Chapter 495

495 The Creature

Heeee! The large and sturdy horses of the Crown Prince’s entourage enjoyed their breakfast with fresh grass provided from the inn house, and several large soldiers combed the backs and heads of the horses enjoying a leisurely rest time before the next journey began.

Outside of the inn building, Bai Ying was seen sneaking among the trees with Yan behind him.

“Your Majesty, what are we here for? If His Majesty the Crown Prince found out, Servant can get punished” whispered Yan who had no choice but to follow Bai Ying who was sneaking out wanting to see something. The young man looked at the crowd of people dressed in black and red who had gathered outside to enjoy their breakfast.

“Shut, Sister Yan, don’t be noisy, Ying just wants to see the mystical scorpion that they say they carry everywhere, is it really that great? It’s said to be able to kill a person with just one sting, that’s a very dangerous creature”

Yan tried to hold Bai Ying’s clothes from advancing closer to where the people had put their belongings in the carriage and the horses near the stables, the people who numbered around a dozen seemed to be about to continue their journey after they finished eating, they already packed their belonging there.

“No Your Majesty, that is so dangerous, we can’t get too close, what if they see us”

“Alright, sister you stay here, they will notice if there’s too many of us, just stay here and watched, okay” whispered Bai Ying who then let Yan’s grip off and slipped away. Yan widened her eyes but she couldn’t scream.

“Your Majesty”

The mischievous Bai Ying didn’t care, he was very excited to approach the horse carriage of the people in crimson who were busy with their food. He crept closer to the carriage and peered inside.


“Your Majesty,” Yan who was standing behind the tree didn’t know what should she do, she looked at the group who were still busy sitting and eta their breakfast. The girl squeezed her cold sweaty hand.

“Oh, what should I do?”

Yan spotted someone she knew not far in front, and the young girl immediately approached him.

Meanwhile, Bai Ying managed to get into the carriage, and saw several large boxes that were collected on the inside, among one of the boxes there must be a creature he looking for, but, could that creature still alive if it was locked up in one of the very tight shut boxes? It could suffocate to death.

The young man opened the boxes one by one, there was nothing important inside other than clothes and weapons, also some iron stones, and dry food. They may not bring it with them.

“Heh, nothing here.”

Bai Ying crawled backwards to get out of the carriage but something grabbed his leg. His eyes were wide, bad, he’s been caught? Bai Ying slowly turned his head and swallowed hard to see who was holding his leg now.

“B-brother Yi?” Lo Yi was already there looking at the young man with wide eyes.

“Brat, what are you doing here?” he asked.

Bai Ying was just about to answer when he heard a loud voice from outside.

“Insolent! What are you guys doing?”

Immediately Lo Yi reached out his hand to help Bai Ying out, but the young man had trouble crawling back because the carriage wasn’t big enough for him.

“Akh brother” the young man stretched out his hand asking Lo Yi to help him. Just as several large men dressed in crimson were already approaching the carriage.

“What are you guys doing in our carriage?” without waiting for an answer from Lo Yi who was hugging Bai Ying, the biggest man threw his mace at Lo Yi.


Lo Yi dodged while hugging Bai Ying’s waist out of the carriage. The two fell hugging each other on the ground rolling several times with Lo Yi positioned on top of Bai Ying, covering him from the man’s attack.

“Akh” Lo Yi was stunned, being on top of the young man, especially very close to his face, saw Bai Ying’s big clear eyes looking at him.

“Eh brother Yi”

Lo Yi woke up quickly, the man attacked again and was about to throw the club at Lo Yi’s body who immediately got up while lifting Bai Ying, while holding the big club with his sword.

The other two men also attacked at the same time.

“God damn it!” The three large men charged simultaneously toward Lo Yi and Bai Ying who were in the middle.

Meanwhile, Yan had run towards the inn to seek help.

“Help, Guard Bei, uh Y-Your Majesty!”

