Chapter 520

520 Opening Ceremony


The huge gong that was in front of the Golden Dragon’s great hall rang loudly. The palace guests had already filled their seats in the great hall with Yue Yang’s exquisite decorations for the opening ceremony at noon.

The palace guests were standing in front of their seats when they heard the second gong hit.


“His Majesty the Emperor, and Her Majesty the Queen come into the room!” cried the little guard announcing the arrival of the Emperor and Queen and their entourage of concubines from the back door of the hall.

The emperor entered with a beaming face, he stood in front of his oversized chair briefly clenching his two hands in front of his chest.

“Thanks to the state guests who have been present, please sit down and enjoy, please.”

The old man with a face that often smiled until his cheeks were rounded lowered his body and sat down in his place, making all the guests sit with him. But, just as the guests were about to sit down, the doorman’s voice was heard again.

“His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Viceroy Xin Hua entered the room!” cried the guard loudly.


The guests turned towards the large door where the Crown Prince and Bai Ying entered along with Bei Yau and Elder Yi behind them. All the guests held their breaths seeing how sparkling the Crown Prince and Bai Ying were at that moment.

“Wow, is that the viceroy of Xin Hua?” whispered one of the palace guests.

The official next to him nodded.

“Who else? He looks very young.”

Almost all the eyes that saw the Crown Prince and Bai Ying pass by couldn’t hide their admiration for the beautiful sight that passed before their eyes, everyone’s jaws almost dropped from their place. Likewise, Lo Yi who was standing near the front position looked at Bai Ying with his big eyes and mouth agape. Luo Xiang took Bai Ying’s hand, holding it tightly the rest of the way they headed to the front position not far from the Emperor’s seat.

The Crown Prince and the others stopped in front of the Emperor, bowing their heads in front of the Emperor and Empress.

“Greeting, Your Majesty, Son pay respect to Your Majesty the Emperor and Queen, may the Emperor always be blessed with a healthy and long live”

After the Crown Prince, the state guests also paid their respects to the Emperor

“Greeting! Your Majesty the Emperor, may you always be healthy and live long” they shouted in unison.

During that, Lo Yi who should be looking at the Emperor while paying his respects couldn’t even take his eyes off Bai Ying, he couldn’t stop smiling seeing Bai Ying’s face shining among all the people in the room. As if everyone was not in front of his eyes and ears, at that time Bai Ying is the only person appearing in his eyes.

The opening ceremony started with the Emperor’s greeting, which made Bai Ying almost fall asleep from boredom and after that the entertainment of the local entertainers.

The sound of music and dancing of young and beautiful women in the middle of the room entertained the guests, who wouldn’t like to see young women in sexy clothes showing their white smooth shining skin and sexy curves through their exotic swaying.

“Wow, great! Great!” There was loud applause and shouts from the guests.

The Queen invited the Princess of Dai Yang, to sit with her at the side of the Emperor’s seat, considering Chai Ni was her niece so indirectly she was included as part of the family.

“Look at that, their swaying is very interesting, in the past, Ying er and the other Crown Prince’s concubines had also danced it, they were quite great too” whispered the Queen as she clapped her hands to the rhythm of the loud music.

Princess Chai Ni widened her eyes.

“They do a dance like that? That kid, eh, Ni er mean, that little concubine too?” she asked.

Queen nodded.

“Yeah, Ying er is pretty great too, the guests enjoy their dance, even though Ying er and the other concubines only practice for a few days.”

Chai Ni swallowed hard, it seemed that being one of the concubines in the palace needed quite hard work too.

While Bai Ying who was sitting beside the Crown Prince couldn’t stop enjoying the food that was served in front of his eyes, really all the glittering food made his saliva drip.

Elder Yi sat not far beside him, the man was also almost drooling, it wasn’t food that caused it, but rather the sight of smooth beautiful girls swaying in the middle of the room.

“Hehehe this is great, the dance is really good”

Luo Xiang took Bai Ying’s favourite peanut cake and put it in front of the young man’s mouth.

