Chapter 338

338 Friend of Foe?

The young man is the young master SuLang, from the Su clan which has become one of the famous clans with quite a successful expedition business in the city of SuChou, this time the youngest young master of the family, SuLang tried his luck to become one of the young officials at the encouragement of his father, the head of the family, SuPing, whose ancestry comes from the family of WahYe fighters. Like their elders, he hoped that one of their family members could serve WahYe again as an official, and this time, they sent the Su family’s little son who that year was already twenty years old, the youngest age as one of the requirements to become XinHua’s officials.

SuLang smirked, he wished he could escape from his parents’ orders, but his father gave an ultimatum that if he didn’t follow his wishes he would lose his privilege of all the facilities from his parents, he would become a homeless man because he’s very stubborn father told him to be independent by working outside the home. This is very confusing for him, he can’t help but have to follow his father’s ridiculous wishes, after all, how difficult is it to be a minister in this small country, even though this country has an incredibly beautiful palace, with amazing decorations, amazingly delicious food, soldiers in abundance with complete armour and weapons, but, what’s the use of all that if this country is led by a spoiled child whose body is even smaller than him, looks thin and helpless, this is tantamount to serving the spoiled child of an official’s child that he has often met. He would probably come out victorious very easily, in the city of SuChou who doesn’t know SuLang, the hero who beats almost all the fighters that come his way.

“Hey this is going to be really boring”


The battle finally started, as one would expect, the other two candidates who passed the written examination to become the Young Minister of Defense couldn’t win against SuLang’s martial arts technique which was indeed very far above average, the young man hadn’t even brought out half of his abilities.


One of the candidates was pushed away and fell heavily onto the ground, his face facing the ground covered with dirt.


The young man SuLang was merciless, he didn’t want to waste too much time because he thought all these things were pointless, so unimportant.


“heh this is boring, as I thought”

“The winner, SuLang from the NoRon Clan!” exclaimed the referee MeMa.

Meanwhile, BaiYing and the others looked on in awe.

“Wow that young man is so great, he knocks his opponent down in three moves” BaiYing marvelled.

BaiYing turned to his older brother who was standing looking with sharp eyes to the field.

“Brother, does it mean that he will be the Minister? What a great person, this is so fast, at least one minister has been chosen in a short time.”

But ChenMing unmoved, still looked at the young man standing tall holding a long spear with a sharp blade tip. The young man looked very proud of his crushing victory.

“Heh, I don’t really like this guy.”

BaiYing frowned, he looked at the young man standing in the middle of the field, and his older brother turned serious again.

“Oh, what’s the matter, Brother? He’s the winner, it’s certain that he will be the Young Minister, right? Like it or not, that’s the rule.”

Elder Yi who was sitting behind him stroked his chin, although he had been enjoying his tea since then as if he didn’t care about his surroundings, Princess WuLan had specifically asked him to help the Young King to select candidates for Minister.

“Heh, it’s not necessarily XiaoYing, erm I mean My King, as long as you haven’t decided, whoever the winner is still your final decision, does XiaoYing think that person is worthy or not”

Hearing that BaiYing stuttered, how could he decide? Isn’t it clear that according to the rules, the winner will become Young Ministers, they can’t deny what it says, can they?

“Eh, how can that be old man? According to the rules, whoever wins the battles or tests will be the minister, right? Isn’t that right Mr Shin?”

ShinYa lowered his head in front of BaiYing.

“Report Your Majesty, that’s true, but, before officially becoming Junior Minister, Your Majesty the Viceroy still has the right to give him a final test if you still have doubts, that is also in accordance with state regulations.”

BaiYing nodded, he puffed his mouth.

“Oh I see, um, that’s right, Ying have read the rules yesterday, um, but, what test should be given if this person while he has passed all the existing tests?”

ChenMing grabbed his longsword which had been on the table for a long time.

