Dark Blood Age

Chapter 644 - A Secret

Chapter 644: Chapter 644 A Secret

Translator: Doggotranslation

Chu Yunsheng sneered: “however terrible we performed, it is not for an intruder to evaluate!”

A small slender hand on the head touched a smaller screen and gently pushed it. The smaller screen separated from the big rectangular transparent and floated toward Chu Yunsheng. Pointing to the screen, it mocked, “Do we even need to invade? You guys are already having fun destroying each other!”

The screen was full of bloody scenes, there were Nazi’s incinerators billowing with smoke, the Nanjing massacre, inhuman black slaves trade, there was the Rwanda massacre, Rwandan genocide, Cambodian genocide...

The black and white colored photos made the content in the photos look even more terrifying.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of the giant head’s mouth as if it was waiting for Chu Yunsheng’s answer.

Chu Yunsheng frowned, pushed away the transparent screen, and met with the giant head’s contemptuous gaze, “Every race will have a dark moment. Your race is not much better!”

The head sneered: “Yes, we have also done those kinds of things, but you are different, you are sitting on a golden mountain!”

After it said it, it pushed several transparent screens toward Chu Yunsheng in a row, and its tone became even more excited: “look at those, look! If it weren’t for you strange behavior, I-, sigh, forget about it. Originally, I didn’t have much interest in looking at your history and living environment. Who would have thought that when I checked your library, I actually discovered that you... I’m sorry, I don’t even know which word I should use to describe it!

Look at this creature you called ants. Just one type of creature, but on earth, there are at least nine subfamilies and more than 16,000 species! And this is still limited by the data derived from your low technology detection capabilities!

Also, let’s not talk about insects because they are too many of them, there are at least tens of millions of species! My God, even the creatures around you are divided into Kingdom, Phylum, and Class, it is still an astronomical figure. Fuck, you guys even have the Cross-Kingdom creatures.

There are more than 26,000 kinds of fish, more than 1,300 kinds of mice, and even more than 1,000 kinds of dogs! By the way, and you, human beings, the highest ‘ruler’ on earth also has four subspecies!

Plus the ones that are extinct, undiscovered, do you know how many species do you have?

Do you know what that means? Do you know what you are sitting on? It is a dazzling golden mountain and the most precious treasure in the universe! No, you are not sitting on the Golden Mountain, you are sitting on a whole galaxy! But look at you, look at what you people did!”

Seeing its crazy look, seemingly even more excited than the last time he saw him, Chu Yunsheng felt very strange, “what did we do? It’s just a genetic difference, a result of biological evolution-”

The head suddenly became angry, and it interrupted Chu Yunsheng and shouted angrily, “Gene? With your pathetic little knowledge, you even have the audacity to say that it is just a genetic difference! Even if I gave you a full set of genetic code, including high-end equipment for genetic cultivation, can you even make a real species?”

Chu Yunsheng has already started to infuse energy into the sword. Although the giant head seemed to have lost its mind, it was not his problem. Actually, it was much better this way. It would be much easier for him to spot the attack opportunity, but right now, he still needed to distract it. “we don’t need your help, we already have the equipment for Hybridization, and genetic modification and that kind of experiment.”

When saying this, Chu Yunsheng also felt a strange aversion to it. Actually, he didn’t know anything about genetic modification, and he also didn’t know the purpose of it, and if it was good for humanity or not. But during the age of light, he often saw people criticizing that it was bad for the human race.

Chu Yunsheng’s indifferent attitude seemed to have killed the giant head’s mood. It sighed, and said, “Do you know what I’m thinking now? In your human words, all the good crops have been ruined by the pigs!”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to listen to his nonsense and was approaching him gradually. An ice trap talisman has already appeared in his palm. He was about to launch a surprise attack.

However, he has underestimated the giant head. How could his surprise attack work on it! Although it was talking, in the world that was controlled by it, every movement of Chu Yunsheng was noticed by it. When Chu Yunsheng started to approach it, it had already noticed it. “You don’t want to wait? I am kind enough to tell you a secret, but you don’t want to wait! Haha, fine, I will send you to hell right away.”

Then its tone was suddenly changed, and it said coldly, “You have to die! Your world must be ruled by us!”

Realizing that his surprise attack has been noticed by it, Chu Yunsheng immediately unleashed his attack in advance and cast out the ice trap talisman.

The talisman was immediately activated, releasing the energy in the air, compiling a rule that resembled a trap in the air. Only until this moment, did Chu Yunsheng gain a little bit of insight into the core of the talisman’s knowledge. According to this rule, a large amount of ice energy would be sucked in, and bombard each other based on a certain sequence to form a series of chain reactions at the micro-level. The end result of that was that the energy would be condensed into a huge diamond-shaped ice cube!

