Chapter 262

262 Way Out

“Yes, but the road is too hard to get through, it’s rocky and slippery, what if Ying falls? After all, Ying’s leg still hurts.”

Elder Yi restrained himself from tapping the young man’s head.

“Spoiled kid, we just start walking and you already complaining, your leg is fine, do you think this old man is a fool who doesn’t know you have the ability to heal in an instant? This rotten child”

BaiYing laughed happily.

“Hehehe, Ying’er just got my inner strength back, its all thanks to Elder Yi, so does it mean, Ying will live then?”

“Emm, more and less like that”

“Elder Yi why you’re so stingy, just tell me to make Ying little bit relieved”

Elder Yi once again flicks the boy’s forehead.

“At least this naughty boy will keep living for decades or maybe hundreds of years!”



The two proceeded cautiously along the connecting path that Elder Yi had found long ago, but he was lazy to find out what was at the end because the cold Stone Cave valley itself was very comfortable for him.

“So Elder, what brought Elder to this cave?”

BaiYing asked, the two’s voices echoing to the end of what seemed like quite a long road.

“Em, the story is quite complicated, whether a child like you can follow it quickly or not”

“This Elder is always underestimated Ying? Even though Ying is a little bit stupid but at least I could follow the story”

Elder Yi’s laugh of loud,

“Hahahaha, this kid claims himself to be stupid, why is there such a naive kid?”

BaiYing pouted even more.

“This old man is such annoying, so are you going to tell or not?”

“Hahaha, around forty years ago, um, the story is that Elder Yi was also very naive, my internal energy was paralyzed and all my veins were torn because I forcing it, at that time, heh, just to think about it make me furious, my brother deceive me and took a hundred-year grass which can be used as medicine to maximize the internal energy.”

“A hundred-year grass? Ying seems to have heard of it, did, Elder Yi confront him? And you guys have a fight?”

Elder Yi frowned.

“Well, had the story gone there already? It too fast?”

BaiYing refrained from getting angry, the man always teasing him.

“Elder Yi, you do this on purpose is it?”

Elder Yi’s laughter echoed through the cave.

“Hahahahaha, this little Ying is really smart, isn’t it?”

“Stop it, don’t make fun of me, Elder Yi just tell the story and don’t ask too many questions back”

“This kid, you were the one who interrupted earlier”

“I’m not, Ying just made sure”

“It’s the same thing”

“Elder Yi is so annoying”

“Hahahaha what a cute kid, I haven’t laughed this much and loudly in a long time, this is so much fun, how about we just stay in the cave valley for a while, well at least until your profound energy and core meridians are intact”

“We’ve discussed it, Elder Yi said Ying can practice it by myself, so let quickly find a way out from here, Ying is hungry”

“You just ate four slices of boiled sweet potatoes, and there’s a lot of any kind of food inside your backpack”

“Precisely, because of that, we have to find a good place to eat, quickly, come on Elder Yi”

BaiYing grabbed Elder Yi’s hand and continued their way down the long hallway that had not reached the end yet, how could the path be so long? According to Brother YoTang, the Cold Rock cave is indeed very large and has many rooms in it, which if pulled straight from the foot of the valley can take a day to reach the end, but if you take a winding road and go around in the cave itself, it may take days.

“Oh, when we’ll arrive?”

“We just started a few minutes ago”

“What? Really? Why does it take so long?”

“This spoiled brat”


“Your Majesty be careful”

Said ShinYa seeing the path in front of them starting to light up, don’t know where it came from but they entered a big cave with high ceilings and a large room, with so many large stone coffins in the middle of the room and also some on the rock. Not an ordinary stone coffin, some are still quite clearly carved, still in smooth and beautiful shape.

LuoXiang stopped in the middle of the room, turning his body to look around.

“This is the tomb of the elder of the Medicine valley, in fact, long before the Medicine valley was formed as a college, there were many elders who ran the valley by themselves, according to my Master’s story, in this cave there are almost a hundred tombs of the former elders, including the great master Baoyi”

LuoXiang turned his head.

