Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

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Next is Anise, daughter of Hasinto, Raciels solemn voice resonated through the square.

The spectators who had gathered to witness the trial of the criminals, the knights and soldiers of the inspection team overseeing the place, and even the investigator leading them, all fell into silence. Raciels piercing gaze swept across the surroundings, and nobody dared to utter a word in his presence.

Perhaps it was the imposing Minotaur standing behind Raciel that intimidated them, fearing that any provocation might unleash the beasts fury. However, the real reason for their silence was the overwhelming presence exuded by Raciel himself, surpassing even the pressure from the formidable creature. An unexplainable aura surrounded him, instilling an ominous premonition that anyone daring to interfere would face severe rebuke.

With a confident tone and detailed words, Raciel presented his case as the crown prince, leaving little room for doubt.

Anise, as my werewolf nurse, you rescued me that night when I was thrown out of the mayors building, clinging to the arm of the Minotaur. Without your swift response and courageous actions, I would have been left as a lifeless corpse. You endured torment and pain when you were caught by the Minotaur and thrown onto the ships deck. All of this was an extraordinary act of bravery and sacrifice on my behalf.

Raciel spoke gently, and Anise, confined in a cell, nodded in acknowledgment.

Their eyes met briefly, and in that moment, he silently expressed his gratitude. Her actions had saved his life, and he appreciated her dedication during his absence.


Uruus forcefully broke the iron bars, and following Demian, Anise was freed. Yet, none of the knights from the inspection team dared to intervene.

Raciel continued his stride, along with his proclamation.

Sergio, my special duty guard captain. On that night, you were the first to rush forward and escort me as I fled. But thats not all. When the Minotaur attacked the ship, you faced it head-on with your sword, even though it eventually led to losing your weapon and severely injuring your shoulder. Could I have reached safety without such courage and sacrifice?

Your Highness.

The eldest member of the special duty team, Sergio, was visibly moved. Raciel smiled faintly and nodded.


The iron bars shattered, and Sergio was freed.

Raciels steps continued, and his sincere and gentle praises echoed magnificently in the square. The other special duty guard members, loyal knights, each received Raciels acknowledgment one by one.

Montero and Pedro, my devoted twin special duty members. Both of you endured having your right and left arms broken while facing the Minotaur. Montero was thrown back while trying to block its horn, and Pedro was crushed while attempting to protect his brother. Are you both alright?


The twin gladiators were set free.

Ricardo, I distinctly recall you injuring your knee while shielding me from a flying fragment. And Sir Frandel, you showed exceptional bravery, leading the evacuation of fallen special duty members to safety despite enduring the Minotaurs relentless attacks until you collapsed.

Your Highness, I

I cannot forget the actions of Sir Hamilton. Despite injuring your waist in the Minotaurs charge, you stood up time and again to fight and protect me. Even when you lost your sword and your shield shattered, you fought on with a wooden stick, embodying the true spirit of a brave royal knight.

Your Highness

One by one, those who had served Raciel were set free. They gained their freedom and reclaimed their honor, proudly standing by Raciels side.

The sight left the citizens of Cremo deeply moved. The words spoken by the crown prince resonated with them, making them feel something profound.

That he truly was the rightful Crown Prince.

He undeniably carries the demeanor of His Highness the Crown Prince, doesnt he?

But how did he manage to return?

And how on earth did he tame the Minotaur?

Whispers and murmurs filled the air, causing a stir in the previously quiet cellblock. The investigator from the emperors inspection team felt a dryness in his mouth, a sign of growing unease.

Why is the atmosphere like this

He couldnt shake the feeling that something was amiss from the moment Raciel appeared. The crown prince had been captured by the fearsome Minotaur, a creature far from ordinary monsters. It had been six days since his disappearance, and the chances of him being alive seemed slim. Everyone assumed he had already been devoured by the Minotaur, with no hope of finding a complete corpse.

In this grim situation, the blame and guilt naturally fell on the princes attendants. It was a customary procedure to identify someone to take responsibility when a person of noble status met such a fate. The investigators mission was to pinpoint the party to bear that responsibility.

So, I followed the usual protocol

He never bothered whether the accused felt unjust or not; he simply preferred dealing with matters without much thought. This method had worked for him in the past, creating the impression of an efficient and competent investigator to his superiors. The subsequent promotions had been a welcome bonus. So, he applied the same approach this time as well.

But now, things had taken a twist.

Why? How did the crown prince manage to survive? And why is the Minotaur with him?

