Chapter 365

365 The Divine Energy

“Brat, why didn’t you wait for me?” the voice said.

BaiYing almost cry, couldn’t believe his eyes, was he already dead and finally able to meet the Crown Prince? Who was now in front of him.

“Y-Your Majesty”

LuoXiang was already there, lowered his body into a squat look at BaiYing’s face with a smile, he wiped the tears from the youth’s cheeks.

“Yes, it’s me”

“B-But, Your Majesty” BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince’s chest, which XiaoWu said he stabbed with his long nails, indeed, there was blood on his chest, he touched that part, LuoXiang held BaiYing’s hand grasp it gently.

“It did hit me, but, fortunately, ErWang’s scales protected me, look, this, it’s broken because of him”

The Crown Prince took out a long chain that hung ErWang’s scales around his neck. The chain was long enough that during the battle with XiaoWu the scales protected it from being pricked by XiaoWu’s sharp nails, and only ErWang could withstand it, and now, the scales were slightly wrecked by it.

BaiYing smiled at the scales he gave the Crown Prince last to protect him, and it did to protect him.


“Hehe, Old man, thank you for keeping your promise.”

The Crown Prince reached out his hand to BaiYing, helping the young man to his feet.

A fierce battle ensued, and BeiYau was indeed a very formidable opponent for XiaoWu, he could push the huge beast with all his strength, kicking it against the rocks and making the creature gets trouble to get up, the young bodyguard carried a long black chain specially prepared to fight against it.

“Guard Bei!” ChenMing came to help, he kicked the creature as he tried to get up until BeiYau had a chance to wrap around his neck, everyone held the creature on the ground, ChenMing helped BeiYau to pull it.


Crown Prince held BaiYing’s hand, both of them standing on the edge of the cliff looking at XiaoWu who was already cornered, his white flames still burning on his face, and wouldn’t go out no matter how hard he tried.

When he was cornered the creature still had time to laugh, laughing very loudly.

“Hahahaha, you idiots, then what are you going to do? Kill me? I am the goddess’s pet, killing me will make the sky angry, can you bear the consequences later? After all, who can kill me?”

LuoXiang smirked.

“Hey, this arrogant creature, does the Goddess still want to keep an ugly creature like you? Even XiaoQe and XiaoMei are much prettier than your face.”

BaiYing turned to the Crown Prince who was holding his hand tightly.

“Your Majesty, what does this have to do with XiaoQe and XiaoMei?”

“I’m just saying Ying, that’s the truth, he’s really ugly”

BeiYau turned to the Crown Prince.

“Your Majesty, what should we do with this creature? Should I kill him?” cried Bei Yau.

XiaoWu laughed again, he was exhausted, and the fire hadn’t even come out of his face yet, but he didn’t lose his high self-confidence, he was indeed a mystical being and no mortal anyone could finish him off.

“Hahahaha you guys just playing around, I’ll be playing your game now, stupid mortals”

BaiYing glared at XiaoWu, he let go of the Crown Prince’s grip on him, and took a step closer to the edge of the cliff, the young man closed his right palm extinguishing the flames that burned that creature’s face.

“Brother what are you doing?” ChenMing exclaimed, his eyes widening when he saw the fire that burned the creature’s face was off, only BaiYing who could extinguish it.

“How about, I take all of your energy, and let you become a little hare again, a helpless hare that has to repeat its meditation for thousands of years in order to ascend to heaven?”

BaiYing’s words silenced XiaoWu, the creature seemed to be afraid to see the eyes of a young child that gleamed red, that child was definitely not an ordinary mortal.

“You can’t do it, young man, your body is so small, do you think you can contain all my energy in that little body of yours? Are you going to blow yourself up?”

Crown Prince held BaiYing’s hand, he was also anxious.


The young man turned and smiled at the Crown Prince, slowly lowering the young man’s hand which he had missed so much, only he hadn’t got the time to vent his longing that was so intense now before all of this was over.

“Your Majesty, trust me, I know what I have to do”

LuoXiang lowered his hand, however, the young man in front of him was now a young man whose strength surpassed anyone else, he was no longer the gentle Hua BaiYing he had known all along.

