Chapter 448

448 Cold Black Kingdom

“Klekk” the sound of the door opened, approached the very majestic and beautiful room in the highest part of Xue Hua palace. Seen two young maidservants helping to style the long hair of a woman sitting in front of the mirror, while several other maids kneel behind her.

The person who had just entered stopped behind the figure of a very majestic clothed woman and lowered himself to her knees.

“Report, Your Majesty the Queen, General Te Yi’s army managed to take over the western base and captured Prince Ye Huan alive, now he’s awaits your further orders” exclaimed the man in bronze armour with a winter yellow coat.

The figure of the woman who was called by Her Majesty the Queen saw her hairdo which was almost finished and waved her hand asking the two maidservants to step back. The two little maids backed away with their bodies half bowed, waiting for what the woman would say after seeing her hairdo which was tied with golden ribbons and decorated with hairpins and a black snake-shaped crown that curled upwards.

“You can go,” said the woman. All the young maidservants lowered their bodies to their knees and answered in unison.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The maids got up with their bodies half bowed backwards towards the door, came out and closed it slowly.

The woman who was called the Queen saw her reflection from a close distance, her slender fingers holding her forehead to her eye area, finding some very fine lines of wrinkles.

“Heh, Guard Dao, have you found the solution to my youth ness potion? Heh, that ugly tortoise didn’t even give me what I asked for, he’s really a useless old geezer, and I’m tired of taking the energies of those adorable young people, oh, too bad, I wish I can keep them longer.”


The young man called Dao who was none other than the Queen’s personal bodyguard lowered his head again.

“Report Your Majesty, according to Elder Hu the pure energy of young virgins is still the most successful so far.”

The woman turned to her bodyguard, a woman who looked extremely beautiful and flawless with porcelain white skin, a small sharp nose, thin red lips and a perfect triangular face, and she was still complaining about the wrinkles that weren’t even visible on her radiant face.

The queen glanced at the bed where a lifeless body looked pitiful, two eyes bulging with a shrivelled and dry body leaving skin covered with bones. Guard Dao shook his head at the two guards behind him to come in and carry a body that from the remains of the clothes looked like a young man, out of the room.

“Heh, well just look at that, not a delicious one, he can’t even get rid of my fine wrinkles. I’m getting bored of this, Guard Dao, isn’t there any more delicious young man than this? At least find me a more energetic young man, I just touched him for a bit and look what he become? heh this is really tiring”

Guard Dao lowered his head deeply.

“Please forgive Servant, Your Majesty, I have toured the city and all the remaining young adults have fled from the city, servant will look for them in other cities”

Queen waved her slender fingers.

“No need, Guard Dao, I don’t like the blood and energy of dirty brutish kids who are used to living by the river, they all look less than delicious, I don’t want to waste my precious time, hemh”

The young man approached and stretched out his hand to help the Queen get up from her chair.

Queen Bo Yan, the famous woman with an ice-cold heart who ruled the underground country Xue Hua for decades ago, even though the King was the main leader but more than half of the palace troops sided with her, that’s why when the King pass away last month, the Princes fighting for their position, which is rightfully theirs.

The queen who was very beautiful even though she was more than forty years old, let her personal bodyguards and advisors who sided with her, decided would make the cold-handed Queen the supreme ruler of Xue Hua.

To be sure, it was not the right decision, because as to her cold hands, Queen Bo Yan did not hesitate to kill anyone who got in her way, the Queen who had looked gentle all this time turned out to have very great black magic, whose power could shake the palace and make everyone who wanted to escape had no choice but to follow her or die in a very terrible way.

The Guard Dao his Queen sits on a chair in front of the round table, the young man poured tea into the Queen’s jade cup.

“Please Your Majesty”

“The old geezer said, that I can obtain immortality and a very powerful black undefeated magic from a young, beautiful-faced youth who was born on a night when the full moon is red. That young man masters the elements of the world and is destined to become the sustainer of the heavens, that is very interesting, I, want you to find that child for me Guard Dao, bring him to me”

Dao Guard stuttered, he opened his eyes wide, as if he already knew who the woman was meaning.

“Your Majesty, but, Servan is not the opponent of that child, he can even knock down his enemy from tens of meters away without him touching him, his power can shake the heavens and the ground, that is, it is impossible to catch him, Your Majesty”

The Queen pulled her lips, staring at her bodyguards with eyes, she then took a sip of his tea.

“Fool, who knows if you are not his opponent, no matter how you against him you will still lose, everyone will lose to him”

Queen scratched her wrist with fake nails that adorned her pinky. Guard Dao stuttered as he watched the woman spit out the blood she had been holding in her jade cup.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing?”

The Queen lifted the small cup and handed it to her guard. The bodyguard widened his eyes when he saw the red blood turning into thick black liquid.

“This is..”

The Queen looked at the contents of the cup, it was still pitch black, she took it again from the hands of Guard Dao.

“Oops, please forgive me, I forgot” the woman put her pinky in, and stirred the dark black liquid several times until the liquid became clear, like normal water.

“No matter how strong the child is, he will not be able to resist the black poison of snake bile, and it is tasteless and odourless, give it to the child and take him into my hands, at least, this poison can knock him out and put him in a coma for several days”

Guard Dao holding the cup, seeing that the blood had turned into water, if it was true that it was a very famous snake valley poison, which can kill even if it was touched by the skin, the woman asked him to give it as a drink?

“Your Majesty, won’t this kill the child? This poison is very powerful.”

The Queen smiled, she reached for another jade cup and poured herself some tea, taking a large gulp of it.

“Heh, who is he, that kid is a King of Realm, is there some terrible power in this world that can kill him? I just need him to sleep when he arrives in my room, I really can’t wait to touch his supposedly very smooth skin. Guard Dao, remember, you must not fail on this, your chance is only once and if you fail, then don’t blame this Queen for roasting you alive for that ugly old man’s dinner.”

Dao Guards stuttered, he immediately lowered his body almost spilling the water in the cup small.

“R-Ready Your Majesty, I will carry it out”


Klop klop klop.

The sun had already risen to the eastern horizon a while ago when the horse carriage group entered the big city of Sui Lian, after travelling for three days finally the group that clearly attracted the attention of the residents entered the big city of Sui Lian.

Xiao Hong poked his head out of the carriage, his mouth and eyes wide open to see how beautiful and bustling the city that was once the capital of Wah Ye’s country was. Where along the side road, traders from all over the area stop by to peddle their produce and handicrafts. Men and women dressed beautifully for walks with their families and enjoyed the fresh air with the sun shining warmly in the city of Sui Lian, which actually has quite a chilly air every mid-year.

“Wow, this is so great, look at that, Your Majesty, the jade hanger is so beautiful” Xiao Hong exclaimed. Bai Ying, who was clearly a shopping nut, stuck his head out the window.


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