Chapter 416

416 Mysterious Figure.

Inside the secret room.

“Brother, watch your step, how can I walk if you sticking so closely like this?” Chen Ming whispered, the three of them had already entered another room within the first room. Ge Lu had already lit the torch he got from the wall ahead to help light their way.

“Brother, Ying’er is afraid.”

Chen Ming pulled his lips, how could such a great Realm King be afraid of ghosts.

“This brother!”

As the three of them slowly entered another room in the secret room that was getting deeper and deeper there was a loud wind sound from the direction of the darkness.


Which instantly passed Bai Ying and Chen Ming.

“Watch out!!” Chen Ming spontaneously pushed Bai Ying’s body behind him, as the passing wind seemed to swirl around them.


Ge Lu trembled, he had to admit that he was also afraid of something named the ghost, slowly aiming his torch near the cracks where the heat was faint. The soldier gulped deeply, and there it was, a pair of black eyes that shone as they hit the light of his torch.

“Aaarhhh!” who immediately charged towards the still frightened Ge Lu. Chen Ming grabbed Ge Lu’s hand and blocked whoever it was with his sword, the energy of the two forming a huge wind that pushed both sides back quite a distance.


A loud explosion sent the entire body backwards. Bai Ying opened his eyes wide, in the dark, he could see something sinister had lowered its body after hitting Chen Ming just now, bad, is it a ghost? thought Bai Ying who was very afraid of ghosts.


But even though he was scared, he couldn’t let his brother and Ge Lu fight back by themself no matter what, the sound of shuffling on the stone floor was clear, like chains rubbing against each other when pulled.

Just as Bai Ying was about to advance, the figure charged back toward Chen Ming.


The screams were so loud that along with the extraordinarily strong strength, Chen Ming could even feel how heavy the chains were against his hands and feet.


The light from the torch that Ge Lu was holding couldn’t tell who the creature was attacking them. Bai Ying looked around him, his eyes shining red seeing in the dark some of the lights on the cold wall didn’t light up. The young man opened his palms, releasing white flames that instantly spread to all the oil lamps attached to the wall and made the room bright instantly.

And that’s when all could see the figure that attacked them. Resembling an old man, who, whose long dirty hair was messy, with a thin body full of muscles, his two eyes looked whitish from having not seen the sun for a long time, whether he could see or not but the man whose whole body was wrapped in the floor from two hands, feet to his waist did not move further from his position, the long and large chain held him from behind the wall.

Just as the was still thinking, the figure struck again, pushing Ge Lu far into the wall behind him.


“Ah!” the soldier groaned, he was about to charge forward again but the figure shot very fast towards him, he could die silly because of that figure’s powerful attack if it wasn’t for Chen Ming again blocking his attack and pushing the figure away.


Chen Ming’s inner strength is very strong, he has mastered quite a lot of martial arts before plus Bai Ying’s energy makes his combat power more powerful than before. He pushed the man back into position, pointing his sword straight at the man, who blocked the attack with his bare hands as if some strong energy was escaping from his bare hands.


Chen Ming and Bai Ying were on the defensive, again Bai Ying held his brother’s arm tightly for fear of seeing a figure that he thought looked more like a ghost than a human.

“Brother, who is him?”

Chen Ming shook his head. Seeing Ge Lu approaching while groaning and holding his hand.

“I don’t know Brother, but he can’t be underestimated. Soldier Ge Lu, be careful, he is not your opponent.”

Ge Lu nodded, he slowly retreated from his position.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

The man, the figure stretched out his hand to feel what was in front of him, his mouth was open, unable to speak because his tongue had been cut, and could only growl.


But, as soon as the man’s eyes started to shine, the white colour of the blindness from a long time without seeing light slowly faded away, either because Bai Ying’s white flames made him so, the man widened his eyes. He was surprised to see what was in front of him, moreover, very surprised to be able to see his own two palms.

