Crimson Overlord

Chapter 167 Nix's Victory

Silence permeated the air for a while before Nyx opened her mouth.

”Father, have you recovered all your strength?”

Orpheus scratched his head as he responded.

”Well, yes, I have somehow recovered and become stronger than ever.”

”This should have been a piece of good news, but I can see that you’re not happy about it. Something is bothering you, Father. I’m ready to listen.” Nix said and approached her father.

Orpheus heaved a long sigh.

”As expected of my daughter.” He said before summoning two chairs and inviting her to join him, and she did exactly this.

”Well, it happened like this.” Orpheus then recounted how things happened until he got his power back and gained something even more.

”I see; no wonder, Father isn’t too pleased; it happened too smoothly; someone must have interfered. While not knowing what the other party’s goal is.” Nix was frowning at the end of her sentence. The recent events had brought forward past problems her father was concerned about.

Orpheus was not an idiot; he didn’t know his birth parents; his life was eventful, as if he was a protagonist of a romance novel. He would be a fool if he didn’t start questioning his past and those things that happened. What Orpheus was most afraid of was finding that even his feelings for Emea were fabricated; what if all of this was done to help the one being everything to achieve his goal?

Orpheus felt chills all over as even his soul trembled at this moment. He was truly scared at this moment, the mighty Nero, and was replaced by a fragile youth afraid that everything was just a part of someone else scheme.

Nix might be expressionless and rarely express herself, but this doesn’t mean she couldn’t see things, and right now, she could see that her father and creator were about to break down and as his daughter, she ought to prevent this at all costs.

Nix clasped Orpheus’s face between her hands and forced him to look at her; her black abyssal eyes stared into those beautiful crimson eyes before she declared.

”What if everything was part of someone else plans?”

Orpheus flinched at those words but did not open his mouth to say anything as he listened to what Nix had to say.

”What if your feelings, everything that happened was part of a bigger scheme?” She asked but still got no response, and it wasn’t like she was expecting one, to begin with. So she continued

”It doesn’t matter if all these things are proven to be right because you’re you, my creator, someone that devours others to increase your strength. You just have to devour everything, turn everything into something of your liking. Turn everything to fit your need and devour the perpetrator behind all of this. You’re capable of doing that, and I’m here; we’re all here to help you achieve this. Not every plan is foolproof, and you just need to find the perfect loophole and turn everything upside down. From the chess piece to the chess player. I will help you, we will you, and you must help yourself because moping around is unlike you.”

Orpheus stayed silent for a moment before bursting into laughter and lovingly caressing Nix’s hair.

”You are right; I must have been muddle-headed at the prospect of the unknown, which is unlike me. Don’t worry, I know what to do, and I will not fail for myself and those I’ve cared about.” He declared, and the fog that seemed to cloud his eyes previously disappeared, much to Nix’s satisfaction.

”Great, Father, I’ve something to show you, and I’m sure you’ll like it. I was waiting for the perfect opportunity.” Nix declared before heading somewhere, and Orpheus had no trouble following her.

They passed through several places and bypassed many formations deployed to hide what Nix would probably show him.

Orpheus tried to probe what was ahead, but much to his surprise, he failed even with how powerful he was, and this failure surprised and amused him so much that a smile adorned his face.

Now more than ever, he could not wait for them to arrive at their destination and see what kind of surprise was awaiting him. It warranted so many precautions that even he, as one of the strongest existences in the current world, could not forcibly probe. For some reason, Orpheus, who failed to see what ahead with normal means, felt like he could get a satisfactory result if he were to use his special eye, the purple eye; he had that weird feeling but inadvertently decided against it and opted not to do anything and simply enjoy his daughter’s surprise, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore if he knew beforehand was awaited him at the end.

Meanwhile, Nix, who was ahead guiding her father, chuckled; she kept her senses locked onto him. Therefore she was able to see every change his expression went through. Usually, Nix, for those who were not closer to her, would find her face hard to read. Like she left her emotions behind at her birth, it was what most people would think; however, at the moment, the corner of Nix’s mouth twitched into her cheek. It transformed her from cold to someone anyone would wish to know better.

And this change didn’t go unnoticed by Orpheus, who immediately offered some words of praise.

”You are beautiful when you smile, you should do this often, and I’m sure you’ll cause the fall of many men.” As he said those words, Orpheus couldn’t help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up. He would not miss any opportunity to tease his cold and proud daughter.

However, what he didn’t expect was followed.

”Oh? I understand. I shall do as you suggest, father, but there is want a thing I want to know. Will my smile also make you fall like the other men?”

Nix’s innocent question made Orpheus stop, and his brain momentarily stopped and seeing this, a winner smile adorned Nix’s beautiful face.

”Fufufu! It’s my win.” Her giggles echoed all around, forcing Orpheus to sigh in defeat. His little girl was becoming more and more human-like, and she could now joke and tease as well, he was pleased about this, and his happiness would increase when he saw what gift she was keeping for him.

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