XiaoWu struggled, he pulled the chain from BeiYau’s grip with ease, and as if regaining his strength, the creature struggled and was about to attack again, but, something held him.

A strong wind blew around his large body.

“Bei get out of there!” Crown Prince exclaimed, BeiYau and ChenMing and others immediately retreated far away, out of the energy circle created by BaiYing, the youth glowed, emitting yellow energy from his body.

“King of Nature, you can’t do this to me, I am a creature belonging to the Goddess, the Goddess’s favourite, I must return to her!”

Crown Prince retreated, BaiYing’s body slowly floated above the ground, his small body was enveloped in yellowish energy that swirled bigger and bigger, strong winds blew everything around, his white flames seemed to form a huge ball that burned the entire area within his reach, Crown Prince clearly couldn’t get any closer to him, he had to stay away, the young man knew what he was doing but, nevertheless he was still worried.

“YingYing, heh”

Crown Prince could only hold his breath, lowering his body into a squat on the boulder block, at least not being crushed by BaiYing’s growing energy.


XiaoWu’s roar was heard in the distance, the creature and the entire XiaoWu valley were covered in yellow mist that floated above the ground, the entire XiaoWu valley, the yellow energy also hit ChenMing and others, not bad energy, as if, they replenished their inner strength, BaiYing let out his spiritual energy for everything in XiaoWu forest, his loud and strong wind roar made ChenMing cover his face, BeiYau’s huge body covered him.

“Your Majesty leans on me”

ChenMing held BeiYau’s clothes tightly, what happened to his brother, what did BaiYing do?


The wind was blowing very hard, BaiYing’s circle of flames spread bigger and bigger throughout the valley, hitting XiaoWu and the others indiscriminately. The shimmering energy mingled in the air like tiny sparks that floated lightly, making anything in its path change, dead plants revived, broken leaves straightened again, small animals that were trampled on came back to life and ran into the ground.

XiaoWu’s body shone, it couldn’t move let alone escape as if BaiYing’s energy locked him in place, but instead of being dried out, the spiritual energy was flowing into his body. The creature roared loudly.



The sun emerged from behind the cliff, it was morning again.

ChenMing ran up the cliff when his little brother fell, he tried to catch him but the Crown Prince got ahead of him.

“Younger brother!”

BaiYing was unconscious, fell limply in the hands of the Crown Prince.

“Hehe, good boy, you’ve worked really hard”

LuoXiang gently stroked BaiYing’s cheek, brushing it off the dirt he got from fighting with all his might since earlier until he was exhausted.

“Sweet child”

ChenMing held the Crown Prince’s hand as he was about to carry BaiYing’s body.

“Let me carry him.”

Crown Prince gently brushed ChenMing’s hand away and lifted BaiYing’s body.

“Don’t need to bother you, Prince, let me bring my YingYing home”

But ChenMing didn’t budge, he looked at the Crown Prince sharply, no matter what he didn’t really like that person from the beginning.

“XiaoYing is my little brother, let me be the one who takes him home”

LuoXiang held his breath, ChenMing’s gaze certainly didn’t show that the stubborn young man was about to back down, so he glanced at BeiYau who was behind ChenMing.

Crown Prince carried BaiYing past ChenMing who was about to chase him were it not for BeiYau holding him back.


“My Prince, you are injured, let me help you,” said BeiYau standing in front of ChenMing blocking him from chasing the Crown Prince.

ChenMing tried to shift BeiYau.

“Guard Bei, you, Your Highness the Crown Prince wait!”

The great battle in the XiaoWu forest has finally come to an end.

Crown Prince walked in the front carrying BaiYing, followed by BeiYau and ChenMing, following behind him SuLang, GeLu and LiuHai, along with the soldiers who were walking unsteadily from exhaustion.

XiaoWu returned to his original form, the mystical creature, shining white XiaoWu, who was supposed to be the protector of the XiaoWu forest, he was punished by the heavens and had to cultivate on XiaoWu mountain until his sentence ended, but because of a momentary lust, the mystical creature made the mistake of sucking the essence from wild animals in the forest that made him turn violent.


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