Chapter 343

343 New Candidate

“Brother, does, Ying is really so selfish? For choosing to be His Highness the Crown Prince’s concubine over becoming a King, it just, I really doesn’t know what to do, being a King, is new to Ying, but, with the Crown Prince, it feels like it’s been a whole life now, is it impossible for Ying to ignore my feelings, isn’t it? And, I don’t know how to life without him”

ChenMing stuttered, he raised his hand a little hesitantly to caress BaiYing’s hair, put his arm around BaiYing’s shoulders pulling him closer, to hug him.

“Heh little brother”


Previously in Princess WuLan’s study.

ChenMing, who had entered the room in an incoherent temper, of course, had an argument with BaiYing and until the last second the boy didn’t even look at him a bit, he was still so mad at him.

“So, what Grandma think Ming’er should do? Xiao Ying is too innocent and stupid, his mind is very simple, he fell in love with that rotten Crown Prince and thought of all means to stay with him, does love really have to be like that? Sacrifice others over their feeling?”

Princess WuLan tried not to smile at ChenMing’s red face and had been complaining ever since, the young man was on fire because his brother didn’t want to talk to him.

“Hehehe that’s called love Ming, later you will understand if you find the person you love, don’t blame your brother, don’t be too hard on him, he is a poor child, Ming Ming should give him a lot more love”


Hearing his grandmother’s words, ChenMing was silent, he approached, slowly his expression changed, somewhat calm. He actually also thinks about someone in his heart that sometimes makes it difficult for him to breathe because he has been apart for too long, he should be able to imagine what is in his brother’s heart.

“Heh, everything is so troublesome”


Morning comes.

Eagle Hall.

The inauguration ceremony of the new young official was postponed for a day because the Young Minister of Defense could not be determined, old man Pai and his men needed more time to test the new person and bring him before the King and ChenMing to be judged, for that Princess WuLan did not interfere and entrusted the decision to the two that brother, of course, Elder Yi and ShinYa continued to accompany the King.

By noon old man Pai had brought a young man who came out as the first winner in the written exam, a young man with a sympathetic face and often smiled. The old man introduced the tall thin young man as young master ShiShen, a young student from SuiLian city, he passed the second batch of exams which also included yesterday’s exam winners, the young man looked polite, lowered his body to his knees in front of BaiYing and ChenMing.

“Greetings Your Majesty the King, may Your Majesty live long, long life”

ChenMing glanced at Old Pai who touched the young man’s shoulder to stand up, after a while BaiYing was silent.

“Please stand up young master Shi, congratulations you have won the written examination of the Young Minister of Defense, you know, this final exam, must be given directly by the King or the main Advisor himself,” said old man Pai.

The young man nodded, still with his hands clenched in front of his head.

“Of course, Servant knows that, Great Advisor, I’m already excited for the final exam”

Old Pai then turned to BaiYing and ChenMing, ChenMing looked at BaiYing who was looking silently at the young man, it seemed he was lost in thought until he missed Old Pai’s words.

“Ahem, Your Majesty the King” he poked BaiYing’s arm. The young man seemed to flinch, he lifted his head to look at his brother, seemed to be frowning.

“Uh, what brother?” BaiYing asked in a small voice.

“That, have you prepared what kind of test you want to give as your condition?” Chen Ming asked.

BaiYing looked thoughtful, it was hard to see his expression clearly with half his face covered in a mask, but he did look thoughtful.

“Um, I’m the one who gives him the final test, brother?” Bai Ying whispered.

Chen Ming nodded.

BaiYing remembered what his brother said last night, the last test is given to young master Su seemed a bit strange and unorthodox, but it was only a formality whether a Junior Minister of Defense questioned his superior’s orders, obey or reject it, it’s just a small useless test, of course since the Minister was already elected, they would definitely accept him whether he answered correctly or not.

Like when they tested the Junior Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the sincere FengHan of course was able to pass due to his calm nature, it was actually just a stupid question, but he didn’t think of it that way to answer it without any problems. It meant that FengHan had a great degree of trust in his superiors, respected every question they asked without arguing too much, simply answered as best he could, the young man even gave a further response to his answer.

Therefore, BaiYing was also in deep thought, which other stupid question or request would they give to this young ministerial candidate so he wouldn’t run away, and what response would he give?

“Em, young master Shi, you see, Ying... er, King, is eager to hear the song of the yellow parrot that always perches on the plum tree at the side of the palace building, er, does, young master Shi doesn’t mind catching the bird for Y .. uh King?” Bai Ying asked.

The young man who stood in the middle of the very large room took the King’s question for a moment, the King, a young man, whose voice indeed sounded very young, who sat in a large chair at a higher level, with a large golden chair inlaid with sparkling gemstones, even his head could not bear to see the King’s face who’s covered by a mask. Only the clothes worn by the King really attracted attention because the gleam of sunlight that entered the room reflected around the room when it hit the gemstones that adorned the clothes with a predominance of gold and white colours.

ShiShen clenched his two hands and bowed his head deeply.

“Servant will do what I can, Your Majesty, the yellow parrot is definitely a very rare bird, if there is only one in the group, Your Majesty’s chance to see the bird singing on a Plum tree branch can be said to be a great fortune”

The youth answer made BaiYing interested, he straightened his seat forward.

“Oh, I see? So you mean young master Shi can’t get the bird for the King?” Bai Ying asked.

ShiShen smiled. Still in the position of the head bowed in reverence.

“Forgive this Servant, Your majesty, that was not my intention, I will certainly try my best, but in this case of course I have to make a choice so that Your Majesty can accept the outcome with some possibilities.”

Elder Yi who was standing behind BaiYing stroked his chin while nodding, the young man looks very educated, speech is also smooth and orderly, but, for some reason, he felt there was something he didn’t like.


Not long after.

While waiting for the young ministerial candidate to carry out his mission of catching birds, which, it seemed very unlikely to be carried out since it was already noon, and the heat, at this time, the birds must have returned to their cages, or at least hid behind the shade of the trees, and sir Young Shi doesn’t know the corner of the palace that well, will he be able to find the bird?

Thought BaiYing who was resting inside the King’s study with ChenMing and Elder Yi who was sitting enjoying his tea, ShinYa and a few little maids were also in the room.

ChenMing raised his teacup, took a sip while looking at BaiYing’s still uninspired face.

“What do you thinking of Brother? Putting on a face like that?” he asked.

Well of course, since earlier BaiYing only looked at the teacup, hadn’t even touched the snack.

“Em, don’t know brother, Ying seems to prefer the young man from yesterday, although, he is a bit stubborn, Ying seems to be able to read his mind, this one, like, there is something he’s hiding”

ChenMing put down his cup.

“You’ve only seen him for once, how can you judge him right away? Do you need Brother to fight with this one too? According to old man Pai, this master Shi has already defeated several formidable bodyguards in a few moves, he looks quite promising, what else is lacking? Well, indeed, as for the look, yes he is not comparable to young master Su yesterday but, what is a handsome face if he has a rebellious soul, it is very dangerous”

Elder Yi nodded in agreement with ChenMing’s words, the man still turned his head towards ShinYa who had been didn’t make a sound.

“Master Shin, what are you thinking?” he asked.


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