“Aarhhh!” the figure screamed hysterically, Chen Ming retreated with Bai Ying behind him waiting to see the man who slowly lowered his knees to his knees in his place, he was crying.

“Be careful, this person is so dangerous” Chen Ming whispered.

But somehow Bai Ying actually felt sorry for him, after he managed to overcome his fear, this figure in front of him looked very unfortunate.

“Brother, he’s crying.”

The figure was crying, he couldn’t speak but as if he wanted to say something.

“Akh ah ah”

Chen Ming held Bai Ying’s hand who was about to come forward.

“Brother” and Bai Ying knew, he couldn’t let his guard down under any circumstances at that time, even though that person looked pitiful but just now he attacked them very hard.


Soon after that. From his communication with the man Bai Ying knew that he had been locked up in that dungeon for some time, he had even forgotten to count them, surviving on eating insects passing by and the water that dripped when it rained. The long chain that bound him came from another room at the lower part end of the room.

Bai Ying couldn’t possibly leave the man alone after finding him, the sounds of moaning and sighing all this time had come from him trying to break free but he couldn’t as hard as he tried to pull the chain with all his strength. Plus, the man might be able to give directions to another room in the meandering dungeon to find Xiao Hong.

But the chain was quite long and heavy, even though it was cut with Ge Lu’s weapon it didn’t budge at all.

Finally, Bai Ying let out his white flames, which burned the chains near the man’s legs and arms, the heat was so intense it made everyone stay away, but not the man who had resigned himself to his situation.

It didn’t take long for the chains to finally melt, and Bai Ying released his healing energy to heal the burns on the man’s ankles and hands. This then led to their path leading to the deeper part of the dungeon where Huo Li most likely locked Xiao Hong in the deepest, lowest and darkest room.

Xiao Hong’s moaning sound squeaked into Bai Ying’s ears, he could feel the pain of a bird hanging with two wings spread wide, the chain hanging from it was no joke, the sharp chain made of black steel was very difficult break-off, even the white flames belonged to Bai Ying took some time to melt it, but, what thing couldn’t be burned with his white flames?

“Oh my King of Realm, just save your inner strength, this chain is very strong, to melt it will consume half of your inner strength, servant, doesn’t deserve all your hard work” Xiao Hong’s voice, which sounded trembling from the pain.

Bai Ying was standing below, where Xiao Hong was hanging in the middle of a very dark and damp room, it wasn’t very clear what was around them, especially the turbulent water around where Bai Ying and the others standing now as if something is moving in there.

“What’s in the water?” Bai Ying asked.

“They are flesh-eating worms Your Majesty, Huo Li has kept them for a long time and put them there, don’t know how much there are now which keeps multiplying”

Bai Ying turned to the man they released from the shackles earlier, that person probably knows what made Huo Li do all of that so carefully, that person had planned everything very carefully, long before this.

“That person”

Chen Ming, Ge Lu and the man stepped away and took cover behind a wall while Bai Ying release his fierce flames burning the chains on Xiao Hong’s wings. The white flames roared almost scorching Xiao Hong’s body which couldn’t do much other than hold back with his remaining strength, but he wasn’t alone, Bai Ying’s protective sphere kept him safe while Bai Ying tried to melt the chains on his wings, and it takes quite a lot of energy, for a while the chain did not budge even though the heat of the white flame had reached its limit.

“Ahhh!” Bai Ying shouted, he had never used his white flames this strong before against others, but, in order to save Xiao Hong he had to put all his strength into it.

While in the middle of the battlefield.

Luo Xiang who once again managed to attack Huo Li to the ground turned his head when he felt Bai Ying’s extraordinary energy vibration, and his eyes widened.

“No Ying Ying” when he was careless and worried, the fallen Huo Li rushed his body off the ground and attacked him, releasing powerful and enormous energy from his flames which slammed into Luo Xiang’s body and pushed him far back.



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