Chapter 334

334 The Day

Yan and Bi along with a few small maids in the room had already helped BaiYing get dressed that morning, this morning’s event, of course, was the formal meeting for choose some young high ranking state officials, according to Princess WuLan there were already several qualified candidates, and BaiYing only needed to certify their positions, this, for sure going to be so boring, BaiYing thought as he took a breath.

His adorable face as he pouted made the two maids who were busy styling their hair hold back laughter. And BaiYing heard the two’s voices making fun of him, as usual.

“Sisters, you guys are laughing at Ying’er again, right?”

The two maids covered their mouths not daring to show their laughter, but BaiYing’s cute face was indeed adorable, he was like a little bunny with big shining reddish eyes.

“Em, n-no Your Majesty, who is laughing at Your Majesty?” Yan said.

B nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty, our Majesty, this is the most handsome and sweet Viceroy, oh really there is no match” Bi continued.

The two maids were really able to persuade BaiYing who was in a bad mood, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Sister, you both always sweet-talker, so good at it, since when I ever look ugly in your eyes?”


The maids answered in unison with broad smiles.

“Never, Your Majesty”


And finally, the three of them laughed, BaiYing’s bad mood brightened as bright as the morning sun that hit the window of his room which was located on the second floor of the main building of XinHua Palace.

While the three were still busy chatting, there was a knock on the door from outside.

“tuk tuk”

BaiYing raised his head.

“Brother” ChenMing’s voice.

As soon as ChenMing entered, looking around the room where many other maids were standing lowering their knees in salute, he waved his hand asking everyone to come out.

“Leave us.”

The maids nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

Leaving BaiYing with his two maids who were still helping to do his hair.

BaiYing wrinkled his eyes seeing his older brother visiting his room so early that morning, he already looked very neat with very majestic and beautiful clothes, his long brown hair sparkled with a small golden crown decorated with colourful small stones, long golden ribbons that flowed down fell on his shoulders.

He looked at BaiYing’s face close and carefully, then stretched out his hand to ask for a cloth from Bi’s hand, for a moment Bi was confused by the prince’s request.

“Eh Your Majesty”

“Give it to me” as ChenMing impatiently took the small piece of cloth that the young maid had been holding.

“Look at this, don’t use too thick powder, XiaoYing is a boy don’t look too attractive like a girl, you guys” He used the clean cloth to wipe BaiYing’s cheek which he thought the powder was too thick.

BaiYing looked at his brother intently.

“Brother, Ying doesn’t use thick powder, it’s just a layer, big brother is too much”

“What a layer, look at your skin, it’s so smooth like a girl, just wearing a layer is too much”

“This big brother, why don’t you look at yourself in the mirror, big brother face is too white, it’s like you spilt all the powder on your face huh? There is no Guard Bei here brother, don’t dress up so pretty, Ying will tell Guard Bei about this later.”

BaiYing’s maids backed away, it’s better to stay away from when the two brothers fight again, just like the time at the Crown Prince’s palace back then.

“Well just tell him, I don’t care, also it’s not because of the powder, it’s because too much light from the sunlight makes it look whiter, however, it’s not me who will be the centre of attention of the officials later, all those young officials have never seen their Viceroy’s face, lest they think the Viceroy is a cute girl who they can tease as they please.”

BaiYing lowered ChenMing’s hand from his cheek.

“Brother, don’t bother Ying’er, Ying isn’t done getting ready yet.”

ChenMing straightened up, trying to get rid of the powder on his brothers’ face, after all, BaiYing did look very cute.

“Heh can’t help it.”

The young prince finally reached into his clothes, took out something wrapped in WahYe’s silk cloth in front of BaiYing, it was quite large.

“Here, Grandmother and old man Pai said, before the King coronation, BaiYing must wear this at all the meeting.”

BaiYing widened his eyes, seeing what thing was neatly wrapped in a dark blue silk cloth wrapped in gold embroidery, a thin face mask made of gold, a very beautiful shape with the parts around the eyes adorned with shimmering gemstones.