Luo Xiang who was preparing to leave on the ground floor turned his head to see Yan running in with a panicked face. Luo Xiang widened his eyes, where there is Yan there must be Bai Ying, and now the servant is running back alone.

“Oh Ying Ying” without thinking he put down the thing he was holding earlier and rushed out followed by Bei Yau and the others.


The three men who attacked Lo Yi were exhausted, not expecting the tall thin young man to be able to withstand their extremely powerful attack. But they weren’t people to be taken lightly, one of the three men in scarlet clad smirked. He wiped his slightly bloody lips looking at Lo Yi and Bai Ying who was standing behind him.

“Hehe, this kid is so cute, sweet boy, what, you looking for something? Is this what you’re looking for?” asked the biggest man, from the clothes he was wearing he looked like one of the higher-ups of the Clan.

Bai Ying’s eyes widened as he saw the man take out something from the cloth pouch hanging from his waist, a wooden box no bigger than his palm.

“W-what is that?”

Lo Yi is on guard with his sword, if it is really a mystical creature that is meant as the clan’s mainstay weapon, then it is the most dangerous creature that has ever existed, one sting can make all organs melt, and from the eye sockets, count, ears and mouth bleed relentlessly, and slowly died in the most painful way.

“Ying, don’t move, it’s the most dangerous creature in the world, but don’t be afraid big brother will protect you” whispered Lo Yi.

Bai Ying swallowed hard, the man raised his wooden box high, as if to open the lid, did he intend to let the creature out? Has that man gone mad?

“You couldn’t have let him come out and bite us, would you? What if he bites you too?” Bai Ying exclaimed.

The man holding the box laughed. He and his two friends and his men who had surrounded the area laughed together.

“Hahahaha, this creature will come out and bite just once, after that it will turn back to stone, you think, it has a chance to bite someone else? Alright sweetie, better stay away from this person, come here, and I won’t let it bite you.”

Bai Ying widened his eyes, there it is, his chance to grab the box and prevent it from coming out and biting people. The youth stepped forward and approached the man, but Lo Yi held his hand.

“Ying what are you doing?” the man pulled Bai Ying towards him.

“Brother, that creature is very dangerous, let Ying take it” Bai Ying whispered. Lo Yi widened his eyes.

“Are you crazy! How could you possibly take it just like that?”

Lo Yi tightened the grip on the hilt of his sword, getting ready to attack if the man really would release the creature out.

“You don’t know who you’ve been up against! Hiaaat!” cried Lo Yi pointing his sword at the man holding the box, but the man had already opened it and threw its contents at Lo Yi.

“God damn it!” just as Lo Yi’s sharp sword slashed at his body.


Lo Yi widened his eyes, he had just slashed the man with his sword and saw someone who had advanced to dispel the creature that was thrown at him, a moment after the fresh blood of the fallen man floated in the air.

“Brother Yi!”

Like slow motion, Lo Yi saw Bai Ying who had suddenly shot forward to catch the creature with his hands.

“No Ying-er!”

The young man was already right in front of Lo Yi’s eyes while catching the scorpion that might have bitten him, gripping the creature tightly in his palm. He still had time to smile realizing that his catch was right on target until his body finally fell limp.

“Ying Ying!” The Crown Prince arrived just as Bai Ying’s body limply fell to the ground, without a second thought he shot toward Bai Ying and hold him before hitting the dirt. He threw his wide hand knocking everyone including Lo Yi away from Bai Ying.


Bei Yau and his men approached and surrounded all the crimson-clothed men.

“Ah!” Lo Yi’s body was thrown quite far, he tried to get up quickly and looked at Bai Ying who was already unconscious, slumped in the Crown Prince’s hand. Lo Yi tried to get up but the powerful jolt of the Crown Prince’s internal energy made him probably hurt internally, to the point of spewing fresh blood from his mouth, who was that person? Why is he so strong?


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