Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

The royal family of Banggye in the western homeland, Javillon, has initiated a revolt!


The door to the treatment room swung open. A knight rushed in. A familiar face. He was Princess Adelines escort knight.


Adelines expression hardened.

A revolt? A civil war? What do you mean?

Its exactly as Ive stated, Princess. A messenger from the homeland just arrived. They report that Javillon has launched a rebellion. Many nobles from the west have joined the uprising, mobilizing their armies. There are reports that the Kings central army is currently engaged in a confrontation with them.

Continue. Why did he initiate this rebellion? What is his justification?


Tell me everything.

Adelines voice remained eerily calm, radiating an indescribable sense of pressure, sending chills down the escort knights spine. He might have felt the same tension.

Uh, understood. Firstly, Javillon claimed he would overthrow the current feeble royal family for the greater glory of Anbouaz.

Greater glory? Is the current royal family weak?

According to Javillon, yes.

Do they have any valid reasons to criticize the royal family?

That is


The escort knight sneaked a glance at Adeline. Then, with tightly shut eyes, he continued speaking.

They are criticizing His Majesty for readily capitulating to Magentanos demands.

What did you say?

Its as I said. They assert that the Kings decision to accept the unreasonable demands from the crown prince of Magentano was a humiliating diplomatic move. They condemn the decision to send the royal family as mere pawns to a foreign nation.

Regardless, with these arguments, Javillon declared rebellion.

What about the western nobles who joined him?

They probably

Theyve always been weaker compared to the central nobles in the east. Theyve likely voiced their grievances using this opportunity. Isnt that so?

You are correct.

The knight bowed.

Princess Adeline gazed up at the ceiling with a stern expression. Her arms and fists were clenched tightly.

Probably out of anger. The sudden news from the homeland. The audacity of the Banggye royal family, who dared to rebel. She must be furious. Just like the listener.

Phew. This is insane.

Raciel took a deep breath.

Only moments ago, he had been filled with great pride. He had dedicated 16 days to treat the princesss gallstones. In the end, he successfully removed all the stones and prolonged the princesss life.

He had altered history. Prevented the impending great war in the narrative. He was proud of his achievement. But all his joy and sense of accomplishment had been shattered by the news from Anbouaz.

I saved the princess to ensure her stable inheritance to the throne. I even cleared all the obstacles. And now, a rebellion?Damn it, is this some kind of joke?

He felt frustrated. If he could, he would rush and shake Javillon by the collar.

Crazy guy. Seriously.

But he couldnt afford to just be angry. He comprehended the gravity of the situation. Javillon had always harbored ambitions. Raciel had underestimated him. Instead of a great war, a civil war had erupted in Anbouaz.

The conversation between the princess and the escort knight continued.

Whats the current situation?

According to the messenger, several large-scale battles have already occurred.


Yes, unfortunately

At first, the Kings central army, under his direct command, had the upper hand.


After Javillon, the leader of the rebel army, revealed himself on the battlefield

They faced a counterattack. Right?

Yes, Princess.

The knight continued.

There was even a time when the Kings central army faced grave danger. Afterward, they attempted to regroup but lost their initial momentum. They withdrew to Balua fortress and established a defensive line.

The central army withdrew and set up defenses?

Yes, Princess.

There were heavy casualties in the previous large-scale skirmishes. More than expected. They are currently at a standstill, awaiting reinforcements from the eastern and central nobles.

How did this come to pass?

A sigh escaped Adelines lips.

It appeared to be more serious than he had initially thought. Many of the main forces had suffered casualties or injuries. Hearing such news, he couldnt help but sigh. At that moment, a new idea flashed through Raciels mind.

Huh? Wait a minute?

He paused briefly.

The new idea that had just brushed his mind. He pursued it, seized it, and contemplated it.

Anbouz. A civil war in another country. Main forces severely injured? Wounded soldiers?

One thought led to another. The previous idea birthed a new one. Slowly, a new concept took root. It expanded. Unreservedly.

Countless wounded soldiers Individuals in need of treatment So if I treat them? If I save them? Thats all additional lifespan?

A sudden realization dawned in his mind.

The stream of thoughts accelerated.

Certainly, war is tragic. Its a grievous event. But it has already occurred, and I cant change that. However, those who are already wounded? I can treat them. I can save at least one more life. If that happens? I can also gain a substantial bonus lifespan.

