesitant voice caught Aiden trying to turn around.

Iden nodded.

“Don’t worry brother and sister.”

Only then did his expression brighten. She bowed with sincerity.

“Although it was only a short time, my time with Sir was an honor to me.

Iden also made the sign of the cross in front of her with divine power.

“God saw your devotion. You were honorable, protected the weak, and kept your oath. Knight without a single shred of shame, spread out your chest. “Never lose your noble spirit.”

Sistine traced the sign of the cross with her index finger.

“I will always pray for your well-being.”

“I will too.”

Aiden slightly bowed his head to the priest.

“The priest also went through a lot of hardships. “Are you planning on staying here forever?”

“no. “I will just finish the mission given by the Lord and head to the western church headquarters.”

“Yes, wherever you go, lead hope like you do now. “If I were to be called Bishop Bandel in the future, I wouldn’t want anything more.”

“Haha, God chooses. “I will just quietly carry out my duties.”

Iden nodded. Now it was time to leave.

“Then I must go now. “I hope I can see your face someday.”

Aiden left those words and slowly passed through the castle gate. They were followed by Euron and his mixed-race siblings.


The territory of the empire was so vast that it occupied half of the continent. Additionally, the frozen ground in the north and the forests in the east were uninhabitable environments for humans, so it was no exaggeration to say that the empire actually controlled most of the continent.

Of course, life exists in frozen soil and forests, but they are neither humans nor demons.

Contrary to Aiden’s impatience, this was the reason why he could not reach the Holy Kingdom even if he ran all day. Because it was too far.

So the group decided to spend the night in a small village between the western and central parts of the continent.

I settled down at the inn. On the first day heading to Serengal, this was the place where I left my horse and transferred to a camel.

After checking Petra’s condition, Iden went up to the inn room.

When I opened the door, there was a musty, musty smell. fleabag. However, it was actually a base prepared by Tegain to assist the activities of the special task force.

There were places like that all over the empire.

Daryl and Euron in the room. And Sein was sitting around talking.

Euron seemed to avoid them at first, but soon he seemed to be getting closer. I guess it’s because of the sense of kinship we shared through life, death, and ups and downs. In the first place, Iden was of the opinion that there was no need to sharpen the blade since he didn’t say anything.

Daryl eagerly described the battle against Marticoras. Euron and Sein tilted their heads in disbelief, but were listening intently.

Even to Aiden’s ears, it sounded a bit exaggerated than the truth.

Daryl pursed his lips as he saw Iden enter the room.

“Bring a meal with Euron Sein.”

The food was served on its own, but I had something to talk about with Daryl. It was difficult for Sein to hear this because he didn’t know that he was half-demon.

Euron knew this well, so he immediately left the room, taking Sein with him. Iden thought that Euron was useful, even if he had a sense of humor.

Aiden pulled out a chair and sat down at the small round table. I gestured to Daryl, who was a little hesitant, to sit down.

Daryl was nervous because Iden’s expression looked so stiff.

Iden opened his mouth.

“If you go to the church, your siblings will die.”

Daryl guessed it too, so he tried not to head to the church. The plan was to somehow remain in Serengal and prove to Tegain that he was needed, or to run away if necessary.

In a way, the situation is tied to Aiden. Because I felt like I could never run away from him.

“Even if you run away tonight, you will die.”

That was also true. The siblings could not escape the cult’s reach. We have to find it somehow and kill it.

The atmosphere became cold. Because it sounded like a death sentence to Daryl. He was conflicted for a moment. Can you outrun the paladin in front of you? What would happen if there was a fight? Nothing came to mind other than hopeless assumptions.

I thought about getting down on my knees and begging for my life, but it wouldn’t work. However, Daryl had no choice.

“······Please save me. “At least my younger brother.”

“I will buy both.”

Daryl couldn’t believe his ears for a moment. It was an unexpected answer, so my mind froze a little.

“I’m not good at that…”

“They said they would both survive. The decision has already been made and there is no way to change it. “You save your lives.”

He looked at Iden with very confused eyes. Because Daryl knew his situation well. A mixed race that cannot belong to any group. I have seen time and time again how favor and affection change when the true nature is revealed.

A trusted colleague stabbed me in the middle of the night. The life he saved accused him. It only took a moment for lovers to become enemies.

Even ordinary humans hate demons so much, so how can a paladin keep himself alive?


“I owe it to your brother. You risked your life to defeat me and the demon beast. “It’s over.”

It wasn’t the end. Archmage Kadak. Because his presence was also very big.

As for Daryl, he didn’t seem like a person who would lie if Iden killed him. But I couldn’t understand the reason at all.

Iden, whom I have seen over the past few days, is a person who hates the devil more than anyone else…

“In addition, I will wash away the black blood flowing from your body.”

