Dark Blood Age

Chapter 613

Chapter 613

“Of course! Why not?”

Chu Yunsheng was completely amused by the No.1’s arrangement, and his mood became a little better because of it. He knew that all he planned to do was to inherit the book, but he just did not expect that he would think he would come up with this kind of ridiculous method.

What a “genius”.

Yu Jian did not know what Chu Yunsheng was thinking, he just thought that Chu Yunsheng really agreed to it, so he asked sternly, “so, should we arrange it tomorrow?”

Chu Yunsheng was once again “amused” by Yu Jian’s serious expression. He could not help but said while laughing, “why tomorrow, now is a perfect time.”

Yu Jian was dazed for a moment. He probably did not expect that Chu Yunsheng would be this “thirsty”. However, he knew that he should not say anything inappropriate, so he simply said, “then I will arrange it immediately.”

But before he could leave, Chu Yunsheng stopped him and said, “Wait, Captain Yu, I have some other things for you to do as well. Could you send a helicopter to Shanghai to pick up a person for me?”

Yu Jian said, “no problem, who would you like me to pick up?”

Chu Yunsheng thought for a second and said, “my old colleague. His name is Yu Xiaohai. Now he is probably with Song Ying and busy gathering the supplies. I think you also know this man. So, can you send him here? I will wait here. As soon as he landed, send him here straight away.”

A flash of bewilderment appeared in Yu Jian’s eyes, but he didn’t ask too much. He simply said, “I will do it immediately.”

Chu Yunsheng nodded, “Captain Yu, I know thank you won’t mean much to you, but I hope you won’t mind it. Because I can only trust him.”

Yu Jian shook his head and smiled, “Mr. Chu, don’t worry, I have been a captain for many years, so I know my position.”

Chu Yunsheng patted his shoulder and said nothing more.

After Yu Jian left, Chu Yunsheng’s face fell again, and he could not help but stare at the cigarette box again.

After a while, a few gentle knocks appeared at the door. Frustrated, Chu Yunsheng changed the position of the cigarette box and then got up to open the door.

The people No.1, that old man sent over were really straightforward. Probably they heard from Yu Jian that he agreed to their condition, so those men simply decided to wait downstairs, and ask the girl to come up to see Chu Yunsheng alone.

Is there anything else more directly than this?

The girl had fine features, long hair, fair skin, and a good figure. She was beautiful in every way. She looked to be in her 20s, which was the perfect age to bear a kid. The No.1 that old man probably had spent quite a lot of effort into arranging this thing. They even sent over such a pretty girl to do this kind of nasty deal.

“Come in.”

Chu Yunsheng turned around and walked back into the room with a big pair of slippers, and as he walked in, the corner of his eyes was still staring at the cigarette box.

The girl looked very nervous, and she also didn’t dare to talk. She just walked behind Chu Yunsheng with her head down. However, as he walked into the room, her face became redder and redder, and after the door was close, even her ears also turned red.

It seemed that everyone knew what was about to happen.

After taking a quick glance at her, Chu Yunsheng also could not help but be impressed that Chu Clan’s disciples were pretty good at this line of work. It seemed like they knew exactly which type of girl he liked. If they had sent in a flirtatious girl, who would take her clothes off at the moment she entered the door, he would’ve probably already kicked her out.

“You can sit anywhere you like, it is quite messy here.” After he said it, he started to concentrate on staring at the cigarette box again.

He tried very hard to stop himself from looking at the cigarette box, at least, he should not look at it very frequently, but he couldn’t help it.

But the more he stared at it, the cigarette box would not move even more. Actually, it was also impossible for it to move. Otherwise, this whole world would be in a mess.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng completely ignored her after she was let in, the girl did not know what to do. The room was very smokey, but she didn’t dare to complain. Before she came here, there were at least a dozen extremely important people, who had repeatedly advised her to never and absolutely not anger the man in slippers in front of her, and she had to do whatever the man asked her to do.

When she heard Chu Yunsheng say “it’s messy here”, she finally found something that would not make her feel embarrassed. So, she started to clean up the room, put the cigarette butts in the trash can, picked up the garbage from the ground, and stacked the clothes neatly...

Chu Yunsheng still ignored her, he just kept staring at his cigarette box as if he was enchanted!

Time slowly passed by in the room, two people never spoke a word to each other. The girl was busy cleaning the room and Chu Yunsheng was busy staring at the cigarette box as if she did not exist.

About half an hour passed, the cigarette box still remained motionless, as if it was mocking Chu Yunsheng for being an ignorant fool.

Chu Yunsheng felt tired after staring at it for so long. He knew that it wouldn’t produce any result if he kept staring like this. All it did was to mess up with his mind even more. So, he decided to go back to sleep, but as soon as he looked away from the cigarette book, he had a strange feeling. It was as if in the midst of a dark and endless search, he had finally discovered what he was looking for, and the thing he had been looking for suddenly appeared like a ghost, but before he could see it clearly, it flashed and disappeared.

