Chapter 327

327 ChenMing being emotional

Next morning at the Peacock Pavilion.

ShinYa was standing near the door, where inside ChenMing’s room was seen busy stuffing his clothes into his cloth wrapper.

“My Prince, please forgive me, but, this might be too soon, His Majesty the Viceroy might need some time”

ChenMing turned to ShinYa, looking at the young shaman with a sharp gaze.

“What else does it need? How long? From the beginning being the Crown Prince’s concubine wasn’t a good idea, even though they love each other and are willing to live to the death, but their fates are completely opposite, this can’t be allowed to continue, while Ying’er is still young we have to get him out of here immediately”

“But, my Prince, His Majesty the Crown Prince and the Viceroy have fought so hard for this relationship, all of this, shows how their destiny is to be together and inseparable”

“What is destiny that cannot be separated? If not for XiaoYing’s constant effort, could they have been together until now? Crown Prince can only sit quietly letting XiaoYing do his own thing, so calm with all of XiaoYing’s abilities, he can obviously take advantage of XiaoYing’s power under the pretext of loving him, whether it’s true or not”

ShinYa stuttered hearing ChenMing’s blunt words.

“Ahem, Prince Chen, the sun hasn’t hung right above our head yet, why are you already sound so excited?” Elder Yi’s voice came into ChenMing’s room, the silver-haired man brushed his long hair behind his back, he sat on the chair in front of the round table in the centre of the room.


ChenMing stared at Elder Yi with sharp eyes.

“Elder Yi, are you going to continue staying here? What will you do if XiaoYing leaves this palace? You’re here to follow him, right?”

Elder Yi picked up the cup that was cupped on the saucer, grabbed the teapot and poured his own tea, filled his cup and took a sip.

“Heh” wiping his slightly wet lips with his sleeve, he took a deep breath while looking at the small green cup with red flowers painted on the smooth surface, he put the cup back on the table, poured the tea to fill it again.

“Heh this is good tea, it’s a shame, good tea is hard to find, not necessarily the next tea will taste the same, it’s really a pity”

ChenMing approached.

“You mean Xiao Ying?” he asked.

Elder Yi looked at ChenMing, smiling at the young man’s ferocious face.

“Heh young man, why are you so temperament? Use your emotion instead of your logic”

Hearing Elder Yi’s mocking voice, ChenMing was about to smack him down, but ShinYa’s hand held him back.

“This old man!”

“Please be patience my prince, don’t be too emotional.”

Elder Yi chuckled, he sat up straight, straightened his clothes before he stood up, tucked his hands behind his waist, looked around the room, ChenMing’s clothes were scattered on the bed.

“Why not ask those pretty maids to help you, their job is definitely better than yours, right Prince Chen?”

“I don’t need the help of the servants from this palace, I can’t wait to get out of here.”

Elder Yi glanced at ChenMing, stroking his chin.

“Hemh, Prince Chen, wouldn’t you feel sorry for XiaoYing if you forced him out of the palace? Abandoning the Crown Prince?”

Hearing Elder Yi’s words, ChenMing stuttered, he was on fire earlier, but so didn’t know what to say to answer the man.

“Eh, well, you have to have the heart anyway! Life in YueYang palace is not for him, he is the Viceroy of XinHua, at the age of eighteen he will be crowned the Great King, why stay here any longer, sooner or later little brother has to leave here.”

Elder Yi looked at the flowers in the pot on the table by the window of the room that ChenMing had occupied all this time, a small plant that might soon bloom.

“Life is, like this little plant Prince Chen, we think that our life is very difficult with so many obstacles that come, sorrow, suffering, all its struggles, but, there are times, like this little flower that dies and has to readjust its life back in the new place, and it’s growing beautifully, it will eventually fall.”

ChenMing frowned, seeing the man looking at the flowers BaiYing had given him to decorate his room while he was there.

“What do you mean old man? What if we die too? Like that flower, no matter how hard we try?”

“Yeah, that and other, heh, Prince Chen, XiaoYing’s destiny isn’t as easy as you say, if that were the case, nothing much would have happened to him beforehand, it’s all like a hurricane hitting a tree with the aim of making the trunk stick so strong on the ground, so that next time no wind or storm will be able to shake him”

“I understand where’s your points are old man, but little brother must not plant his roots in the ground full of poison and thorns, he may be strong, but all those poisons and thorns will keep pestering him, he has other options, and his best choice, is to return to XinHua and make WahYe strong so that no more suffering will occur, this is all his destiny”

Elder Yi nodded, so did ShinYa who was standing not far behind ChenMing.

“That’s true, but, what if even with all the poison and thorns around it, the tree can still grow to be very beautiful and beautiful, no matter how good the ground it will be on later, that tree, may not be able to give beautiful flowers like he usually, you, have to think that too Prince Chen, it is fate that the big and sturdy tree should be far from home so that it can protect all the small roots that are far from it, he can learn to be strong and make sure all those small plants avoiding the storm, isn’t it, that’s what XiaoYing has always hoped for?”

ChenMing stuttered, again he was at a loss for words, this old man with a young face in front of him was indeed suited to his age, he said what he didn’t think of, even though he didn’t want to admit it, and he didn’t want to admit it, however, he couldn’t let it go. his brother suffers in vain for a relationship that is certain that there will be no future for them, no matter how cruel it is, the sooner it ends the better for all.

“Heh” he could only take a deep breath.


Outside the door of the main building of the Peacock Pavilion.

Seen BaiYing who was about to enter the room, stopped with his hands on the door, his two maids were behind him.

“Your Majesty”

Yan with her hands carrying a basket full of food, as they were usual to do, visit Prince ChenMing and Elder Yi to have breakfast together, however, BaiYing’s feet, who had just walked passed the first steps in front of the door, stopped, clearly hearing the two’s conversation inside.

The maids looked at each other, the look on BaiYing’s face at that time, was not something they saw often, doubtful, silent, confused, sad, all mixed into one, BaiYing’s serious face which they rarely saw.

BaiYing hurriedly turned his body to leave silently but his waist jade hanger hit the door, making a sound that instantly made Elder Yi and ChenMing turn their heads.

ChenMing’s eyes went wide.

“Oh no XiaoYing” he approached quickly.

So quick, he held BaiYing’s hand as the young man was about to turn outside.

“Brother, where are you going?”

BaiYing stuttered, he raised his face to look at ChenMing with teary eyes, his hands were cold, trying to pull him from ChenMing’s grip.

“B-Big Brother, er, Ying’er forgot to bring something, eh”

But ChenMing’s hand was holding it tightly enough that it was difficult for him to break free.

“You’ve heard it right? Then, what are you thinking again? Quickly pack your things, we will return to XinHua as soon as possible.”

BaiYing tried to pull his hand away, he succeeded and almost fell backwards if it wasn’t for his two maids holding him back.

“Your Highness”

BaiYing avoided ChenMing’s gaze, he turned towards the door fast, almost trip to falling.

“XiaoYing” but ChenMing didn’t let him go, caught BaiYing’s hand and held his shoulders.

“Xiao Ying, why are you silent, say something, this is all about your future, if you don’t think about it for yourself other people can’t control you, wake up from your dream and face the real world, your life is not just a moment, you are still young, your future is as supreme ruler Wahye is still far to go, why don’t you think about it?”

ChenMing continued to push BaiYing until the young man was cornered and opened his fist, instantly white flames shot out from his palm hitting ChenMing’s body far backwards.


Everyone was shocked, even BaiYing himself, his eyes widen not realizing what he had done.

“Older brother!”


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