Chapter 362

362 The Attacks from below.


A loud booming sound from the ground attacked the young XinHua soldiers who were chasing XiaoWu towards the forest. Everyone fell hard, even GeLu and LiuHai almost fell into the big hole caused by the beasts that charged out. Giant worms to thousand-legged caterpillars with the size of large trees that do not hesitate to attack.

“Where did they come from?” SuLang pointed his spear, a creature that had been underground all this time and was moving until it caused an avalanche appeared to attack them as if to prevent them from chasing XiaoWu.

“They keep attacking us!” GeLu was overwhelmed by several creatures that attacked blindly, screams and blood everywhere.

“Ah!” until the severed limbs were bitten by the sharp teeth and largemouth of the unreasonable creature.

“Brave yourselves!” LiuHai exclaimed.

The young man had been bitten several times but he did not give up, the ferocious creatures came in countless numbers and as everything grows worse, the rain suddenly fell hard along with the strong winds.

The blood that flows forms a pool of water that flows into the hole, more blind creatures emerge from the ground, heavy rain makes the sky dark, it’s time for them to attack at once.



SuLang who was holding his spear briefly trembled, his eyes widened at how many creatures kept appearing, this exceeded the number of all their soldiers at that time, but the young man did not give up, he continued to attack even though he knew his enemy would not decrease.

“Take this!” his spear pierced the soft bodies of large worms which, although not so difficult to immobilize, still caused them to overwhelm because their numbers didn’t subside.

ChenMing and BaiYing arrived at the cliff where in front of them a great battle was taking place, not believing what they saw, the plain was about to turn into a mass grave with countless bodies of beasts, as well as XinHua’s and CuiAn’s city soldiers.

“There so much of them”

BaiYing who looked exhausted tried to stand up straight.

“Hoh, they, as if they help XiaoWu to run away”

GeLu briefly turned his head towards ChenMing and BaiYing who were standing on the cliff.

“Your Majesty, get out of here, these creatures are savage!”

ChenMing readied his sword.

“That devils bunny, he made a fuss and ran away”

ChenMing stomped his foot down the cliff and mingled with GeLu and the others to fight back.


SuLang was exhausted, he had stabbed and pulled his spear who knows how many times since then, his body was already filled with those creatures and his own blood, he had fallen backwards how many times while pulling his spear from the body of the biggest worm he had stabbed.

“Ah!” and because his hands and feet were so tired he could barely stand from his fall.

“God damn it!”

The young man was trying to pull the tip of his spear free from the huge body that was on top of him when another creature came lunging at him while screaming with a shrill voice that was so deafening.


But SuLang wasn’t ready, his spear was still stuck, the young man immediately pulled his body away before the beast attacked him.


The exhausted SuLang pulled his body away from the attack, crawled over the bodies of the creatures which piled up on the ground, he raised his hand to hold the worm’s teeth which were slightly smaller than the one he just killed, luckily the armour was strong enough to grip the teeth that would bite him with all those sharp pointed teeth.

“Ah!” but the creature was so strong, those terrifyingly sharp teeth could crush his golden armour with ease, just a little more would pierce through his skin.

“Damn, I’m still young, this is not the way I want to die!”

When SuLang had fallen backwards while holding the creature above him, suddenly a strong wind rushed at him.

“Whusshh!” keep any creature that was above it flying away.


SuLang’s eyes went wide, in an instant, his body was shrouded in a yellow sphere that seemed to protect him, this, a protective sphere, was exactly the same as the sphere that had protected him from the pillar that collapsed in XinHua palace back then.

“Y-Your Majesty” this is King PaiYun’s famous protective aura, SuLang looked in the direction not far in front of him, where BaiYing was standing with his palms open which in an instant formed many protective spheres for him and many other soldiers.

