Chapter 398

398 Go Around

The horse carriage entered the small road of Yam village. A small village at the foot of the Red Bird mountain, south of Xi Yang town. It is still within the city limits and is one of the areas under the auspices of the Xi Yang city government.

Along the road, residents can be seen walking leisurely carrying their crops from their fields to be sold in the resident’s market which is located on the main road connecting the village with others. Also, some residents pull goats and donkeys that they brought to the fields to help carry their crops.

Some residents in the village, whose number of people is not so many, and of course know each other, meet and greet each other the halfway.

And of course, such a big and luxurious carriage makes them the main attraction among others which looks so shabby. Bai Ying who was sitting in the carriage poked his head out, curious about the scenery outside with the bustling voice that caught his curiosity.

“Wow, Your Majesty, the village is so lively.”

The Crown Prince also sat with him in the carriage, he felt lazy to ride his horse which was now in the front led by Bei Yau, and also, because he didn’t want to be far from Bai Ying of course.

Luo Xiang pulled Bai Ying’s hand.

“Brat sits right, can you stop moving around? You’ll be fall”

Sure enough, the small road entering Yam village is not like Xi Yang city of course.


The roads were made sparsely with hard soil and stones to level the roads, some of which had holes in them so that the train would shake as it passed.

“It’s fine, Your Majesty, I can hold on,” said Bai Ying who was still stubborn.

His eyes widened in admiration to see the beauty of the village which was not so much with big buildings as in the city, the residents put small tables on the side of the road to offer their wares, most of which were local produce. Some residents who bought it did not exchange it for silver or gold coins, but with other crops.

The donkeys are fat and round, carrying quite a lot of crops which already dried on vegetables, on the donkey’s neck hangs a fairly large bell tied with a red cloth, they are very cute.

“Your Majesty, look at that donkey, wow how cute they are, Ying really wants to hold it”

Bai Ying turned his body towards the Crown Prince while pointing out where they had just passed a herd of donkeys that caught his eye. Just as the carriage wheels passed through the uneven holes that made the train sway violently.

“Ah!” Bai Ying, who let off his grip from the carriage window swayed hard until his whole body fell onto the Crown Prince.

“Ouch” The young man fell on the Crown Prince’s lap who held him tightly so he wouldn’t topple over again.

“What did I say, this child, what you have to move around like a hot worm.”

Bai Ying smiled widely, he lifted his head to look at the Crown Prince with a smile so wide that his eyes disappeared from it.

“Hehehe Your Majesty, sorry” his hand accidentally touch the Crown Prince’s crotch which makes the young man widen his eyes.

Bai Ying was about to sit back up, but Luo Xiang held him back, he held the young man’s back tightly and didn’t let go.

Bai Ying looked up again, seeing very closely the Crown Prince’s pair of gleaming eyes were looking at him. When the young man tried to get up again Luo Xiang pulled him down until he fell back down and this time with his whole body sat on the Crown Prince’s lap.

“Where are you going? A rabbit that has fallen into a tiger’s trap will not be able to go anywhere else, you wish to escape from its clutches?” Luo Xiang whispered.

Bai Ying tried to let go of the Crown Prince’s grip.

“Hehehe, please forgive this little rabbit, my lord tiger.”

Luo Xiang smiled, very mischievous, instead of removing his hand from Bai Ying’s back, he raised his other hand, holding the young man’s chin.

“Well, this rabbit is too delicious to pass up, I want to keep it for dinner tonight”

The carriage entered the road that had begun to be smooth and nice, near the village elder’s house. But why is the train still rocking? Bei Yau thought, he glanced at Chen Ming who was riding beside him, and the young prince took a deep breath.

“You perverted Crown Prince”

Inside the carriage.

“Your Majesty, stop it, it’s tickling Your Majesty” Bai Ying tried to escape while Luo Xiang’s hand slipped under his clothes and touched his back, up to his waist which made Bai Ying ticklish.

“Oh, what did you shower with this morning, my beautiful concubine, why does it smell so good, umm?” Luo Xiang said sniffing Bai Ying’s neck.

“Your Majesty, we are not in our room.”

“Then where is the problem?”

Bai Ying’s voice was heard all the way out of the carriage.

“Your Majesty”

Li Mo who was riding side by side with his third son Li Yu at the front turned his head towards Chen Ming, letting them know that their destination was not far in front of them, at which point the group finally stopped.


Large horses lined up neatly in front of a small house belonging to a resident at the end of the road near the mountain, perhaps this house was the last house before entering the mountain. The front gate wasn’t very fancy, but it was high and safe enough to keep out thieves or wild animals from the forest.

Seen a young man with a small stature who may be a simple house servant whose land and buildings look large enough to invite a large group of people.

The little maid lowered his head in front of Li Mo who slowly got off his horse.

“Welcome big master Li, master has come,” said the little maidservant.

Li Mo smiled. He stroked his chin looking at the little maid and looked into the slightly opened gate which saw a simple but comfortable house inside, of course, after entering the fairly large courtyard. A simple house belonging to someone who became one of the village elders and was quite respected.

“hehe A Cu, is your master at home?”

A Cu, the name of the smallish male servant nodded.

“Of course big master, Master is always at home, where can he go? Every time he is asked to go out and Master always complains that his legs hurt and can’t walk for too long”

Li Mo chuckled, he patted the shoulder of the servant who had worked in the house for a long time and knew Li Mo well enough, of course.

“Hehehe yeah, that old man is aged, how can he walk far, a little longer walk and the old man will complain that his whole body hurts, hahaha”

“Who dares to say this man is aged?” a voice came from behind the gate.

Li Mo widen his eyes when he saw who slowly emerged from within the gate. With the help of a stick carved with a bird’s head, the old man with almost white hair with a slightly stooped body limped out, Li Mo immediately approached him.

“Oh greeting Uncle Lo, you look very healthy, please forgive Mo Er who can’t visit earlier”

Old Man Lo, the village elder of Yam, who used to be the butler of Li’s mansion, has retired decades ago and is enjoying his old age very quiet and peacefully in his village, raising grandchildren and going through his boring days.

Old man Lo almost hit Li Mo with his stick.

“You rotten brat, still dare to admit your mistake, it’s been decades since you visited, you think this old man will wait for you until when? Rotten child”

Li Mo chuckled as he held Old Man Lo’s hand which was shaking a bit not too strong to stand for long, of course, he is already in his nineties, his age would be roughly the same as the late great master Li if he were still alive until now.

Old man Lo pointed at the golden carriage where no one had appeared in it.

“Then, who is such an Honorable guest that you brought to visit my hut, seems reluctant to come down, is it because my house is too ugly huh?” Old man Lo’s voice was loud enough to be heard in the carriage, which made Li Mo raise his index finger to stop old man Lo’s words, if the Crown Prince heard it and felt offended it could be a problem.

“Uncle, don’t be so loud, it is indeed an Honorable guest, just wait a moment, it may take some time to come down” Li Mo whispered.

But the person in the chariot that had stopped a long time ago didn’t show up.

Li Mo lowered his head into a fist in front of the golden carriage.

“Pardon, Your Majesty, we have arrived at our destination, if Your Majesty is willing, Your Majesty can get off immediately.”

Li Mo’s voice was heard in the carriage, where Luo Xiang was still sitting leisurely hugging Bai Ying.


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