It was a shocking declaration.

“It’s not a lie. Have hope, for I know the way.”

This was the reason why Archmage Kadak gave Elohimderk to Sein. The key that will free them from their shackles is hidden in the first ruins where the relics rest.

Daryl’s brain felt like it was going to explode with so many thoughts, but one thing was certain. Those words are sincere. Because he lived his life paying more attention than anyone else, his intuition was generally correct.

“So, don’t follow us to the church and hide yourself for a while with the world.”

Iden took out a map from his pocket and handed it to me.

“The location has been marked.”

Daryl took the guidance with trembling hands. My pupils were fluttering.

“Now go out and see.”

It was extremely difficult to sleep together in the same room.


Iden rode to the Pope’s palace as soon as daybreak. Everyone he encountered spoke to Aiden, but he ended the conversation briefly and headed to the archbishop’s office.

The letter sent by the saint was also put on hold for now.

“I am Paladin Iden.”

“Come in.”

Will Tegain be reprimanded for failing to stop the summoning? Or should we accept it as a better result? With that thought in mind, Iden turned the doorknob.

Tegain’s expression was bright. After exchanging greetings, we got straight to the point.

“Mission failed.”

“haha! Isn’t failure more valuable than success? It is perfect.”

“Six kidnapped children died. “Four people were poisoned by demonic energy and several were maimed.”

“If you gain something, you have to lose something. There is only one thing we need to pay attention to here. Gains better than losses. In that sense, I have no choice but to praise you. Good job. Well done.”

“I see, thank you. “Archbishop.”

His expression changed subtly. A slightly playful smile flashed across his sincerely happy face.

“I think he was trying to embarrass me rather than just reporting. “Do I understand this correctly?”

“you’re right. I was curious how you would take it. Please forgive my rudeness.”

It was not a matter of good or evil or preference. In terms of trends, it seemed likely that Tegain would become the main axis of the church. In that case, Iden must have understood his personality and principles of action.

“haha! I’m so honest that I don’t hold back. So was this the answer you wanted?”

There was no answer that Iden was particularly expecting.

“It sounded like a decision worthy of a commander.”

“Right. “I just want you to know that I am not a human being without blood or tears.”

“I don’t think so.”

Tegain nodded and changed the topic.

“What about siblings? “I have delegated all authority to you.”

“It was great to write. “It did its job.”

“They are good guys to deal with. Because I have a clear idea of what I want and I believe I can give it to you here. So what did you do?”

“I saved it. “I plan to write a little more.”

Tegain looked a little suspicious.

“I expected that if you were my officer, you would have already dealt with it.”

“I can throw it away at any time, so I’ll keep it until its lifespan ends.”

Tegain smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

“Do as you wish. “I have delegated authority, so I will not be involved any further.”

“I will put it to good use.”

“Yes, but it looks like you came here as soon as you returned. “Have you ever encountered the interrogator?”

Iden seemed to know what he was going to say. Soon, the discussion on the Holy Land Restoration Expedition will end and the full-scale purge will begin. At that time, it meant that we should share the same meaning.

We were certain because Tegain had handed over the list of apostates to Xerath and Aiden.

“There was no encounter. And I don’t think I’ll see the interrogator this time.”

“Are you saying you’re going to start a prosperous kingdom right away?”

“That’s right, I have something else to do.”

“Since you are honest, I will also be honest. Why not cut out the rotten parts of the church together? “The interrogator also agreed.”

Iden shook his head.

“The duty of a paladin is to eradicate demons. “Please let the inquisitor and archbishop execute the apostates.”

Aiden answered immediately without any hesitation, as if he had already finished thinking. The archbishop thought that it might be difficult to break Aiden’s will due to such an attitude.

It was true that there was still some regret. This was because having a sword praised as a hero in one’s hand was a justification in itself.

“The more we talk, the more I want it.”

“I’m just sorry that we can’t agree together.”

The archbishop looked at Aiden for a moment and then smiled slightly, as if resigned.

“It’s an issue that can’t be forced. Okay, I will respect your opinion. Are you planning to leave right now?”

“We’re about to leave right away.”

“Hmm… But no matter how busy you are, why don’t you go and see the saint at least once? “I think you’re looking for me.”

Iden knew well the power that Uriel possessed, so it was a bit burdensome to keep encountering him.

That was why I always tried to end conversations with her quickly.

“I’d like to, but right now…”

A knocking sound cut off Aiden’s words. A familiar voice came from outside the door.

“This is Saint Uriel. “Can I come in for a moment?”

“I can’t believe I made you come to see such a precious person on your own. You seem to be quite the man. Oh, is it blasphemy? Please forget it.”

Tegain chuckled, but Iden was very embarrassed.

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