Dark Blood Age

Chapter 714 - Master has appeared!

Chapter 714: Chapter 714 Master has appeared!

In the dark, Chu Yunsheng suddenly raised his head and stood up, gazing at the far east.

In his sight, there was nothing but darkness there. But Chu Yunsheng clearly felt that at the end of the darkness, something seemed to have been wiped out from this world.

It was like a thorn that had been stuck in the flesh; it was no longer that painful because it had been stuck there for a long time. However, when it was suddenly removed, the pain appeared again at this moment. But after the pain, there was a strange comfortable feeling, and the “blood” also began to flow smoothly.

The blurry sword that he created in his mind with the help of Wuzi Fragment suddenly had an abnormal change. Unlike the previous slow and continuous progress, there was a sudden jump in the sword forming process; it was speeded up a lot. In addition to that, the body of the sword became more and more clear in his mind.

“What happened?” Old Youling stopped reading the complicated activation inscription, looked up, and asked in surprise.

In the last few days, it had been unceasingly deciphering the inscriptions and establishing activation procedures around the clock. In order to get more information, it even took the risk to enter the site blocked by Egyptian scientists again, swallow an important academic figure, and then come back by faking his death.

Right now, it has reached the most critical moment. They were only one step away from being able to activate the tunnel. So they were worried about accidents.

“It’s the Pseudo-Monolith.” Chu Yunsheng frowned and said in a deep voice.

Regardless of whether it was a node, a Pseudo-Monolith, or imagination, Chu Yunsheng was still accustomed to calling it the Pseudo-Monolith.

“Micro adjustment?” Old Youling immediately became nervous. If Micro adjustment occurred and the descending tunnel was closed because of its “work”, then it meant that the Pseudo-Monolith would not let anyone escape from this world!

This was a very dangerous logical problem, Old Youling has always known about it, but it couldn’t tell Chu Yunsheng. For the “Pseudo-Monolith”, the world in the “Pseudo-Monolith” was real; otherwise, it would not be able to carry on the simulation. But if it let the people inside escape, it would prove that it wasn’t real, and the logic would contradict itself. Then the entire “Pseudo-Monolith” would collapse.

In other words, this place was like a death trap, you could only get in and there was no way out. Old Youling believed that if it stepped out of the “Pseudo-Monolith” alive, in that instant, it would not be able to know whether Chu Yunsheng, who was still in the Pseudo-Monolith was dead or alive.

Although this was only its speculation, it always felt very anxious about the final outcome. Perhaps the being that built the “Pseudo-Monolith” had already solved this problem, but it was not something it was able to figure out.

“No, maybe someone died.” Chu Yunsheng withdrew his gaze back and sat down again. Suddenly his brows twitched. Duo Neng Race’s aircraft wheeling in the sky in the distance suddenly stopped moving. Then it flew straight to the northeast, turning into a thin long silver light, disappearing without a trace in just a few seconds.

But who could it be?

The only thing that could make him feel this way was likely to be the accidental death that the sixth sequence mentioned. Apart from this, he couldn’t think of anything else.

But who could it be?

He silently thought and ignored Old Youling’s nervousness. Regarding its inner thoughts, Chu Yunsheng had been watching it in the past few days, but he did not take it seriously. Since entering Egypt, Old Youling has been busy putting all its energy into finding a way to activate the descending tunnel. Its eagerness to get out of here was self-evident. It had risked its life to save himself, but it showed no intention of fighting for him. Clearly, it wanted to get out of here as soon as possible while he was still “alive”.

Of course, it had no reason to stay with him. Chu Yunsheng was not narcissistic, he didn’t think that because he had godhood, and the ability to create swords out of thin air, other people would follow him and die for him.

He has always been a person who could distinguish grudge and kindness clearly. No matter what Old Youling had done before, it saved himself once, then he would pay it back once. The descending tunnel needed to use the cube and the location of Hull, otherwise, Old Youling would get lost completely like the giant head. Moreover, the cost of locating the descending coordinate was very high, although they have not yet tried it, Chu Yunsheng could feel the consequences of a slight error.

