Chapter 431

431 Stomping Back

Some time, Somewhere.

Several points of fire can still be seen burning the carriage until the bodies that have fallen down on the ground are covered in blood. Long spears and arrows like ornaments pierced the bodies of humans who were no longer moving in the middle of the battlefield. The high gate of the city with the flag that had fallen down, with the fortress where the bodies of the soldiers were still standing in a lifeless state.

Several large horses approached and stopped not far from the gate, men in oversized clothes and armour glistening in the reddish afternoon sun. The long and majestic reddish robe that the man in the front was wearing fluttered as the winds carrying the air of death blew past him.

The man raised his hand to order his men forward, not long after from inside the gate appeared several soldiers pushing several people out, including old women, and young children. A beautiful girl was pushed down to the ground, her face was white and smooth like porcelain, a pair of big round eyes with clear colour and long and thick eyelashes, a small and sharp-pointed nose, red lips parted. The young girl was pushed and leaned on her knees in front of the man who was still sitting on his horse, looking at the man with her big sharp eyes.

“I will kill you! I curse all of you for killing my family, I will take revenge!” the woman shouted.

The man on the horse with several of his men laughed, the helpless little woman was still very fierce even though she was already in a pinched position.

“Hahahaha my beautiful girl, you’re even still talking like that after I wiped out one of your family, what can you do now? Even though your white and smooth body will be timeless, what do you think you can do?” the man raised the sword that was still in its scabbard tore away the young girl’s clothes, and parted the front which exposed her smooth shoulders, even lower to unveil part of her plumpy breasts. The young girl tried to struggle.

“Just kill me! Kill me now and I will haunt you for seven generations, even more, I will haunt your family and make them all live in horror until I am satisfied!” cried the young girl.

Laughter sounded again.


“Hahahaha you think we are afraid of ghosts? This is really ridiculous, I wonder if she can still talk loudly after this”

The man waved his hand towards his subordinates who were standing at the gate, something hard fell, the young girl turned slowly, she was scared, but this time her life was no longer more important to her than her self-pride. Like seeing lightning flashing before her eyes, the girl’s heart almost burst out from what she saw, her eyes widen and scream hysterically.

“No!! Father! Older brother!” several bodies were thrown down the ramparts hanging over the gates, the bodies of the King, and his three lifeless princes. Just hung from above.

The young girl crawled, her heart shattered as if she was gripped by hundreds of hands that made her unable to breathe let alone move, her body was limp, tears couldn’t come out, and she couldn’t even hear her own screams.


And the laughter of the gold-robed men who were still sitting on their horses grew louder and louder.


The young girl lowered her body trying to crawl, trying to pull her thin body forward while the men pulled her clothes from behind, slowly in front of everyone who dead or alive, they stripped the beautiful girl.



Klop klop klop.

The sound of horseshoes on the main clean and wide road, finally after travelling several days without stopping the group entered the city of Yang Chou, a trading city that became one of the supporting cities of the surrounding big cities.

Xiao Hong poked his head out of the carriage, admiring the beautiful scenery and the bustling city of merchants and visitors.

“Wow, so crowded”

While Luo Xiang sat on his horse at the front with Bei Yau by his side, tonight they would look for lodging in the city to continue their way back to Sui Lian by the next day. Everyone was exhausted, don’t know how much they had experienced after passing through forests and valleys full of bandits and beasts.

Previously in the forest, a while after exiting the border of Xi Yang city.

“God damn it!”

Bei Yau and Ge Lu fought off some bandits who suddenly attacked their carriage, don’t know what the bandits were thinking but the Crown Prince’s golden chariot was really eye-catching, anyone would attack them and take all the valuables inside.

Ge Lu pushed the two veiled men who attacked him at the same time with long machetes. It’s no joke, the bandits do have very large and powerful weapons, they either make them themselves or rob other people to get those weapons.

Meanwhile, Bai Ying and the Crown Prince were sitting in the carriage leisurely, consider it their time to rest after their long journey. Luo Xiang was too lazy to even take care of them, leaving Bei Yau and Ge Lu alone to handle them.

Xiao Hong watched from the window curtain.

“Hmm, what are they doing? Just playing around.”

The young man closed the window and turned back to Bai Ying and Luo Xiang who were enjoying their lunch at that time. It was not in vain that Bai Ying’s efforts brought a lot of food to the carriage, they were able to enjoy it there.

“Will it take time, Your Majesty? Do we need to help Guard Bei and Guard Ge Lu?” Bai Ying asked.

Luo Xiang, who was enjoying Ne Ma’s meat-stuffed toast, shook his head.

“Leave it alone, Bei and Ge Lu need a lot of exercises, both of them have been too good lately”

Bai Ying rounded his mouth. He and Xiao Hong nodded at the same time.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Even though the fights outside were uneven, only Bei Yau and Ge Lu fought the many bandits that kept coming, probably around a dozen people. Luo Xiang and Bai Ying acted as if nothing had happened there.

“This is delicious Your Majesty, try this”

While in Chen Ming’s carriage. Su Lang was seen helping to massage Chen Ming’s tired feet after a long day sitting in the carriage.

“Aw, will we still have a long time to get to the city, it feels so sore, I can go crazy sitting too long in the carriage.” Chen Ming exclaimed in annoyance.

Su Lang was enjoying his job at that time, when else could he massage Prince Chen’s feet up to his very smooth calves, his feet were small and slender like a girl’s feet, of course, with a much larger size.

“Em, I think after passing through this forest we will arrive at Yang Chou city, Your Majesty, the city is quite clean and beautiful, the inn is also good, and the food is also delicious”

Chen Ming opened his eyes wide.

“Really? Then, what are we waiting for? Bodyguard Su, I think if you help them we will finish faster” said Chen Ming glancing out through the window curtain beside him.

“Servant can’t, Your Majesty, according to Guard Bei, I must always guard Your Majesty, what if the bandits enter?”

Chen Ming turned to Su Lang who looked and sounded serious as he said that, he picked up the sword in the scabbard not far beside him almost hitting the bodyguard’s head.

“Who do you think this prince is? A Weakling? I can protect myself, after all, since when you the head guard of the Xin Hua palace listened to the word of that guard? Who does he think he is?”

Su Lang scratched his head. He smiles.

“Hehe Your Majesty, that’s right, he’s a nobody, but, he can cut off my leg if I failed to protect Your Majesty.”

Chen Ming pulled his lips, looking at Su Lang with his big eyes.

“Stupid bodyguard, are you afraid of losing to that bodyguard before fighting? What a fool.”

Su Lang couldn’t help but chuckle, Chen Ming’s big eyes saw him annoyed that he didn’t want to see him anymore.

The group arrived at Yang Chou’s city gate just as the sun was beginning to set west past noon.

“Sui Lian silks, high-quality Sui Lian silks, please come and have a look!” cried the shopkeeper who was standing outside his shop door asking passersby to stop by.

The chariot passed through rows of large shops and food vendors on a busy street, the size of the carriage and horses making everyone step aside to make way.

“Your Majesty, let’s go down and buy some food,” said Bai Ying, not stopping to admire the abundance of food sold by street vendors. Xiao Hong is more-less the same as him.

“Your Majesty, that one looks delicious, that one too.”

The two youths swallowed their saliva whole, as if tempted by all the food that made their stomachs churned. Luo Xiang rolled his eyes upwards, why are these two people now like twins? The nature and attitude are almost the same, the face is not much different, this will be very troublesome. Just one Bai Ying made him dizzy and now he added another Xiao Hong.

“Wow, that’s delicious!” Bai Ying and Xiao Hong exclaimed in unison.


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