He couldnt comprehend it. It felt like a nightmare. He desperately wished someone would wake him up from this bewildering reality.

Sir, Your Highness!

The anxious investigator blurted out, hoping that confirming the princes identity would be sufficient. He was merely following procedure, after all, but Raciel didnt even spare him a glance. Proving his identity to a mere investigator was beneath his concern. Ignoring the desperate plea, Raciel calmly proceeded to the next cell.

Jermang, the youngest gladiator of the special duty guards. Despite your youth, you never lost your courage in protecting me. I saw you trying to stand up even after dislocating your shoulder during the Minotaurs attack. Although you were limping a bit throughout that night.

Uh, Your Highness?

Dont worry. It was probably because of the ships movement, right?

Right, ah!

The youngest of the special duty guards, Jermang, blushed and responded. To him, Raciel whispered softly with a knowing smile.

Did I forget to mention that you wet your pants then?

Th-thank you, Your Highness.


The cell bars shattered, and even the youngest of the special duty guards gained his freedom. Witnessing this, the investigators expression turned even more desperate.

Your Highness! Your Highness!

He rushed towards Raciel and knelt before him, blocking his path. With his forehead touching the ground, he pleaded, Please forgive me for daring to seek confirmation of Your Highnesss identity!

For now, he had to beg. A conviction within him urged him to do so. Raciels mood seemed far from normal, and acting recklessly might have dire consequences. So he chose to appease the princes mood, even if it meant begging.

With this single idea in mind, the investigator spoke hastily, And Your Highness, there appears to be some misunderstanding here.

However, his response fell on deaf ears.

Raciel didnt halt his steps. He simply walked past the investigator, heading towards the last cell.

Mayor of this city, Aizel Cremo. I had no inkling of the hardships you were enduring. That night, you exhibited unwavering courage in the face of countless dangers and hardships. Rather than fleeing, you took full responsibility for the city. Even as you arranged for my evacuation on a ship, you chose to remain at the docks until the very end, stating that you could not abandon your city and its citizens. Your actions exemplified the noblest and most meaningful qualities of a true leaderone who wholeheartedly dedicates themselves to their duty.

Your, Your Majesty

Tears welled up in Mayor Cremos eyes.


The final iron bars shattered, and only then did Raciel turn his gaze to the investigator.

Inspector of the Inspection Team. You are

Yes, Your Majesty! I did not imprison and interrogate your followers out of animosity!

Do you dare to interrupt me without even listening to my words?


I asked if you just interrupted me.

The investigator fell silent, his body covered in nervous cold sweat. Raciels words struck like a series of verdicts.

Earlier, you asked me to prove my identity by myself.


But it is not I who proves myself. It is those who stood by my side, those who were unafraid to sacrifice everything for me. They are the ones who prove my legitimacy.


Does that clarify your query?

Your, Your Highness


You claimed you did not imprison and interrogate my followers out of spite.

Yes, Your Highness!

But the truth is, you imprisoned and interrogated them because they were easy targets to shift the blame and guilt onto.


Enough with the excuses. I already know what you want to say. They were serving me, and yet they could not protect me, so they should pay for their sins, isnt that what you would like to argue?

Yes, Your Highness!


Yes, Your Highness!

The investigator nodded fervently, but Raciel tilted his head inquisitively.

It doesnt sound very convincing.


In fact, I overheard your earlier conversation. I know exactly what you said.


Hmm hmm!

Raciel cleared his throat and mimicked the investigators tone.

So its not too late now. Speak up. You were colluding with the Minotaur to harm the Crown Prince, confess your sins, and plead for mercy.


The color drained from the investigators face. The words that the crown prince had just uttered They were the exact words the investigator used to extract a confession from someone named Demian. Could it be that Raciel had overheard that?

The investigator looked up at Raciel, his eyes trembling, but the crown princes gaze remained icy.

That phrase wasnt just about assigning blame. Did I misunderstand?

You conveniently made someone a criminal, shifted all responsibility and guilt onto them, executed the criminal, and attempted to quickly and simply resolve the troublesome incident, didnt you?

Were you trying to handle the case of the missing crown prince, who was kidnapped, in such a reckless manner? Really?

I asked earlier, who is the person in charge here. You stepped forward. Do you know what that means?

That, that means

It means the person in charge bears the responsibility. And you, my dear inspector, must rightfully bear the responsibility for the reckless investigation you have conducted thus far.

Raciels cold verdict resounded, and in that moment, the investigator had a sinking feeling.


This is the end for me.

(To be Continued)

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