It was akin to having a seasonal business, reaping significant profits in one season. Perhaps, he could amass the lifespan bonus he would have accrued from running the Star Palace clinic for years in this opportunity.

So this is a golden chance!

Raciel became more alert.

Upon reflection, the ongoing civil war differed from the narrative of the novel Devil Sword Emperor. The present situation indicated that the emperor was in robust health, unlike the time when the second prince ruled the empire. Even if Javillon successfully rebelled and initiated a great war, it appeared unlikely that the empire would collapse as it did in the novel.

In other words, that civil war belonged to someone else.

So this was an opportunity. Letting it slip through his fingers would be foolish. No, more like yielding easily. Opportunities like this demanded seizing. If he handled it correctly, he might secure a future without the constant fear of death!

His heart raced as his thoughts sped up. As if sensing his thoughts, his internal organs also responded immediately.

Ding dong!

[Your internal organs are amazed by your idea.]

[Heart: Saving wounded soldiers for a bonus lifespan? Man, youre crazy]

[Lungs: But isnt treating and saving those injured in their own war a noble act?]

[Large Intestine: Thats true. But the notion of turning it into a business is quite legendary, lol.]

[Your daring idea has been supported with 100 HP by your internal organs.]

[Your current HP: 4,800]

Well, criticism was inevitable.

He fully grasped and empathized with the tragedy of war and the suffering of the wounded. But he barely eked out a living with the bonus lifespan he obtained from running the Star Palace clinic. Furthermore, the civil war had already occurred, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

So, Ill do what I can. Treat and save people. And in the process, Ill gain significantly for myself.

It was a win-win situation. There was no reason not to proceed. So now, it was time to take action.

Raciel made up his mind.


Adeline, who had been in conversation with the escort Knight, turned in his direction. Anger was evident in her eyes and expression. Her countenance betrayed the sorrow from the news she had received from her homeland.

At the same time, there was a hint of regret. She seemed like someone who had pressing matters to attend to back home but was trapped by her obligations here.

Because of my request, she has to stay in the Imperial Capital for six months.

She wasnt a princess here for leisure. Her presence was a result of a request from this side, an agreement between Magentano and Anbouaz. Consequently, even if an issue arose in her homeland and she desired to return, it wasnt a simple matter.

Not without my consent.

A sinister grin crept across Raciels face. He swiftly concealed his smile and remarked, The news from Anbouaz is indeed disheartening. Its impossible not to share in the sorrow upon hearing it.

He spoke with an attempt to sound as sympathetic as possible, as though he shared the princesss indignation. Then, he baited her, saying, So, are you planning to return to your homeland immediately?

As expected, Adeline took the bait.

No, I cant make that decision on my own, she replied, her gaze fixed on him. I would like to return to my homeland immediately. I want to support Father and lead the central armys vanguard against the rebels. But to do that I would require permission.

My permission, you mean?

Yes, please, Adeline said earnestly, looking directly at him. Raciel contained a triumphant smile.

Permission, you say. Well, I have one condition.

Whats the condition?

Take me along with you.


Adeline seemed taken aback by the request; her eyes widened.

I mean, when you return to your homeland, include me in your entourage. I can conceal my status appropriately. Perhaps a figure fully endorsed by the princess would be fitting.

Adeline remained silent.

You must be wondering why Im making this request, Raciel continued.

Of course.

Shall I explain?


I want to disguise myself as a military officer in the rear forces of the Anbouaz army.

Excuse me?

Its straightforward. We just heard about the civil war erupting in Anbouaz, our close neighbor. I, too, felt sadness and regret upon learning the news. And I had a notion.

What was the notion?

I want to assist Anbouaz in my own way.

Could it be

Yes, thats correct. I aspire to serve as a military officer in the rear and provide medical care to the wounded of Anbouaz. I want to save even one more life. I believe thats the most meaningful help I can offer.

Crown Prince.


Thank you.

Adelines voice quivered.

Was she genuinely moved?

Raciel couldnt help but feel a fleeting moment of embarrassment, but he promptly brushed it aside.

In any case, I understand. Please prepare for your return to your homeland. Meanwhile, I will make some other arrangements.

What other arrangements?

The emperor, naturally.

Raciel smirked.

To ensure a safe journey to Anbouaz. And to guarantee he reaps the rewards of this deal. It was time to deal with the emperor. Of course, he already possessed the means to manipulate the emperor.

(To be Continued)

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