Dark Blood Age

Chapter 793 Daddy is going to hide now

Chapter 793 Daddy is going to hide now

Chu Yunsheng’s eyes were opened by an old man who was in his fifties. After checking Chu Yunsheng’s pupils carefully, he shook his head helplessly.

After that, his eyelids could no longer be closed again. Because of this, he was also able to see a sudden unilateral bloody massacre that appeared in front of his eyes.

He didn’t know who was killed first because of his limited vision. He only heard a woman’s panic scream. Followed by the scream was the fear that spread out the entire group of humans. Because of the sudden and strange attack, humans were so scared that none of them even dared to move.

The fifty-year-old man who had run away about five or six meters stopped running suddenly. His eyes were wide open as if he had seen something extremely shocking.

Then, a piece of snow floated past Chu Yunsheng’s eyes and went into the body of that man. It instantly froze the man into an ice sculpture. In the next moment, the ice sculpture shattered and split into countless pieces, falling to the ground like a collapsed building. That piece of snowflakes with complicated runes made a circle around the place as if searching for something. It stopped for a while and then flew to another person not far away.

Concurrently, a bolt of lightning struck a naked old woman. She was one of the people who escaped from the pig-headed monsters’ hands. She thought she was finally safe, but in the end, she still could not escape her death. She was struck by the bolt of lightning and turned into a cloud of dust in just an instant. The bolt of lightning flashed around in the place like the snowflake and then re-selected the next target to kill.

The same scenes happened everywhere in the oasis——

A ball of golden light with a long colorful tail hit the woman who had prevented Chu Yunsheng from forcing the Silhouette Being to try the native’s food...

A white and light feather swept past the young mother whose child was almost eaten by a pig-headed monster...

A drop of pale blue water sizzled like the most corrosive sulfuric acid liquefied the honest rural woman who had personally fed the soup to the Silhouette Being and Chu Yunsheng...

Five different kinds of attacks were slaughtering the humans in the oasis madly.

Panic screams, hurried footsteps, and chaotic cries, all of a sudden, filled Chu Yunsheng’s ears.

He couldn’t move, but he could see; he couldn’t speak, but he could hear.

The first attack from the Beings that had the strength of Cardinal Source Gate finally appeared. And when it appeared, there were five of them!

Chu Yunsheng had already expected that there would be such a day sooner or later, but he did not expect that he would be in such a situation.

He wanted to cast out his Wuzi sword, but he couldn’t do anything. There was only a ball of fire burning fiercely in his consciousness, seemingly tempering something.

He could only watch as Zhou Daqian and others were being slaughtered wantonly by a feather, a water droplet, a snowflake, a ball of golden light, and a lightning bolt.

Apart from that, he couldn’t even close his eyes. He could only look, even if he didn’t want to.

He didn’t know why these five attacks that were sent out by the beings with the strength of Cardinal Source Gate from far away did not kill everyone at once. They were slowly killing everyone one by one as if they were looking for something.

He also didn’t know if the Silhouette Being was also watching this scene. He couldn’t help but wonder if the Silhouette Being would have even the slightest trace of regret after seeing that his plan had accidentally attracted the five beings at the realm of Cardinal Source Gate to slaughter those humans.

In the eyes of the Silhouette Being, a human being may not be very different from a dog. However, even if they were dogs, they were the dogs that once saved his life, protected him from being harmed by Chu Yunsheng, and cared for him.

So even if the Silhouette Being still had some feelings, he should have a trace of regret after seeing those human beings slaughtered like this...

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know, because he couldn’t see the Silhouette Being and couldn’t speak.

He could only see the people running around in fear and trying to dodge the attack. Although he was in the hot desert and there was a ball of fire burning fiercely in his consciousness, he still felt very cold.

Chu Yunsheng was no longer a little clerk who had just experienced the dark age. He already knew clearly that sooner or later those people would die. Before the Era Leader appeared, the number of people that would die would be unimaginable, and Zhou Daqian and this group of people would just be a tiny number among them.

But he was a human being after all. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he would still feel unfortunate to see his kind being slaughtered like this.

The killing continued. He saw Zhou Daqian, and Zhou Daqian also saw him. The difference was that what he saw was a man’s pointless struggle, but what Zhou Daqian saw was a mysterious peaceful zone around Chu Yunsheng.

A naked woman who was wrapped in a blanket stumbled and fell next to Chu Yunsheng while trying to ‘dodge’ the attack. The golden light ball that was originally chasing her suddenly stopped in the air after she fell next to Chu Yunsheng as if it had lost its target. After a moment of pause, it immediately shot towards other people.

