Chapter 408

408 Who Is She?


On the cold stone floor. In a small shed where hay and seed are placed for farming at the back of the Li family home complex. The girl, or what was left of her because of her thin little body seemed to be one with the floor, with half of her face to her hand and feet blackened, it’s rotting, the smell emitted was strong enough to make the Crown Prince reluctant to approach.

He held Bai Ying’s hand who was about to enter. They all stand right at the opened door watching inside from their position.

“Ying Ying”

Chen Ming glanced at the helpless girl, she’s looks worse than death, he thought.

“Brother, why do you need to ask her again? It’s clear that she is the incarnation of a red bird, but she is definitely not the mystical vermilion bird we are looking for, just see what happens to her now? Mystical Vermilion birds don’t fall down like that easily, and they can definitely heal themselves, whereas she, just look at her, is almost dead, with rotting wounds, she does look pretty pitiful.”

Bai Ying swallowed hard, he also thought that so weird, while when she was near Huo Li yesterday that girl was so strong, she even broke his protective spheres aura and captured Er Wang and Xiao Wu’s protective aura within her circle of fire, but now, she couldn’t even lift her own head up.

Old man Li Mo who was also standing behind the Crown Prince shook his head.

“Heh poor kid, actually a Er did not do anything bad while living in this house, apart from being the cause of Uncle Lo leaving the house, this is really strange, if she’s really is a vermilion bird that has turned into a human, she shouldn’t have to stay so long in this house, what is she’s waiting for exactly?”


Luo Xiang and Bai Ying turned their heads, hearing Li Mo’s words which were true with some points, if she was the incarnation of a red bird, why would she stay in this house for a long time as a mute servant?

“Perhaps, because she wants to be an ordinary human, uncle” replied Bai Ying, who slowly lifted his feet to get inside the warehouse.

Luo Xiang was too late to stop him.

“Ying Ying”

Finally, everyone went into the warehouse where the girl slumped weakly in the middle of the small room.

Bai Ying lowered his body in front of the helpless girl, the wounds on her face and right side of the body, rotting to the point of oozing disgusting pus. Bai Ying couldn’t bear to look at her, he widened his palm near the girl’s body.

“Ying Ying what are you doing?” cried the Crown Prince as he was about to grab Bai Ying’s hand, but he couldn’t get any closer, a greenish energy was already released from the young man’s palm enveloping the rotting wound on Er’s body. The sound of the wind rustling quite clearly from his green aura filled the entire small warehouse.

Li Mo widened his eyes, he almost couldn’t believe what he saw, not because he didn’t believe in King of Wah Ye’s healing aura, which is a legend, but didn’t believe that he could see it with his old pair of eyes.

“Oh Your Majesty, this..” he was even at a loss for words.

The dense green aura covered the wound on the right side of the girl’s body, slowly, healing every visible wound even the invisible one, starting from Er’s legs which were slowly back and smooth again, to her hand and face, the wounds on her face also disappeared, bring her back her very beautiful and smooth faces.

Chen Ming and Bei Yau looked at each other, especially Chen Ming who saw Bei Yau who couldn’t take his eyes off the ugly girl who had now become a very beautiful girl.

“Wow” The guard was stunned in his place.

Chen Ming pushed Bei Yau’s stomach to wake him from his daydream. Bei Yau who was stuttering because he had been caught red-handed watching unblinkingly scratched the back of his head, Chen Ming’s pair of eyes were ready to pounce on him.

The bodyguard grabbed Chen Ming’s hand, but the prince withdrew his hand quickly and pushed the bodyguard away from him.

A Er who has now completely changed into a beautiful young girl again can’t believe what happened to her, she takes a look at her hands to her arms, touches her face. Everything is back to how it was before. The girl was about to cry, she crawled over to Bai Ying and knelt down in front of him, thanking him profusely.

Luo Xiang raised Bai Ying up from his crouch, and pulled the young man behind him, staring at the mute girl who was kneeling with her whole body crouched on the ground.

“Who are you really? If indeed you are the mystical red bird, how can you lose your strength and be seriously injured and unable to heal yourself, if you are not the red bird, how can you break the protective sphere of Er Wang and Xiao Wu, who are you? And where is the real mystical red bird at, and above all, who is that bastard Huo Li?” Luo Xiang asked, he would not give the girl a chance not to be silent let alone to lie.

Even though she was a girl, where Luo Xiang would not hurt a girl, the girl in front of him was not just any girl. She was the incarnation of a very powerful mystical being who helped the man harass Bai Ying. Luo Xiang would not hesitate to kill her if it was necessary.

A Er raised her head, her round eyes with a slightly red colour, unlike Bai Ying, the red colour of A Er’s eyes resembled a smouldering red flame. Those big round eyes looked at Luo Xiang and Bai Ying alternately, until she stopped at Bai Ying. She held out her hand to the young man.

Bai Ying was about to approach, but Luo Xiang held him.

“Ying Ying”

Bai Ying looked at the worried Crown Prince, he smiled and lowered the Crown Prince’s hand from him slowly.

“Your Majesty, just trust Ying er, I can do it, Your Majesty no need to worry”

Luo Xiang couldn’t see his Ying Ying trying without him being able to help, but, it was something he had to do alone, his weak and helpless Ying Ying, has grown up now.

Luo Xiang let go of his grip.

“Remember, if there’s anything bad happens, Ying Ying must withdraw immediately.”

Bai Ying nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

The young man slowly approached A Er again and lowered his body, sitting in front of her, looking at the girl’s palm. By touching it, Bai Ying might be ushered into the girl’s memory, all the truth that she could not reveal by herself.

Bai Ying swallowed hard, he had never done this before, communicating with animals and mystical creatures is different from this, then, can he do it?

The moment Bai Ying’s two palms finally got on the girl’s palms, something happened. A strong wind blew hard in a circle that pushed everyone in there away.

“No, Ying Ying”

The Crown Prince was pushed far enough to the barn door, the wind swirled in Bai Ying and the girl’s body, this was not what he expected, seeing the girl’s memory what was the need for this?

“No Ying Ying, get out of there!”

The Crown Prince was about to charge forward but Chen Ming and Bei Yau held him.

“Your Majesty, please stay calm!”

“Rotten Crown Prince, do you want to die? The wind is like a knife it can tear you!” Chen Ming exclaimed.

The Crown Prince looked at Chen Ming who looked calm, whether he was exaggerating.

“Prince Chen”

Chen Ming took a deep breath, looked at the circle of wind that Bai Ying and the girl were in, and sat cross-legged while shutting their eyes with their palms touched.

“He can do it, I trusted him”

Luo Xiang calmed himself down, he was probably too worried about Bai Ying and didn’t think straight, even Prince Chen Ming could still restrain himself and trust Bai Ying, why couldn’t he?

“heh Ying Ying”

While inside the circle of wind.

Bai Ying who closed his eyes was invited into a Er’s memories, a Er’s memories when she was still a red bird who lived in the depths of the Spider forest at the foot of the Vermilion’s volcano.

“San Hong Jie!” the sound of someone calling, or, a bird, that, Xiao Hong? Whos was approaching from the direction of the forest towards San Hong Jie who was still in her bird form.

However, Xiao Hong, unlike the Xiao Hong he saw at Old Man Lo’s house, that bird, had a smaller form with very beautiful shiny feathers, a long tail coiled in dark red and black colours, as well shiny scales on its chest that was so hard like the shield, with long toenails with slender legs, he, is the mystical red bird? Xiaohong?


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