“Master BaoYi? Where’s his tomb?”

YoTang scratched his head, looked around, he didn’t find what his teacher said about his Great Master who meditated until his last breath at this cave, but he shouldn’t be in one of the coffins.

“Eh, according to Master’s map, Master’s meditation room is still in the next part of the cave, um, this, where is it?”

LuoXiang glanced at the map that Healer Ou had painted on the cowhide sheet, indeed there’s a lot of rooms were marked on the map, is this cave really that big?

As they were busy staring at the map to find the next route, a sound echoed from all around them, like a huge rumbling sound.

“Your Majesty please be careful, my Teacher said there’s a lot of very dangerous Stone ants in this cave,” exclaimed YoTang.

The Crown Prince was on alert, his eyes alert with sharp ears trying to find the source of the sound.

“What do you mean by the Stone ants? Are they very dangerous?”

YoTang readied his sword.

“According to Teacher, Stone ants should not come out from their heap and they won’t randomly attack peoples, and according to Teacher, we have to avoid their bites, the bites of Stone ants can cause full paralysis so and they will eat their prey slowly bite by bites”

“Master Yo don’t joke, what do you mean by eating the prey slowly? Are they that vicious?” asked ShinYa worriedly.

“Shouldn’t be that dangerous to humans since we’re much bigger, but...”

YoTang’s eyes widened, and so did the Crown Prince when he saw what come in large not far in front of them.

“Master Yo you said they weren’t very big? Then what you called this?” grumbled the Crown Prince preparing to attack when the creatures which YoTang thought were Stone ants turned out to be more like insects with sharp teeth and many legs, swarmed in large numbers and it’s larger than rabbits.

“Be careful Your Majesty!” ShinYa protected them with their protective energy, but don’t know how long they going to stand from it, that swarm of insects came from nowhere and surrounded them in the center of the tomb, ShinYa’s protective energy probably wouldn’t last long.

“Your Majesty, what should we do?”

The Crown Prince glanced up at them, where there was a tall rock not far in front of them with a ramp that was gentle enough for them to climb, he glanced at YoTang.

“Master Yo, you brought the rope, right? Climb on up and pull us one by one”

YoTang looked up, he nodded and let go of the rope hanging from his waist, the only way was to go up.

After several attempts, YoTang finally managed to tie the rope, after ensuring the rope was strong enough, he glanced at the Crown Prince.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty go up first”

LuoXiang looked towards ShinYa.

“Master Shin you can cast spells from above right?”

ShinYa looked at YoTang, he nodded.

“Yes I can, Your Majesty, but, I can’t possibly climb such a high rock”

“You will go up with YoTang first”

“No Your Majesty we will follow after you” ShinYa interrupted.

The Crown Prince stands with his sword.

“Don’t argue Master Shin, just climb up and keep chanting your spell from up there, I will fight them as best I can”

“Forgive servant, Your Majesty, but that can’t be done, as the Crown Prince...”

LuoXiang looked at the two sharply.

“Are you guys starting to go against my orders? These insects are nothing compared to beasts and demi-demon humans, hurry up, we don’t have much time”

Finally, ShinYa and YoTang complied, holding on to YoTang who helped him climb the rock ShinYa kept chanting his spell, while LuoXiang was on standby if the protective circle broke sometimes, this is no joke, the insects are very vicious creatures, their teeth are sharp with a head the size of a human head with many legs around the body, which part is called as an ant?

LuoXiang got ready when he felt ShinYa’s aura slightly shaken, ShinYa who was climbing on the rock was brought down by YoTang, he was ready to cast his spell again when his foot accidentally stepped on the rock which made him lose his balance for a second.


“Oh no” and that made all the spells disperse, the protective circle surrounding the Crown Prince shattered in an instant.

“No, Your Majesty!”


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