Chapter 358

358 To the West

ChenMing shifted his body closer to BaiYing, it was quite cold tonight, even though their clothes were dry with their spiritual energy, still, the wind and cold air in the forest which was again bustling with some local animals made them all curl up next to the fire.

“Are you cold?” ChenMing asked pulling BaiYing into his arms, BaiYing nodded, he opened his palms to let the fire burn.

“If Ying learns how to change the weather, Ying will change the weather to be warmer”

ChenMing put his head behind BaiYing into his pillow, shifted the young man’s shoulders closer to him, hugging him tightly.

“Hemh, at a time like this even the dragon god ErWang has no power here, this is the territory of another being, it is said that XiaoWu was the pet of the goddess who fell to earth and couldn’t ascend to heaven because it had made a big mistake, so it couldn’t help it, he must stay on earth to meditate until the time comes.”

BaiYing saw his brother’s face, ChenMing is indeed smart and observant, it’s not strange that his older brother knows everything even if he only heard it once.

“Like old man ErWang, he also can’t ascend to heaven because he has to accept his duty for a hundred years, em, that means we really can’t ask old man ErWang for help, after all”

ChenMing nodded.

“That’s how it is, heh, XiaoWu, we don’t know how vicious that creature really is, so if we meet him later, don’t hesitate to attack him, otherwise, there could be more victims.”


BaiYing raised his head, getting up.

“But Brother, um, we don’t know how ferocious XiaoWu is, what if he is docile, the hare is very cute, Ying can’t bear it”

“Then, what if that Crown Prince of yours has also been swallowed by him? Is he still cute?” ChenMing got up too.

“That’s impossible brother”

The voices of the two made SuLang and GeLu who were in each perimeter of the guard turn their heads, the sky was already night instead of taking a rest the two people were still noisy since noon.

“What it’s impossible? If it’s impossible why didn’t that person come out and meet you sooner?”

“Maybe because, um, they went on the wrong way, or, because something was left behind so they returned to YueYang, whatever it is, there’s no way His Majesty was eaten by that creature, Big Brother said that by yourself yesterday?”

“Brother takes back my word, seeing the situation earlier, you didn’t think, a small creature like a single-eyed worm is difficult for ordinary people to beat, imagine what about XiaoWu? He’s a demigod mystical being, who can beat him other than you and ErWang?”

BaiYing held back, his eyes started to tear up, unable to win against ChenMing’s true words.

“That, that’s impossible, Brother is just lying, It’s not true! Ying hates you!”

The young man couldn’t contain his anger and emotion until he got up and ran towards the forest, ChenMing chasing after him.

“Ying’er, where you going?” but he was too late, he had annoyed his brother and in an instant, he had disappeared in the dark. ChenMing withdrew his hand, he took a deep breath, what did he talking about? Because he was too emotional he made his little brother sad, this stupid ChenMing.


SuLang and GeLu looked at each other from a distance, both of them couldn’t do anything, what just happened? SuLang thought who didn’t follow and especially saw where BaiYing went.


The wind was blowing cold, the sun had not yet appeared on the eastern horizon, but it was already dawn. The sky was still grey, with a chilly air wind that made a short mist cover the XiaoWu forest plains. All the soldiers had already woken up preparing their bodies with light exercises in the morning led by their commander. It was seen that SuLang joined the GeLu army to build his body, after a night of good quality sleep even for a very short time.

Seen in one of the tallest trees in the area, sat BaiYing who seemed to be awake since the night, he couldn’t sleep, the bottom of his eyes was black and only looking straight into the distance, his very high position allowed him to see all areas in the XiaoWu forest which were indeed covered by dense trees.

The branches and leaves swayed, before long, the big trunk that he was sitting on swayed vigorously, ChenMing was seen crawling up with difficulty,

“This kid, do you want to stay there? Don’t want to come down all night, are you still angry with me?” Cautiously, ChenMing sat beside BaiYing, who ignored him. ChenMing shifted his brother’s hand, looking at his face.

