Chapter 371

371 Miss You Too Much

“You said you were so sleepy earlier, this child, look at your eyes, they are so blackened”

“Hehe, Ying know Your Majesty really cares about Ying the most”

LuoXiang couldn’t help but smile at BaiYing’s adorable face, he couldn’t reject him, how could he, in his eyes, deep In his heart, there was only BaiYingYing who’s always playing there, wandering around non-stop.

“Heh this kid, do your very small stomach can hold so much food? Where did all that food go, look, other than your round cheeks there is no other parts on your body are growing”

BaiYing pursed his lips.

“Your Majesty, I am growing of course all food will make me grow taller and stronger, after all, my cheeks are not round as before, were it not for Your Majesty who always pinches them.”

LuoXiang chuckled, he grabbed BaiYing’s hand and keep holding it.

“Hehe but while living here, no one pinched your cheeks so why is it still round like this, it means it’s not because of me, right?”

BaiYing thought, that’s right, he touched his cheek, why is it still a bit round?


“Well, because, it’s already stretched by Your Majesty, it won’t be able to return to its original shape anytime soon, Your Majesty must take responsibility”

LuoXiang nodded his head, he couldn’t stop holding BaiYing’s hand.

“Yeah fine, how about it, I’ll sacrifice myself to take full responsibility, for every inch of HuaBaiYing’s body, the great King XinHua”

BaiYing pushed the Crown Prince’s head away from him, he disturbed him to enjoy his meal, his hand tickle him.

“Oh, Your Majesty, don’t get too close, how can I eat like this?”


Night came. The family gathering took a whole day, a very tiring day, and ChenMing came to the conclusion that for the time being until the inauguration the position of Junior Minister, ShiShen would be on probation, even though the young man seemed a bit arrogant and stubborn, but he had to admit that the young man has a clear mind and a clever, regarding of his arrogant nature, he thinks the young man doesn’t know the outer world before so the surrounding he knows makes him a brash person, not a very bad trait, just needs to be trained to be better.

After all, ChenMing lost on votes, some elders said if he had to hold a rematch just because ShiShen made a small mistake, it would taint reputation as the head of new XinHua Palace, who seem playful and not serious, ChenMing thought there was a point, not because ShiShen was accidentally offending his younger brother, who was none other than a King, made ChenMing think unfair over this matter.

That makes, inevitably SuLang will undergo a probationary period as the head of the palace guard, the King’s personal bodyguard, who will accompany the King wherever he goes, despite the opposition of the Crown Prince who says he will cut off SuLang’s hand if he dares to touch his YingYing, and it’s no joke, the Crown Prince never messes with what he says, this is very worrying.

LuoXiang approached BaiYing who was waiting to fall asleep with his head on the table, his maids didn’t dare to wake him up because the young man looked really tired.

ChenMing shifted the Crown Prince’s body towards his younger brother.

“Pardon me, Your Majesty, but I will take my younger brother back to his room.”

But LuoXiang’s hand blocked his way, staring at ChenMing with his eyes for a moment until he stepped closer to BaiYing.

“YingYing is my concubine, don’t need to bother Prince Chen to take him to the room”

ChenMing wanted to protest, the Crown Prince is still annoying as he already knows, not even changing his attitude even though he lives in someone else’s house, of course, the Crown Prince who talks thrifty only cared about BaiYing.

ChenMing pulled his lips in annoyance seeing the Crown Prince slowly lowering his body and carrying BaiYing.

“YingYing, let’s go back to the room” LuoXiang whispered softly.

BaiYing who was very exhausted only opened his eyes a little wistfully, raising his two arms around the Crown Prince’s neck as the big tall man lifted him easily and in his arms.

“Your Majesty”

LuoXiang smiled, he kissed BaiYing’s cheek who was very close to him, letting the kid’s head fall on his shoulder, such a gentle young man, of course, must be very careful to carry him. BaiYing’s maids lowered their knees as they passed ChenMing who was still stunned where he was standing.

“We excuse ourselves, Your Majesty”

ChenMing waved his hand. He turned his body to see the Crown Prince who looked majestic from behind in beautiful clothes that sparkled under the oil lamp, proudly carrying his younger brother out of the meeting room.