“No need for another test brother, let Big Brother take care of it”

Before BaiYing asked what ChenMing was going to do, his older brother had already kicked his feet and sprinted down the field.


Elder Yi simply stroked his chin, returning to his tea.

“Heh young man, it’s too easy to get emotional”

In an instant, ChenMing was already standing in front of the young man SuLang.

The young man looked ChenMing from the top of his head to the bottom, from ChenMing’s appearance and the crown he wore above his bun, everyone would immediately know who the young man was, but, even though he knew, the young man SuLang just raised his fists in a respectful fist.

“My Prince”

MeMa who was standing not far from ChenMing looked at SuLang sharply.

“Presumptuous, pay your respects to His Majesty the Prince,” she cried.

ChenMing raised his hand to stop MeMa, he was waiting for the young man’s reaction, as he could have guessed, the young man SuLang didn’t even see him. Chen Ming smiled. He put his hands holding the hilt of his sword behind his waist.

“Heh congratulations young master Su, you have successfully passed the written test and the strength test, I don’t think anything can stop you from being a candidate for the Young Minister of Defense, but, the position of the minister is very important, so as the King’s main advisor, I have the right to give you an additional test if Young Master doesn’t mind”

SuLang smiled, to be more precise, he was grinning, but the young man lowered his head while clenching his two fists in salute to ChenMing.

“That’s no big deal, Your Majesty, I think Your Majesty has seen for yourself how capable I am, one more extra test won’t be a hindrance, after all, hey, how difficult is that”

BaiYing who was sitting in his place was a bit worried, ChenMing’s voice sounded a bit cynical, is he trying to chase the candidate for Minister away? Then the task would not be completed, if all the ministers had not been elected the job would be much more difficult, his older brother really made BaiYing anxious.

“What does Brother want?”

ShinYa approached.

“Your Majesty, I think His Majesty the Prince just wants to test it, Your Majesty the King need not be too worried, from his aura, the young man has a fairly dense blue aura, it shows the strength of mind and body that is balanced, I believe his strong determination will make the Prince melt.”

BaiYing tugged his lips.

“Still, I’m worried that big brother will make that person angry”

“That’s XiaoYing, Prince Chen’s aim go down there, is to make that person angry,” said Elder Yi.

ChenMing smirked, he crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking at the calm face of the young man in front of him.

“Hehe, that is very good, hope you are well prepared for this final test”

ChenMing looked at MeMa who was standing not far behind him, then at the several horses belonging to SuLang and the other candidates who were already on the sidelines, and, at something clearly visible on the ground, ChenMing smirked, dunno what he was thinking, but it definitely made him hold back a laugh in amusement.

Soon after that.

“I won’t do that!” SuLang’s voice is loud.

BaiYing who was sitting in his chair wasn’t surprised by the youth’s loud voice, remembering what his brother did, he patted his forehead.

“heh big brother”

Not only SuLang but the audience including other candidates for office were shocked to hear ChenMing’s requirements, everyone looked at each other, wasn’t that just a joke?

“Hey, this, I can’t do it, this is so ridiculous, do high-ranking officials of this country also have to clean up horse dung?” exclaimed SuLang.

ChenMing just stood straight in front of him, trying to put on a serious face, he gave SuLang the final test, which was to clean his own horse dung, remembering what Young master SuLang’s big pitch-black horse belonged to.

“What, does this mean you gave up? Young Master Su?” ChenMing asked casually.

SuLang looked at ChenMing, his eyes almost popped out, he was trying not to get angry, his chest was already beating really fast trying to contain himself, he looked around him, including BaiYing, the young king wearing a shiny mask who was sitting on his chair quietly, then at the young elected officials, who were seated in another section, then the ministerial candidates again in another section, all eyes on him as if he was the joke of the day, he, an honourable young master who was humiliated after his time was up for exams and battles, and having to get a final test which was very embarrassing, this, he couldn’t accept this.


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