Chapter 440

440 How It Was

Bei Yau nodded.

“That’s right Your Majesty, I also think this is very strange, the Black Serpent is a sacred snake that has lived for thousands of years in the black forest until there are attackers who disturb their peace and make their habitat destroyed, it is not strange that he takes revenge on all those who have killed their children, but Princess Yao Nie, it seems very unlikely that the Princess went to the Black forest and offended the black snake, about how she could be a black snake and curse all her enemies, it’s completely beyond anyone’s mind ”

Luo Xiang drew his lips, stopping his step in the middle of the road towards their room in the back bungalow. He lowered his hands from his back waist and turned his body to look at Bei Yau.

“Where is the Black Forest located?” he asked.

Bei Yau thought, he looked towards Ge Lu to ask, and the head guard lowered his head.

“Report, Your Majesty, the Black Forest is located on the border of the old Ku Ye state, which is now a stopover town of Ku Chang with the north coast, the city of Hei Wu, where the great Black Tortoise river is located”

Hearing that Luo Xiang widened his eyes, that’s the city they will visit after returning to Xin Hua.

“Hei Wu City? How can that curse get this far? ” Luo Xiang asked.

Ge Lu stroked his chin thinking.


“Hem, maybe because this city is on the same route for the palace family and former Wu Ku officials, as well as some of its citizens when they escape, the curse of the black serpent, has always moved from long ago to the centre of Yue Yang, worried if the black serpent continues to move, it could have arrived in San Po at the near future, Your Majesty, thankfully its has been vanish” continued Ge Lu.

“Hemh, but, this may not be over Ge Lu, we still haven’t found the body of the black serpent yet anywhere, and I have a feeling that if the snake, maybe it’s waiting for us on the north coast, it body might still be either in the Black Forest or at the bottom of the Black Tortoise River ”

Bei Yau widened his eyes to hear the Crown Prince’s words.

“Your Majesty, does Your Majesty mean, is that..”

Luo Xiang took a deep breath.

“This is just my feeling Bei, for some reason, I thought if the serpent has not been destroyed yet, It curses to livelong and doesn’t die easily unless the curse has been lifted up, and, It may be in the city of Hei Wu waiting for our arrival, we better immediately return to Xin Hua and ask the advice of Elder Yi on this matter, our opponents may be stronger than we expected ”

Bei Yau swallowed round.


Somehow strong while fighting a black snake alone is very difficult.

“Heh this is going to be so complicated”


In the darkness of the night, the sound of the steps on the soft ground in the middle of the dark forest roared and made the ground tremble. Groups of people in armour that glow in the moonlight escape from the deep of the forest area.

“Quick, retreat!”

The atmosphere of the Black forest was very tense after soldiers from any small country competed to hunt down a sacred giant snake that occupied one of the caves under the river.

From one of the groups, a head guard was seen carrying a young man on his back, blood was seen dripping non-stop from a hole in his chest, along the road they were on was full of his blood as well as several other soldiers. They ran quickly out of the river area of ??the Black forest where many victims had fallen in order to catch the giant snake which was forced to wake up from its slumber due to the disturbance of the weak, ignorant humans like them.

The moans of pain were still heard, for those who were still able to escape, even if they had to crawl with the severed limbs they had to, because if not, the black snake that emerged from the hole at the bottom of the river would rise and tear the human bodies apart one by one as if just a snack in his very large mouth and sharp teeth.



Ku Ye Palace.

Due to the location of the palace which was closer to the Black forest compared to the others, it become a place to go for a group of soldiers who were seriously injured while treating their injuries.

Somehow but Bai Ying saw with his own eyes that everyone was rushing in and out of the room with hot water and gauze, and coming out again with cloth and water covered in blood. Bai Ying’s legs went limp, he clutched his aching chest to stop himself from crying, a very painful feeling, as if something very heavy and hard was holding his chest making it hard to breathe.

“Princess” the two maids behind held his body, his knees were so weak that he couldn’t even continue his steps way, but, the two little maids called him a princess, who were they? Why do they call him Princess?


Bai Ying stretched out his hand as if asking the two maids to help him up and walked back towards the guest room not far in front of them. Where in front of the room were several large tall men with golden armour and robes that were covered in blood, one of the tall, handsome men approached and unexpectedly pushed Bai Ying’s body down onto the floor.


All of Ku Ye’s palace maids and soldiers were shocked.


Everyone seemed to be about to attack whoever pushed Bai Ying to the floor but the soldiers standing in front of the bedroom door were on alert in unison.

Bai Ying raised his hand, preventing everyone from advancing, his eyes glanced at the big tall man who was glaring at him.

The young man pointed at him.

“All because of you! Because you act that you are so beautiful to make everyone willing to die silly just to get you, who do you think you are? Look what happened to my brother now! Can you bring him back to life! Bitch!” the young man was the second Prince of the country of Wu Ku, Li Ye, he pushed the young girl so easily that she fell to the floor.


Princess Yao Nie was crying until her eyes were all bloodshot and her body was limp. As if being her, Bai Ying could see and feel everything the princess was feeling, but how could this be?

Bai Ying tried to stand up, at least crawled into the room. Blood soaked the floor, and several men who might be healers surrounded the bed where a young man lay with a body full of gaping wounds and bleeding nonstop, his face was pale, he certainly had a hard time surviving with all these wounds.

Bai Ying covered his mouth, he could feel his world was shattering into pieces, his chest seemed to be gripped so tightly by a hand so big that it was hard for him to catch his breath.

“Eh Y-Your Majesty”

“Princess” two young maids held him, trying to crawl closer to the bed where Wu Ku’s third prince, Li San was lying on the verge of death, he might already be beyond help.

“Huks Brother San San”

And that’s not even the Crown Pince Luo Xiang, then why did he cry so hard as if he’s going to lose him?

The sky is clear.

Even though the sun had appeared again on the eastern horizon, everyone in the room including Bai Ying did not sleep, everyone was waiting anxiously for the physician to finish checking on Prince Li San.

The great palace healer approached and lowered his head in salute in front of Prince Li Ye.

“Please forgive this Servant, Your Majesty, we have tried, however, Prince Li San’s condition is very serious, organs such as the liver and spleen have been badly damaged and cannot be saved, his heart has also suffered a leak, and at this time the Prince has also lost a lot of blood, I’m worried, there’s nothing else we can do for the Prince now.”

Li Ye looked at the old healer with big eyes, grabbing the old man’s collar with rage.

“No one allowed to give up! My brother’s life must be saved or all of you will lose your heads! Save him at all costs! I don’t care how!”

The old healer lowered his body, along with the other palace healers kneeling deeply before Prince Li Ye.

“Please forgive us, Your Majesty, there’s nothing we can do, at this time, only the heavens can save His Highness Prince Li San, please have mercy on us.”

The voices of another healer answered in unison.

“Please have mercy on us, Your Majesty”

Li Ye didn’t care, furiously he kicked the healer to the ground with the others.

“Brukkk!” no one dared to moan, prince Li Ye’s anger at that time had already reached its peak.


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