“Wow, this is so pretty brother? Does, this belongs to the previous King?”

ChenMing threw his hands away, brushing the back of his clothes before he sat down on a chair not far from BaiYing.

The half-face mask resembled BaiYing’s old one, only that the material was far superior quality, it was clearly a very valuable item, however, the young man frowned.

“Then why so bother to remove Ying’er powder when Ying has to wear a mask too, such a weird” BaiYing grumbled.

“Em Brother, do I really have to wear this mask to be crowned the Great King? What, it means, Ying has to wear this, for a year?”

ChenMing grabbed the tea that Yan had poured into the golden cup on the table.

“Well, it can’t be helped, but according to Grandma, it’s actually not necessary to always wear it, only at official state meetings, according to the tradition, the Crown Prince who has not yet grown up must always cover his face so as not to be recognized by the enemy, that is, for his own safety as well”

BaiYing’s eyes widen, he stood up from his seat approached his brother.

“Wow, isn’t that too much, brother? It’s a pity for the Crown Prince, they must always be targeted by the enemy, but, isn’t WahYe very safe and the citizens are peace-loving, is it true that there are enemies who are targeting the palace family too, huh?”

“And then, what if no one recognizes the Crown Prince’s face? Wouldn’t that be a problem? What if suddenly the Crown Prince was swapped by someone else? It’s very dangerous!” BaiYing continued enthusiastically.

ChenMing looked intently at BaiYing, looking at the young man from head to toe, BaiYing’s attire that day was indeed very beautiful, white in colour combination of cream and gold with the ancient Eagle embroidered with the national emblem on the front, surrounded by a white dragon on the other side, he did shine in any outfit, especially then, but, the boy still looked at him with an innocent look.

“This kid, there is nothing like that, how could no one recognize the Crown Prince’s face, where did you get that idea from? And, don’t you realize that you are the so-called Crown Prince? Is there an enemy targeting you?”

BaiYing thought, very seriously.

“Em, used to, yeah”

“That means, the enemy is always there, no matter how peaceful the country is, and as for XiaoYing knows, WahYe consists of a lot of Clans that stood firmly in their era, that was back then, when the country was still very victorious, and now, the clan’s leader came trying to establish their position in the state government, many heads, many thoughts, of course, there are parts of the WahYe tribe who are mostly peace-loving and very skilled in the science of war, usually they will be used by the palace to occupy defensive positions such as Commander FaLu is an example.”

BaiYing seriously listened, his mouth gaping involuntarily.

“Wow that’s awesome”

ChenMing frowned at the reaction of the little boy who saw him with his pair of big round eyes.

“Who’s awesome? Those people?”

BaiYing shook his head.

“Not them, but Brother Ming Ming, you’re so great to know WahYe’s history so fluently.”

Hearing BaiYing’s words that seemed to mock him ChenMing pulled his lips in annoyance.

“This brat” while BaiYing laughed like a child seeing ChenMing’s face at that time.

“Hahaha Brother MingMing is so awesome!”

Even his two maids tried to stop themselves from laughing.

“Bad boy stop laughing, big brother is being serious about this”

BaiYing laughed a lot that morning, his bad mood slowly turned into a very good one, he is basically a very talkative kid, being gloomy is not in his nature, even though he is very upset but in ChenMing’s heart he was relieved, these couple days he had not seen BaiYing laugh that loud, ever since leaving the palace and away from the Crown Prince, it was the first laugh he seen on his brother’s face, it was very pleasing to see.

“Insolent child” ChenMing grumbled.


“The Young King has arrived!” cried the guard in front of the great door of the Eagle hall.

The largest hall in XinHua palace, high ceilings, huge towering pillars decorated with shiny silk cloth with gold embroidery which wave by the wind gracefully, large and sturdy stones supporting the four corners with distinctive carvings of WahYe, many senior officials and candidates for elected young officials have filled the room, all lowered their bodies to see the King appear behind the big door.


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