Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 34 - 22: The End_1

Chapter 34: Chapter 22: The End_1

Translator: 549690339

“Kill! ”

Four men surrounded the platform, the man in the green robe and the middle-aged scholar each drew a long sword, while the white-browed old monk and the old beggar were barehanded.

Within the encirclement, the storyteller stood with his hands behind his back, still composed.

Although there were four of them, they dared not be careless. A tremendous surge of Gang Qi burst forth, and they launched their killing moves without hesitation.

“Heaven Gang returns to the origin!”

“Haoqi Long breath!”

“Buddhist Law is boundless!”

“The arrogant dragon shall have regrets!”

Killing techniques from all directions concentrated Gang Qi into forms, attacking their opponent fiercely.

The storyteller just laughed out loud, still standing in place, immovable, with only the Gang Qi condensing into a body protective qi shield to fend off the attacks from all sides.

Twelve Heavenly Golden Bell Shields?

Yes and no!


The force of Sword Gang and palm techniques came crashing down, landing on the slightly unstable qi shield, and a thunderous noise shook the heavens. The stone-based platform suffered impact, blasting out web-like cracks, with dust and smoke swirling.

From the rolling dust, four figures were thrown out, landing in the four corners of the arena, staggering and smashing stone bricks under their feet, barely managing to stabilize themselves.

Four against one, and still, the first to attack were the ones repulsed?


“After so many years, you still haven’t made much progress!”

A soft murmur, and as the dust settled, it revealed the cracked platform and the storyteller standing on it with his hands behind his back.

As peers in the True Gang Realm, how could the four men’s simultaneous killing moves not harm him even slightly?

“Fighting Scroll!”

Though they had somewhat anticipated it, such an outcome still turned their faces ashen, a sight most unsightly.

The Great Zhou Martial Scriptures, a peerless marvel with the Fighting Scroll within it. The Great Zhou Martial Ancestor collected various martial arts techniques from around the world, extracted their essence, discarded their flaws, integrated and mastered them; unsurpassed in combat and brawling techniques.

As the leader of the Great Zhou secret guards and the master of two of the twelve Martial Arts Scriptures, this storyteller focused on two scrolls: one being the Power Scroll, the fundament of the Martial Arts Scripture, and the other being this Fighting Scroll specialized in combat. His combat potency was extremely formidable.

Now, as he deployed this combat technique derived from Tai Chi Chaos Yuan, the Twelve Heavenly, Indestructible Vajra, and other martial arts, integrated and refined to form this body protective qi shield, it was not only supremely defensive but also drained the enemy’s Gang Qi and had a rebounding force. Their powerful killing moves failed to scratch him, and instead, they themselves were injured.

This was the Fighting Scroll, perfect in both offense and defense, unparalleled in battle. Amongst peers, there was simply no match!

“Only through Martial Arts Scripture can one withstand Martial Arts Scripture! ” “Only with the Fighting Scroll can one be fearless of the Fighting Scroll!”

This was the saying that had been most widely circulated throughout the land in the two hundred years since Great Zhou’s governance.

These four were well aware of this, and if they could, they too would want to counter the Martial Arts Scripture with another Martial Arts Scripture, and match the Fighting Scroll with another Fighting Scroll.

Alas… they were unable to do so!

Although Great Zhou had laid out a strategy for martial arts to flourish across the world, creating an era of martial prowess where everyone could become as powerful as dragons, elder or youth alike, it did not mean that the methods of the Martial Arts Scripture were widely known to all.

The Martial Arts Scripture that spread across the world only included the cultivation techniques for Inner Strength and True Qi. To access Gang Qi cultivation skills and the True Martial Meaning, one would need to enter martial arts academies officially established by Great Zhou, such as Heavenly King Mountain, the most sacred place of martial arts in the world. Only then could one learn the Gang Qi cultivation techniques and the core mysteries of each scroll.

How could such remnants of rebels dare to enter a martial arts academy? Wouldn’t that be courting death?

Of course, they had tried it. They had attempted disguising their identities to infiltrate, or else they had cultivated martial arts seeds of pristine background to send into the academies for training; once they mastered the arts, they planned to transmit their knowledge to them.

Yet for some unknown reason, once these seeds and traitors entered the martial arts academies, they either disappeared without a trace or turned coat, defecting directly to the service of the Great Zhou dynasty, leaving them not only empty-handed in terms of martial arts techniques but also defeated by the sweeps of the Great Zhou secret guards— a significant blow, losing both the lady and the soldiers.

After several such disappointments, they had no choice but to accept reality and abandon the attempt to infiltrate various martial arts academies to learn covertly, turning instead to other methods to steal the Martial Arts Scripture.

Yet, with all their efforts, they only obtained some fragmented pieces, which were far from forming a complete system. Up to now, they still used the more than two hundred -year-old martial arts from various sects at the Inner Strength and True Qi levels.

They had neither seen nor much less cultivated the core Gang Qi cultivation technique or the divine True Martial arts of the Martial Scripture. ‘l’neretore, taced witn a storyteller grounded In tne power Scroll and Skilled In the Fighting Scroll, deeply practicing the methods of the Martial Arts Scripture, even if they were four against one, they held no advantage.

Knowing this, why would they still come forth? Did they perhaps rely on something to counter the storyteller’s Fighting Scroll?

“The Martial Arts Scripture’s Fighting Scroll is indeed formidable!”

“But what of it?”

“You are, after all, just one man!”

“That tyrant sought immortality, united the world’s forces, advanced the martial path, but even after more than two hundred years, he has not seen success. The realm of Gang Qi cultivation still marks the peak— we all possess Gang Qi cultivation, and even if the Great Zhou Martial Scriptures are incredibly profound and magical, it’s impossible for one to take on four!”

“When Gang Qi is exhausted, that will mark your doom!”

“The Martial Scriptures may be splendid, but they are born from our own martial arts. How much can you win by?”


The four uttered coldly, openly revealing their intentions, and then they launched another attack.

The Great Zhou Martial Scriptures are unmatched, and in single combat, none of the four stood a chance.

But this was not single combat; they were all Grandmasters in the True Gang Realm. All four joined forces, possessing an absolute numerical advantage, fully capable of outlasting the opponent in a contest of Gang Qi, exhausting him before striking the killing blow.

This was their trump card; as long as the storyteller couldn’t break the encirclement instantly, they were confident of victory.

“Gang Qi exhausted?”

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