“Here, Ying, your favourite.”

Bai Ying smiled widely, he opened his mouth wide to let the Crown Prince put the cake into his mouth, then chewed it with a puffy mouth.

“Emm” said with his expression that the food is so delicious.

Luo Xiang smiled, he couldn’t bear to see Bai Ying’s adorable face and raised his hand to clean the crumbs left in Bai Ying’s mouth.

“This kid, behave how you’re eating, look at this mess”

“Nahd nya nyam nya” Bai Ying said.

And in this world perhaps only the Crown Prince understood the words Bai Ying spoke when his mouth was full thus, he smiled.

“Is this delicious?” he asked. Bai Ying nodded.

Luo Xiang pinched Bai Ying’s chin in annoyance.

“This kid, in your head all the food is delicious”

While not far beside Bai Ying and the Crown Prince, concubine Fu and concubine Lui sat together enjoying their snacks. The two of them looked very seriously at the stage where the palace invited local art workers to show performances from various countries to satisfy the palace guests who did come from any country.

“Look sis, I think their sway is not enough, we used to have to sway until our waists almost broke because of it, and their clothes are also less sexy,” said Lan er.

Fan er who was enjoying her tea nodded.

“Yeah, I thought so too, what’s missing, huh? Because they may not be trained by an expert teacher who comes from Tania, aren’t like us back then”

“And that too, Sis, the hairdo is not as good as ours, I remember we have to sit for hours just to do our hair, and the veil is also not that shiny” Lan er added.

“Sister, how can they be equated with us, all of our property comes from the palace, of course, it is very different,” continued Fan er.

Lan Er nodded, they both laugh gracefully, even though they can’t help to laugh hard.

“That’s right, maybe that’s because of that, sis, ouch, Lan er misses our dance class, painting, knitting, cooking class, do you think Chai Ma will continue our class or not? After Ying er is back now.”

Fan er thought.

“Em, looks like it’s going to be difficult, sis, Xiao Ying is very busy right now, he doesn’t even have time to make the face masks for us anymore”

Lan er turned her head when she heard that from Fan er.

“Oh, sis, how if we just make it ourselves, now brother is back, we could ask him how to make a good and correct face mask, oh, I miss our facial treatments”

“Lan er, didn’t you get a lot of masks as souvenirs-by, do you still need to make your own?” asked Fan er.

“Of course we need it, sis, the mask that Ying used to make is cold and nice on the skin, that’s what I want, all the masks made by the royal physician are good too, but still not as good as Ying’s”

Fan er pulled her lips.

“What’s the difference?”

The sound of music dominates the room after the dance stops followed by the musical instrument performance by the same group.

Luo Yan was sitting opposite the Crown Prince enjoying the event accompanied by his favourite concubine, Mei er. He looked to his side where the Crown Prince of the Dai Yang was sitting not far from him, close enough to be able to talk to him even though he sounded a little screaming.

“You know, Your Highness the Crown Prince Lo Yi, if my younger brother, His Majesty the Crown Prince know, He could have poked your eyes out for staring at his concubine non-stop for a long time,” Luo Yan said to Lo Yi, who he knew had seen Bai Ying nonstop since the young man sat there.

Lo Yi turned his head and looked at the Second Prince who knew what he had been for a while, then turned his head back, he couldn’t control his eyes which keep looking in that direction ever since.

“Eh, hehe Second Prince, then what should I do, such a magnificent beauty is right in front of my eyes and I am not allowed to enjoy it, that is a pity isn’t it?” he asked.

Luo Yan raised his teacup, he also couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful consort Hua, but apart from Crown Prince Luo Xiang his brother, only he who’s allowed to look at that concubine with such a gaze, other people of course were very forbidden. Luo Xiang could take out the person’s eyes because of dared look at his concubine with such mischievous eyes, those eyes that he now found on the young man sitting beside him.

“Well, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, Your Majesty, because my little brother is very possessive over his little concubine, and you have no idea what they’ve been through together.”


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