Logically, the giant head would not be able to dodge this kind of attack. Because in the rule of ice trap talisman, spatial positioning was one of the basic conditions. In another word, once the ice was formed, it meant that the target was locked. At this time, the target only had two choices, either to break out of the ice or destroy the talisman to prevent it from triggering the even more powerful effect. There was no way that the target would be able to dodge it in advance, because no matter where they went, the glacier would still be able to trap them inside.

However, the reality was so miraculous. The giant head actually dodged it!

This kind of situation has only happened once before. It was still in the creep area in the yellow mountain area. When Chu Yunsheng faced the cloaked man for the first time, the first wave of ice trap talisman attack he cast out didn’t trap that cloaked man. But the situation was completely different from that of now. At that time, Chu Yunsheng had not yet gained insight into the core of talisman knowledge. More importantly, the fire elemental energy inside the giant tomb had strong interference on the ice elemental energy. It was with all those factors combined that he couldn’t trap the cloaked man at that time.

However, the inner world was full of pure ice elemental energy, which was conducive to the formation of the effect of ice trap talisman. So the chances that he would miss should be very small.

But he still missed it. And more importantly, the giant head didn’t even move on the ground!

“Huh! Using Cold Particle Energy in front of me, you need to work harder!” The giant head snorted after it dogged the attack.

“Is it?” Chu Yunsheng sneered coldly and then immediately jumped up. With the help of water ripple under its boots, he approached the giant head quickly in the air. “Let me see how many attacks you can dodge!”

As soon as he finished, he cast out many talismans without stopping, not giving the giant head any chance to counter-attack. “Ice trap talisman, Glacier talisman, Icicle whirlwind talisman, Li Huo talisman... and Sword qi! I don’t believe you are able to block it all!”

Chu Yunsheng cast out so many offensive talismans at once as if those talismans were worthless things. In the blink of an eye, the giant head was buried under all kinds of fire and ice energy attacks. Chu Yunsheng could not even see the effect of each talisman, all the effects were mixed together, and even the six sword qi also disappeared in the energy bombardment.

In this kind of attack intensity, Chu Yunsheng believed that even if he was not able to kill the giant head, he would be able to injure him.

But he soon discovered the strange thing. Most of the time when offensive talismans were cast out, the spiritual connection between him and the talismans would be cut off. However, the six sword qi was different. If they didn’t hit the target, he would be able to feel it clearly.

And now, the six sword qi actually shot out of the bombardment, and shot back at him, as if they were trying to save him.

It was at this moment, Chu Yunsheng subconsciously felt a cold wind behind his head! ‘Shit!’ The giant head was behind him!

However, it was too late for him to dodge it now. He could only use his fastest speed to turn around and try to block whatever the attack that was coming toward him.


A huge force came from the body of the sword. At the same time, sharp pains occurred in two areas on his body. Then he flew out suddenly, heading straight toward the ice and fire energy bombardment, and almost falling into it.

Chu Yunsheng knew that he mustn’t panic at this time. No matter how the giant head went behind him, the immediate priority was to deal with the incoming attack!

After many years of fighting, his response was still very quick. While he was still flying in the air, two ice trap talismans were immediately cast out from his hands in succession. He hoped that those two talismans would be able to delay the attack.

The two barriers of icicles instantly formed in front of him. However, as soon as the barriers were formed, the sound of ice cracking and breaking appeared. From this, Chu Yunsheng could clearly tell how powerful and fast the giant head’s attack was.

However, fortunately, the two barriers still bought him some time, so he was able to stand up again to defend himself, and also see what was coming.

It turned out to be three ice balls, each the size of a shot, rotating and flying with each other. One of the balls destroyed the first barrier, so it was slightly behind, but the other two were reaching the second barrier quickly. However, it was at this moment, Chu Yunsheng witnessed the strange phenomena again. As the second barrier formed by the ice trap talisman was about to capture those two balls, they strangely disappeared all of sudden and then reappeared behind the barrier, heading straight toward Chu Yunsheng’s face!

Is it an illusion? Or the inner world is completely controlled by the giant head, or it can really change the spatial position at will?

It is not possible!

Chu Yunsheng, who used to be an engineering student, and coupled with so many years of understanding of ancient books, was sure that there was no way that a creature that had lost its body would be able to distort space like that. Even with Yuan Tian stage four’s strength, it would only allow it to “see” certain things. If it wanted to distort space, it needed a terrifying amount of energy.

There must be something wrong! There must be a secret!

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