Chapter 356

356 Enter the Forest

The story is that that morning, Big Master Su offered two CuiAn locals who had worked in the Su family for a long time to be their guide to CuiAn, but in the middle of the conversation, SuLang came interrupting.

“Please forgive servant, my Prince, I know for sure every corner of the road in CuiAn city to the XiaoWu forest, since childhood I have often played in the XiaoWu forest to look for crickets and fireflies, so, please let me be a guide for the trip there”

Lord Su looked at his son with big eyes, poked his son’s hand behind.

“Lang’er what are you doing?”

SuLang bowed his head in front of his father.

“Please allow your son to come along, Father, Lang’er since growing up there must know all the terrain by heart”

“This is not a chore, this is serious and not for you to show off your meagre abilities, don’t throw a tantrum, go back to your room” whispered big master Su.

SuLang didn’t move, he still lowered his head waiting for ChenMing’s answer, it seemed that the young man didn’t want to listen to his father’s words at all.

ChenMing looked at SuLang who wouldn’t straighten up before he said something, but Big Master Su’s face looked like he didn’t agree with his son.


“Please forgive my son, Your Majesty, SuLang is inexperienced, even though he knows the area but I can’t trust him”

ChenMing was a bit confused too, on the other hand, big lord Su looked unsure of his son’s abilities, on the other hand, SuLang was a stubborn young man.

Of course, it’s obvious what his older brother has chosen, BaiYing thought, since it was young master Su who was now accompanying them, accompanied by one of the Su family’s men who also knew CuiAn’s territory very well.

Before long ChenMing turned his head into the carriage.

“Brat, let’s get out of the carriage, we have to leave the carriage here and continue our journey by horse, come on, bring your food along,” ChenMing said holding out his hand in front of BaiYing to help his little brother out.

The situation in the city turned out to be much worse than they thought, as they were about to get ready to continue their journey, they saw several city soldiers approaching, immediately saluting ChenMing who was standing beside his horse.

“Welcome Prince Chen, servant LiuHai, commander of the CuiAn division, I was informed that Your Majesty will arrive in the city, Your Majesty, the forest conditions are not good, I suggest Your Majesty and others not to continue the journey there” said the head of the guard who lowered his body to his knees in front of ChenMing.

BaiYing just stroked XiaoHei’s neck to climb him up, the young guards were CuiAn city officials who reported to YueYang palace and now also XinHua, some were seen helping residents to evacuate.

“Straight up, Officer Liu, how is the current situation? Did all the victims be saved entirely? Heard that there was news of the YueYang palace entourage being trapped in the middle of the landslide area, did you manage to find them?”

“Eh, it’s true that a group from the palace got trapped Your Majesty, some of us are still looking in the middle of the landslide area but the area is very vulnerable and dangerous, we can’t approach the centre of the landslide closer than a few kilometres because the ground in the area is kept moving, the other day one of our horses had fallen, for now, the victims who fell cannot be estimated, but most of the villagers claim to have got their family members, the rest are still trapped by landslides”

BaiYing approached.

“Eh Officer Liu, what, you guys didn’t find any trace of that messenger from the Palace at all? Don’t any city officials know who’s coming?” he asked.

LiuHai turned his head, he frowned in thought.

“That, according to news carrier, it should be the Crown Prince’s entourage and other officials, but, that’s also not certain.”

BaiYing was silent, he still hoped that it wasn’t the Crown Prince who passed by in the forest, his chest tightened at the thought that something bad had happened to the Crown Prince and others, his intense longing had tormented him and now had to think about his predicament which might be in danger right now.

SuLang who was standing beside BaiYing held the boy’s hand as BaiYing staggered slightly.

“Eh Xio-eh Your Majesty”

BaiYing raised his hand, he was a little confused because the sun was starting to heat up also because his feelings were not so bad that his body staggered, ChenMing saw that he immediately gave the reins of his horse to one of the soldiers nearby and approached BaiYing.

“Xiao Ying” he pulled the young man’s hand towards him, seeing his brother’s worried face.

“You couldn’t possibly think that rotten person was in danger right? He is more than a buffalo, no one can hurt him, what are you thinking of? Did you really underestimate that rotten person?”

BaiYing looked at his brother with teary eyes.

“Yes, Brother, but Ying’er heard from the residents earlier, that the landslide was caused by XiaoWu, and it is said that the giant hare is very evil, its eyes are red and like to prey on humans, how about, what if, His Highness the Crown Prince and Bodyguard Bei, has it been eaten by him? Otherwise, they should be able to get out of the avalanche centre as soon as possible right? It’s a very easy thing for them to do”

“Stupid kid, don’t think about anything bad, we will immediately head over there and see with our own eyes, that person is so great, even the big TaoTi creature can be fought against, the giant hare is nothing for him, don’t think too much about it, tonight we’ll arrive at the border and tomorrow morning will enter the XiaoWu forest, with your abilities, any beasts will submit and we will finish it if necessary kill the monster once and for all so that there will be no more landslides in the area”


Next day.

It was raining uncontrollably when the group with horses had just entered the XiaoWu forest area, the heavy rain made puddles of water in several places. ChenMing, BaiYing, SuLang and the XinHua soldiers accompanied by some of our CuiAn’s officers had already equipped themselves with straw robes to keep out the excessive rain, even so, BaiYing was still wet, this is very bad, the weather could turn bad like this in an instant, and everyone was already cold with the temperature dropping quite drastically.

“XiaoYing” ChenMing pulled BaiYing’s horse bridle closer to him, seeing his brother’s face which was already completely wet, his lips blue with cold.

“Look at your face, it’s so cold, we should stop building tents for a while, the rain seems like it’s going to stop for a long time,” ChenMing said as he pulled up BaiYing’s raincoat.

BaiYing nodded, it seemed that their visibility was also obscured by the heavy rain and cold fog, they would be in trouble if they continued their journey in such conditions.

“Okay brother”

But, just as the group was about to turn around looking for a place to rest, the ground beneath them shook.

“Krettekk kreettek” a loud sound, road cracks and tree breaking sounded, BaiYing’s eyes widened when he saw one of the big trees right in front of the group fell.

“No brother!” they separated by a few horses and the big tree would definitely hit LiuHai and his men at the front of the group.

“Everyone! Back off!” Chen Ming exclaimed.

The horses neighed frantically, some ran uncontrollably while some nearly fell into the ruined road to have no chance to escape, in such a state, ChenMing shot with his sword towards the big tree.


SuLang who was behind BaiYing did not miss it, the young man also shot forward with his long spear.

“Your Highness be careful!” SuLang exclaimed,

While the horses panicked including XiaoHei, GeLu who was at the back of the line holding the horse made sure the situation was under control.

“Calm your horses!” cried the head guard to his men.

It was raining heavily, blocking BaiYing’s view for a while, but he could see how his older brother with all his strength drew his sword through a large tree trunk and separated it into smaller pieces so as not to hit the trapped soldiers. SuLang helped him, with his long spear the young man knew what he could do, he pushed one of the split tree trunks with his two legs and his hands hit the other tree trunk hard so that it fell into the trees.

The movement of the two was very fast, even before the big tree touched the ground the two had already managed to split it.

ChenMing came down with a dashing body in front of BaiYing, waved his sword in the air and put it back in its scabbard, luckily no soldiers were injured.

The rain gradually stopped, even stopped too quickly, in an instant the heavy rain had stopped completely.

BaiYing’s eyes lit up, something made his heart tremble.


“Brother, there is, something is coming,” BaiYing said, ChenMing turned his head, frowning at BaiYing’s pair of shining eyes, his eyes wide open alert to look around.


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