BaiYing’s pair of eyes glowed reddishly, the wind blew his long hair far away, a majestic aura was visible on his face and body, clearly, he was the famous King PaiYun, as the legend being told, the young man did not budge and opened his other hand and ignited white flames that attacked the creatures with the aim of driving them away.

“Younger brother! Don’t just chase them away, you have to kill them, these creatures are savage and it will only be a disaster if they run away!” ChenMing’s voice, which after knocking down his opponent rushed towards BaiYing, he still managed to slash his sword at the few creatures that came to attack.

“They’re XiaoWu forest dwellers, brother, I can’t finish them off”

ChenMing was still busy fighting back, indeed those unreasonable creatures only knew to attack because of their savage nature, being left alive would cause more chaos in the future.

“Damn, this little brother is really annoying, if you don’t kill them, they might grow even more ferocious and attack other areas when you let them go, they’re just brainless beasts!”

BaiYing swallowed hard, that’s right, he wouldn’t settle anything this way, they would come back after he was expelled by any means, then, all their sacrifices here, the sacrifices of the Crown Prince and Guard Bei, would all be in vain.

The young man remembered what happened to XiaoWu when he absorbed in his energy, the creature transformed back into its original form, probably the same as these beasts.

“Brother, I know what I have to do.”

ChenMing who was busy fighting the beast worms had a chance to turn his head to BaiYing who was darting towards the cliff again.

“XiaoYing what are you doing?”

ChenMing was about to come closer but a violent wind appeared that shook his body.



BaiYing stood on the edge of the cliff, opened his arms wide, in an instant a white wind swirled around his body, swirling wind with his yellow energy gushing out.

ChenMing widened his eyes, this is like what he saw on the cliff at PaiHua back then.

“No, brother, don’t!” ChenMing knew what his brother was up to do, he would waste his energy.

BaiYing’s revolving yellowish energy which in an instant spread throughout the valley.

“Arrgghhh!” the moaning sound of the beasts that became the target of BaiYing’s energy, the young man channelled his energy to all the creatures in the plains. SuLang’s eyes were wide open, the beasts outside his protective circle were struggling with their bodies shining yellowish.

Unable to believe what he saw, the slimy beast slowly changed its shape, its size became smaller, smaller until it seemed to return to its original form, each of them.

“Brother, stop it! Do you want to kill yourself?” ChenMing tried to get closer, he was looking for a way to the top of the cliff as he couldn’t soar up with BaiYing’s strong wind swirling around him, he had a hard time standing up straight.

“This kid”

BaiYing didn’t budge. His eyes shone very brightly, he didn’t care if his body would be destroyed, this might be the time for him to met the Crown Prince in the eternal abyss, he would meet him after repairing the damage caused by the XinHua’s turbulent, indirectly, the powerful energy that awakened the lost city of PaiHua affected its surroundings, this was indeed their fault for having defied the laws of nature.

“Your Majesty”

BaiYing’s body floated in his endless circle of energy, he expended as much energy as he had, as if he didn’t need it anymore.

GeLu and LiuHai looked at each other from a distance, all the beasts changed their shape to their original size.

“Eh this”

Couldn’t believe what they saw but that’s what happened.

“This brat” ChenMing finally managed to crawl up the cliff, and just as the energy ball revolving around his little brother faded away, he caught BaiYing’s body as the boy fell.

“Xiao Ying!”

He was exhausted, no matter how much power he have in his body but BaiYing could still run out of energy from his mortal body.

The young man smiled seeing his brother’s worried face, he was just tired, he can’t even killed himself no matter how.


ChenMing dropped his sword and hugged his little brother’s thin body tightly.

“Idiots, what are you doing, you want to kill yourself huh? Stupid Hua BaiYing”

The sky turned bright again, the rain stopped, and the sun reappeared from behind the rapidly fading dark clouds, the forest became very calm, there were no beasts from the ground anymore, even any smallest vibrations stopped, giant worms back to their very small size lower than grass so that no matter how fierce they are it is no longer a problem.


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