But that was no longer his problem. He just needed to practice that blurry sword inside his mind and prepare to fight the grey shadow.

Suddenly, he was alerted. At the moment he detected someone’s death, a pair of eyes seemed to have noticed him.

“He’s back!”

Chu Yunsheng stood up abruptly again and drew out his long sword. In the shock of the surrounding Egyptian refugees, he activated the armor, suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards the Great Pyramid.

He must occupy this place first!

The life that could create the descending tunnel should not be weaker than a Cardinal Source Gate master. So their buildings might be able to block the attack of the grey shadow. In addition to that, his ability to create swords out of thin air did not require him to leave the great pyramid. This was also one of the reasons why he came here.



A few hours ago, it was still a vast snowy polar region. But at this moment, it was filled with a sea of red insects. Several polar bears that had been frightened were crying nervously and snuggling tightly together to form a tiny circle. Around them, batches of red insects ran past quickly, without even looking at them.

Occasionally, a few helicopters or even more advanced aircraft rose from under the icy ocean, swaying in the air, trying to escape. But as soon as they showed up, the green-shelled insects in the air would swarm toward them and shred them into pieces in the blink of an eye.

From the depths of the ground, the vibrations caused by explosions gradually spread to the surface, causing layers of ice on the icy arctic surface to rise up and then fall down again. The piercing sounds of screaming and ground collapsing never stopped.

The bases built underground collapsed one by one. With the thunder-like collapsing sound, the icy surface covered by snow sank one after another, forming a huge crater basin. The sea water poured into the crater gradually turned red. Under the cold temperature, it was gradually frozen again and buried deep under the snow with the blood and corpses.

Perhaps after thousands of years, someone would rediscover here and see the remains of humans, insects, machines that died in the fighting, and they would be shocked and begin to guess what happened here?

No one knew what kind of fierce fighting had taken place under the Arctic surface, only a shocking amount of blood that was enough to permeate the surface of the ocean was telling the tale alone.

But that was mostly human blood. The grey shadow in the sky only glanced at it coldly; perhaps, there was a touch of revulsion as well. Only when looking at the ghostly light that had been drawn out from No.1, a faint of reminiscence look flashed past its eyes.

However, that reminiscence look disappeared very quickly. After the gray shadow grabbed the ghostly light into his palm, he attempted to squeeze through the sky again with the help of the ghostly light in his hand. But then, he suddenly frowned slightly, as if he felt something. He gradually cast his stern gaze to the far southwest, then he disappeared with a flash.


On another battlefield tens of thousands of miles away from the Arctic region, the fight has just begun.

The black figures covered with purple flames rose up like sharp knives, thrusting fiercely into the positions where many flags were fluttering.

They stabbed the sharp spears in their hands into the crystal-colored battle suits. The tips of the spears pierced through the crystal-colored battle suits and brought out blood from the other end. They then tore the people inside in half, went through the bodies with their spears, letting the flames of their bodies incinerate the internal organs and blood of their enemies while rushing to other enemies with a trail of flames behind them.

The enemies under the flags were not going to go down without a fight. They were divided into two layers. Those who were at the outer layer were moving at a very fast speed, and there was no blood splash when they were stabbed to death. They withdrew their battle blades from their waists, slashing towards the black figures that dared to attack them. The movement of those who were at the latter layer was relatively slow, but they had already set up a tight formation. Holding up the radiant cubes high, they showered down the deadly white glow at the swarm of insects.

More and more large cube arrays began to appear faintly, the emitted light almost turned the sky into daylight. The dazzling light radiated by every cube met each other in the air and formed a faint semicircular shield, locking all the lives of the creatures inside.

The black figures covered in the purple flame seemed to be only partially affected, and they could still continuously attack the formations flying battle flags in the air. However other insect units suffered heavy casualties in a short period of time, and the dead bodies fallen from the sky had covered the entire ground!

The black-armored woman bent forward slightly and immediately dashed out like an arrow. Her silky hair was straightened and lifted up in the high-speed dash. Flying through the air, she arrived before the semicircular shield layer in the blink of an eye. She then raised her hand with an open palm and then smacked down!