“You didn’t sleep all night? Look at those eyes of yours, so ugly, like a ghost.”

BaiYing was still annoyed, he didn’t want to see his brother’s face at all.

“Ying still wants to be here, leave me alone”

“Are you sure you want to stay here? Em, Brother struggled to come up here, to inform you that we are roasting the jerky we brought from SuChou, if you don’t want it, we’ll eat it.”

ChenMing prepared to go downstairs, wanting to see how his bother reacted to hearing his favourite food, but, BaiYing still, didn’t budge at all, ChenMing finally returned to his original position.

“Alright brother, my sweet cute XiaoYing, brothers apologize, after thinking all night, my words are a bit harsh, heh, since I don’t want you’re hoping too much, we should at least think of the worst, heh, however, our enemy this time is not just Ordinary half-demon creatures, so we really have to think about the worst.”

ChenMing looked at his younger brother’s face, which was still seriously looking ahead of him, his gaze was very sharp as if he had actually seen something or he was just annoyed and irritated by what he said.

“Heh brother, Brother already apologized, at least say something to me, I will do anything so you won’t angry anymore, you know, its be really excruciating”

“Shut up brother” BaiYing’s voice, ChenMing was surprised his gentle brother could tell him to shut up,

“Brother why are you still angry, Brother...”

“I said be quiet brother, Ying is trying to hear something”

ChenMing who had opened his mouth gaping stop his words followed BaiYing’s sharp gaze,

“Eh, what are you listening to?” he asked.

There was silence for a moment when suddenly BaiYing grabbed ChenMing’s hand and led him down,

“Over there! West, Brother, I heard XiaoWu’s roar over there” BaiYing shouted excitedly.

ChenMing was overwhelmed when his younger brother pulled his hand and darted down from a very tall tree trying to hold his body, the distance was so high, would his brother want to kill both of them?

“No brother, slow down!”

In an instant both of them were on the ground, BaiYing whose face was very serious shouted at GeLu and the others.

“Get ready we’re heading west!” BaiYing exclaimed,

GeLu and LiuHai who were practising turned their heads and nodded simultaneously.

“Ready Your Majesty!”

ChenMing stuttered, overnight his little brother changed, he became like someone else, ChenMing thought pulling his shoulder,

“Eh brother” he followed BaiYing to his horse.

Meanwhile, SuLang, even though he didn’t understand what was happening, the Little Prince’s order was very important, everyone obeyed him and immediately got ready, including himself.



The horse neighed loudly.

BaiYing’s group and others were already riding at high speed towards the east, BaiYing was leading the group, even though ChenMing was trying to match his run.

“XiaoYing!” suddenly the young man became so good at riding horses, XiaoHei matched BaiYing’s ability to ride.

Drap Drap Drap Drap!

They arrived at their destination, at least still far from where BaiYing was hearing XiaoWu’s voice that only he could hear, BaiYing pulled XiaoHei’s reins to a quick stop because the road in front of them was already impossible to pass, let alone horses, even walking would be difficult.

Everyone’s eyes went wide, ChenMing approached BaiYing holding his brother’s horse bridle so he wouldn’t run away, he gave a signal to GeLu and SuLang and others to be alert.

“This, it’s so crazy.”

The road, or the rest of the way, split open upright standing in front of them, the ground in front of them raised here and there filled with potholes, from the looks of it, like the entrance and exit of a large mole.

“This is ,,,,.” BaiYing couldn’t believe his eyes.

ChenMing was alert, the area was too quiet, not even the sound of birds or anything could be heard at all. He turned to GeLu and SuLang who were approaching.

“Your Majesty”

“Looks like we won’t be able to continue the journey by horse, even going through by foot looks difficult, what do you think?” Chen Ming asked.

GeLu looked at the surroundings, the road in front of them was shattered and deformed, it was likely that they were approaching the epicentre of the earthquake causing landslides and others, the area might be very dangerous.


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