“Bei you take Prince Chen to his room,” said the Crown Prince as he passed BeiYau who was standing waiting for him at the door, the young guard bowed his head.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

Then looked at ChenMing when the Crown Prince and the servants had left the room.

BeiYau was about to meet ChenMing, but the youth walked past him.

“I can go back alone Guard Bei, no need to walk me”

BeiYau stuttered, he scratched his head seeing the young prince passing by beside him with his servants, but not long after, he immediately caught up with the young man.

“Eh my Prince”

He took Prince Chen’s hand to help him walk.

ChenMing withdrew his hand looking at BeiYau sharply.

“Guard Bei, I said I can get back by myself, don’t follow me”

“I can’t do that, my Prince, I know my Prince has drunk a few cups of wine too, look, you don’t walk straightly”

“I’m not drunk, how could I get drunk just from one or two glasses, I’m not my brother who can’t drink any wine.”

ChenMing’s voice was sharp, as sharp as his eyes, but that didn’t make BeiYau give up, the young guard was still trying to hold onto Prince Chen’s hand.

“Your Majesty”

“Guard Bei, please take off your hand”

“Prince Chen you are look so tired, come here, hold on to me.”

Not caring about the fierce young Prince’s anger, BeiYau grabbed ChenMing’s hand under his wide sleeves, grabbed him and pulled the prince behind him slowly.

“Come on” and ChenMing couldn’t resist anymore, the young guard was very stubborn, but he had to admit, he was also tired, although he wasn’t drunk from the wine he was very tired and sleepy.



The bedroom door opened from the outside, LuoXiang slowly entered BaiYing’s room. Place the young man carefully on the bed.

“Emmh, the fish is delicious, let’s eat again Your Majesty” the child was delirious, no matter how great the kid become, he’s still the Crown Prince’s favourite little boy. LuoXiang couldn’t help but smile at the delicate face of the youth who sleep soundly without knowing what was going on around him.

“You guys please bring warm water, I’ll wash him,” said the Crown Prince pulling BaiYing’s large garment waistband, slowly loosening it.

“Yes, Your Majesty” Immediately the maids backed off and left the room, leaving the Crown Prince and BaiYing alone in the room.

LuoXiang pulled the golden coloured belt that was wrapped around the boy’s waist, opened the top of his outer garment and took it off, lifting the young man’s limp body to let go of the entire thick upper garment, knocking its lightly onto the floor.

“Hey brat, what are you doing when I’m not around, no one carries you into the room right? Look at this habit of yours, it’s very worrying, what if someone takes advantage of the opportunity when you sleep like this” whispered the Crown Prince near BaiYing’s ear, his hand gently caressing the young man’s hair, touching it, every inch of BaiYingYing’s face that he loved so much, touched his big eyelids, with long thick and thick eyelashes, a sharp nose, plump lips with a seductive pink colour, he really can’t resist the urge not to kiss him, really missed the boy so much until his stomach nauseous, this is so bad for his heart too.

LuoXiang lowered his head, kissing those sweet lips softly.


Lifting his head, lowering it again tilting his head to kiss his lips, at that moment BaiYing slowly opened his eyes, wistfully, like a dream when he saw the face of the Crown Prince in front of him.

This was like a dream because everything happened so fast, his brain was trying to think whether this was just a dream or real. Slowly the young man raised his hand, caressing the Crown Prince’s cheek with his small palm, LuoXiang smiled, grabbed the palm with long and smooth fingers, grasped and kissed it.

“Chup chup”

“Your Majesty, this, isn’t a dream is it?”

LuoXiang smiled, he put BaiYing’s palm back to his cheek.

“Feel this, is this a dream?”

BaiYing held his face with a large and sturdy jaw, a bit rough due to the tiny hairs of the growing beard, how many days had the Crown Prince been in the XiaoWu forest and he hadn’t shaved since then.

“Heh, your beard is growing, um, tomorrow Ying will help you shave.”

LuoXiang smiled, he nodded while kissing BaiYing’s palm which was still holding his cheek.


Again, lowered his head, kissing BaiYing’s neck which made the young man amused by the tiny hairs growing on his jaw.

“Hehe Your Majesty, it’s tickling”


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