An invisible harmonic wave spread from her palm and slid across the surface of the entire shield. Cracks followed the harmonic wave and spread across the entire shield within a few seconds.

From behind her, another black figure in purple flame immediately rushed past, and with one shot, the semi-circular shield that had many cracks was instantly shattered into countless small fragments, turning into countless light dots and gradually disappearing in the air.


Hundreds of black figures in purple flames roared together, the flames around their bodies became even brighter. Like many red beams, they dashed forward, breaking many battle blades of the enemies in the first layer, disrupting their formation.

Broken swords fell like raindrops, inserted into the ground that was covered with bodies like a forest of swords. The bodies of the crystal-dressed warriors under the flags were visibly shaken for the first time, but their hearts seemed to be as strong as a rock, and they still continued fighting; even when they were stabbed to death, they would use their last bit of strength to hack the sword at the enemy.

The crystal-dress warriors in the second layer immediately spread out, clenching the radiant cubes, collectively bursting out a magnificent shout. The magnificent shout strangely didn’t hit any black figures; instead, the vibrations caused by the shouts hit the crystal-dress warriors themselves repeatedly, causing them to spit out blood. Then, unexpectedly, a crystal-dressed warrior that looked exactly like them came out their bodies.

As soon as these warriors appeared, they drew their swords one after another, flew over the crystal-dressed warriors in the second layer, and joined the fight in the first layer, regaining the battleground that had been lost to the black figures in the purple flame.


The five giant beasts on the ground finally took shape at this moment. They raised their huge bodies, and spat fire in the shape of a dragon into the sky, sweeping the entire defense position of crystal-dressed warriors.

In the fire dragons hid their venom-stained tongues. When they swept past the battlefield, they wrapped the crystal-dressed warriors with those tongues and swallowed them quickly.

Countless green-shelled insects gathered around them, using their lives to block all the rays of light from the cubes. One batch died, another batch would immediately fill the gap without hesitation.

A dozen small cubes were immediately separated from the big cube array, and they kept shrinking until they were only as big as a finger. While flying towards the five giant beasts, they were intercepted and destroyed by the green-shelled insects and the giant beasts’ palms. Only three of them were able to get near the giant beasts.

These three small cubes didn’t seem to be dangerous, but as soon as they got close to the target, they quickly expanded until they became as big as their targets, trapping the three giant beasts inside.

“Break it!”

The black-armored woman standing high in the sky turned around and sent out several palm strikes. Three strikes hit the cubes that trapped the beasts, and four strikes hit the cube formation.

In an instant, the three cubes were shattered; four of the cubes in the formation of the crystal-dressed warriors had four huge palm prints appearing on their surfaces, and were pushed outside the formation five hundred meters away.

At this time, all the green-shelled insects gathered together to form a huge torrent, rushing straight toward the gap that had been created in the formation of the crystal-dressed warriors from below. Although under the powerful light, they would die instantly, they still managed to completely disrupt the cube formation.

Amongst them, three of the green-shelled insects that had actually reached forth form passed through the light ray attack, met up with a ghastly child coming from afar, and turned back again to rampage back and forth in the formation.

In the direction where the ghastly child came from, the sky was full of flying insects from the spore forest...

But at this moment, all the crystal-dressed warriors suddenly returned to the cube and retreated quickly. Then an even larger group of battle flags appeared, revealing their true strength and advancing fast to the southwest.

The black-armored woman slightly frowned her eyebrows, and with a sudden twitch, she stepped on a green-shelled insect and headed towards the south with her army. Along the way, more and more war insects joined in under the leadership of black figures that were in the purple flame.

And shortly after she left, three strange black figures appeared in the place where the battle had just finished. All of them were pitch black; even the flames that covered their bodies were black colored. In addition to that, there were no longer spears in their hands, but black lightning bolts. However, they seemed to be full of weariness as if they had just completed a long journey.

They killed the last blood-red figure that was as powerful as them and looked exactly like them, and killed the white figures with bloody rulers that appeared afterwards. When a gray shadow flashed past the sky in a split second, all of them raised their heads coldly, and one of them coldly said,

“Master has appeared!”

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