Chu Yunsheng’s heart began to beat faster. What exactly inspired him and let him catch the ghost’s tail? He hurriedly started to look around.

But when he turned around, he was stunned. He did not know when, but the messy room became clean and tidy all of sudden.

It was as if while he was staring at the cigarette box for a while, the entire world behind him had turned upside down!

But just then, the feeling of catching the ghost’s tail came again!

Seeing the girl was about to stand up nervously, Chu Yunsheng hurriedly said, “don’t move, don’t move!”

It was very difficult to get this feeling, Chu Yunsheng was afraid that once she moved, and the feeling would disappear from his mind again.

In the dark age, Chu Yunsheng had more or less learned some scientific knowledge in order to study the ancient book. He remembered that in quantum mechanics, there was a popular discussion regarding the “Uncertainty principle” that used the moon as an example. The idea was like this: if you looked away, would the moon be still there? And if he remembered it correctly, Quantum mechanics believed that the moon was just a bunch of wave functions, and it may not even exist. Only when you looked at it, the moon would appear and exist, and its specific position and shape would be determined at the same time.

This was a very difficult concept to understand. Scientists have tried to verify it for a very long time. For example, the EPR paradox, or in a layman’s terms, “Does God Play Dice?”

Quantum physicists believed that the process of “measuring” or “turning around and observing” itself would have a huge impact on the system, in which the measured object existed, because they were considered to be in the same system. So, ultimately, it would result in the measure to be inaccurate, or what was being measured was just a random state of it, which was just like the result of rolling a dice.

In the dark age, many of the top scientists in the sky city were influenced by the new system and new knowledge, and they thought that the reason why it was immeasurable or unpredictable was that, in the existing world, everything was like a big net, and they were all interconnected. Once there were some changes on the measuring party, the measured party, which was under the same cosmic system, would also change accordingly, so some people assumed that perhaps standing in the higher-dimensional space could break away from the physical connection in the lower-dimensional space, and then maybe, they would able to accurately capture the status of the real-world.

After this theoretical hypothesis was put forward, it was accepted by many sky city’s scientists. They were ambitious and they wanted to explore the truth of the world. They thought that they could make a major breakthrough in understanding the nature of the world.

However, the subsequent experiments failed one after another. At first, they thought that dimensions were not completely separated, and not completely independent, but scientists did not give up, they still insisted on continuously improving the experiments. However, as the three-dimensional space was gradually unsealed, more and more awakeners were qualified for the independent four-dimensional experiments, but they were still greeted by failure after failure.

After a series of setbacks, many of the scientists in Sky City had to conclude that it may not be related to dimensional problems. However, while everyone was upset by the conclusion, one small group of scientists proposed a very strange theory, and in this theory, it proposed that if they wanted to observe the true state of the world, they must first find the “Eye of Providence”. What was even more bizarre was that gradually more and more scientists firmly believed that the “Eye of Providence” really existed, it was just that they could not find it at the moment.

Chu Yunsheng was not a scientist. Most of his understanding of scientific theories was limited to simple and easy-to-understand examples. Apart from some mathematical analysis that he used to decipher the message of the ancient book, his level of mathematical analysis was just average, but his advantage was that he was exposed to a lot more new things than scientists, and he had been alone in the zero-dimensional space for a long period of time, so it was enough for him to think of something clearly.

He believed that the reason why the moon was immeasurable, was that he was not the only one, who was “measuring” the moon. When he looked away, countless people were still looking up at the moon, and if the whole world was a system, then even if there was Uncertainty Principle, the moon had already been determined by other people collectively for its size and shape, so the result would be the same whether he looked at the moon or not.

But what if the experiment was narrowed down to a room in the hotel, and the one that measured it was only him?

Of course, Chu Yunsheng also knew it was the girl, who cleaned the room for him, apart from her, there was no one else in the room, who would do it. But this was not the point. The point was that he was so concentrating on the cigarette box at that time that he had completely forgotten the existence of the girl.

In other words, a “non-existent” person “changed” the position of various things in his room before he turned around, and only after he turned around did he find that their positions were changed!

The thing that happened in front of him may be very rough and too simple, but it gave Chu Yunsheng, who was struggling with the “position problem” a great inspiration: Was there also a non-existence person in the hall when he was fighting with the old man Yi Jing? Was that person the reason why none of those senior officers noticed that he and the old man Yi Jing’s positions were changed?

To extend a little deeper, if it was true, but how could he see “the truth” accurately, and if it was really the truth, did it mean that he had the “Eye of Providence” that those scientists talked about?

Chu Yunsheng could not help but feel a little bit terrified. If he was not in the Pseudo-Monolith, how much had his world, and his life been “stolen”? And how much of it had been “modified”?

And who was that non-existent person??

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