Zhou Daqian didn’t know the woman, let alone her name, but none of this mattered. As an excellent search and rescue personnel, he was sensitive to where was safe and where was dangerous. He had a professional instinct. With his daughter and wife, he rushed to Chu Yunsheng’s side without any hesitation. The water droplet and a snowflake that had been chasing his family flew straight past them as if they didn’t see them.

After finding a safe shelter, he finally got a chance to catch his breath. He calmed his frightened wife, covered her daughter’s eyes with his hand, and quickly looked at the surrounding situation. He was actually also panicked and scared, but he knew that if he showed his feelings on his face, his wife would be even more scared. He was their only support, no matter how small his power was, he still had to fight for their survival.

The number of humans that were still alive was decreasing rapidly.

Zhou Daqian gradually realized that those things seemed to be only targeting living things, and they didn’t seem to be interested in the dead.

However, he didn’t understand why this was the case.

Zhou Daqian was confused, but Chu Yunsheng understood it clearly. When Zhou Daqian and He Xiaoning came to hide by his side, he roughly realised the reason why he was ignored by those things.

It was because of the death aura.

He still didn’t know what happened to the monster seal talisman, but judging from the fact that it later killed all the dark creatures around it, the amount of death aura from those dark creatures must be enormous. Maybe because he could not absorb all the death aura at once, at the moment, there was still a lot of death aura within a few meters around his body.

He didn’t mind saving a few people with his death aura, but his body was completely out of his control now; he couldn’t even control his eyes and ears. The death aura around his body was still being absorbed by his body automatically, and soon, it would disappear.

After Zhou Daqian, a few more people also discovered that the place around Chu Yunsheng was safe. With more and more people running toward the place where Chu Yunsheng was, the small area was tightly packed with people.

Despite that, the dead aura was receding at a visible speed. The first layer of people on the periphery was soon found and instantly killed, and then the second and third layers... The crowd of people was trying to squeeze inside as hard as they could. Some weaker people were directly pushed out of the crowd.

Zhou Daqian hugged his daughter tightly, pressed his wife under him, and then grabbed Chu Yunsheng’s hand with all his strength. No matter how desperately the young guy behind him pulled his hair and kicked his body, he just refused to let go.

He knew that as soon as he let go, he and his family would die.

But he also knew that the safe zone around Chu Yunsheng was getting smaller and smaller. Sooner or later, the safe zone would not even be able to fit one person.

However, he just wanted to buy a little bit more time. Even if it was just to let his daughter live a little bit longer.

His hair was torn off by the scared young man behind him. He felt a sharp pain, but he was not angry. Instead, he felt a little relieved, because the young man was still alive, which meant that his family would still be able to live a little bit longer.

But the things that would come would eventually come. Soon, the struggles of the young man behind him seemed to have disappeared.

It meant that he would be next, and then it would be his wife and his daughter.

Zhou Daqian took a breath and looked up at the snowflake and lightning bolt flying around. He lowered his head and looked at his wife who had suddenly calmed down, seemingly realizing something. The two stared at each other for a while, just like the first time they held hands in that summer; he looked at her like this, and she also looked at him the same way.

He kissed his wife on her cold lips. There were no tears in his eyes. He held her hand and showed a smile he had always shown her. Facing the impending death, he still did not forget to make a joke, trying to erase his wife’s fear, “Xiaoyue, it seems that we are going to split up. I don’t think I will be able to keep my promise...”

His wife’s eyes were filled with crystal tears. She held her husband’s hand tightly, and smiled cheerfully, “In the next life, we will hold hands again.”

The little girl seemed to feel a strange atmosphere. She tried to remove her father’s hand that was covering her eyes in a flustered manner, and yelled with her immature voice, “Daddy, mommy...”

Zhou Daqian let go of his hand, stroked his daughter’s little head tenderly and lovingly, and kissed her forehead. “Niu Niu, close your eyes. Daddy is going to play hide-and-seek with you. Don’t open your eyes until your mommy says that I’m ready, okay? Then you can find daddy with mommy.”

The little girl looked at her father, then at her mother, and nodded seriously, “Okay.”

Zhou Daqian didn’t want to lie to his daughter. He just didn’t want her to be scared before she left this world. Even if he could not save her, he still wanted to let her know that death was just like playing hide-and-seek.

Su Yue held her husband’s hand tightly underneath him. She bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears.

When the last dust disappeared in Su Yue’s hands, she finally couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She held her daughter and cried sorrowfully.

“Mommy, is Daddy ready?” The little girl seemed to understand something.

“Yes, let’s go find daddy together, okay?” Su Yue held her daughter in her arms, tears soaking her daughter’s hair.

“Okay.” The little girl lowered her head and said in an innocent voice.


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