Crimson Overlord

Chapter 176 The Rose Garden

”What are we going to do in this city? It’s my first time here, maybe.” The last part of her sentence was mumbled rather silently. Lily was curious as to why Orpheus had specifically chosen this city and soon she got the answer.

”It’s my birthplace.” Orpheus honestly said while past memories flashed through his mind, a young boy running in the slum stealing food to feed himself, unlike some orphans who got the chance to stay in an orphanage, the young Orpheus did not have that chance, he grew up mostly by relying solely on himself, he couldn’t remember his younger day from 0-5 years old, this period of his was completely blank, not even after resurrecting, turning into a vampire he could remember those years. Just as Orpheus was reminiscing about the past he was forced back to reality by Lily’s surprised voice.

”Eh? Your birthplace? I’m curious, so let’s explore it then.” She declared before running somewhere and Orpheus was forced to chase after her.

The two played around until late in the afternoon when Orpheus suggested visiting his house.

Lily send him a skeptical glance at first but decided she might as well go visit his house as she wanted to learn more about this young man and expose it to her sister, her other half.

”Okay, let’s go.” She urged him and Orpheus smiled. Lily had no idea that she would be the first woman to visit his house he brought after his return, it was because of the special place she and Ella held in his heart, he could have brought either Nemesis or Kaguya here, but obviously didn’t bring his lover here because he had decided to do so only after bringing the rightful owner of his heart here, she would be the first to visit his house, technically Lily could be also considered as one because she does share the same soul as Ella, Emea his former wife.

Finally, after a few minutes, they arrived at their destination when Orpheus did this.

”Welcome to my humble house, Miss Lily.” He mischievously bowed to her with a bright smile, which earned him a snort from Lily, she was annoyed at his antics.

“You call your this place a ‘humble house?” She smirked at him and then looked again at the beautiful house she was standing in front of. “It’s a beautiful home, Kyle. Magnificently beautiful…”

She could not help but acknowledge this.

“I know.” He chuckled at her before taking her in.

From the outside, this house looks grandiose. It has been built with brownstones and has tan brick decorations. Tall, wide windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the house in a mostly symmetric way.

The house is equipped with an old-fashioned kitchen and one average bathroom, it also has a warm living room, three bedrooms, a grand dining area, a bar, and a grand basement.

The building is shaped like a T. The two extensions extend into stylish gardens reaching the end of that side of the house.

The second floor is the same size as the first, which has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. This floor has a very different style than the floor below.

The roof is low and square-shaped and is covered with seagrass. Two small chimneys poke out of the center of the roof. A few round, small windows let in enough light to the rooms below the roof.

The house itself is surrounded by a modest garden, with mostly grass and a few small trees. However in the depth of this magnificent house was a secret garden after the primary garden, it was the first place Lily decided to visit.

Orpheus silently accompanied her to the primary garden.

A luxurious plot of grass is neighbored by various flower bushes. A greenhouse stands near the back of the garden, housing a whole range of different life forms. The flowers and plants are well looked after, but still allowed plenty of space to grow; they’re a forest for ants. The flower bushes reach 1m/3ft high, but will reach far higher if they’re allowed to. A single path, marked with round stones, curls around the garden, leading people through the garden, and making sure all the best spots are marked. Vines are starting to reclaim even all pieces of land, eager to expand their own dominion.

The greenhouse is almost like a caretaker of the garden in its own right. The flowers and plants have no hard time getting their share of the attention, and the flower bushes usually look amazing, but the spotlight will always be on the greenhouse.

”This garden can be called beautiful but somehow I’m not satisfied. Why do I feel like there is something you are not showing? A better garden maybe. Come on satisfy me.” Lily shamelessly declared while doing so she was secretly sneering inside.

Although she was she said was not wrong she had purposely worded it that way to annoy him, she wanted to see Orpheus lose his calm face, that smile annoyed her so much, he was calm, all smiling as if everything was under his control and this somehow annoyed the princess from the Luxuria’s family and she was trying to get back at him and how could he not see it? Orpheus had seen through her little trick, but still, he played along.

“Of course there is. Follow me, this garden is my pride.” He declared before leading Lily to his secret garden at the back of the house, it should be called manor instead.

As soon as they neared it, the floral scent invited them towards it, and Lily already had her eyes sparkling in anticipation.

Unlike the other garden, this one wasn’t that big but it was solely filled with flowers, and roses essentially and upon seeing this secret garden Lily was lost for words. It was the first time in her life that she was seeing this beautiful garden, and influenced by something she approached the garden.

”Welcome to the Rose garden.” Orpheus introduced.

”Wow…” Lily rarely found herself at loss for words, but the Rose Garden was simply breathtakingly enchanting.

She never thought she loved the Roses, and always preferred Orchids over them, but now, as her eyes scanned her surroundings and held in the colors and the profound fragrance, she was smitten with these beautiful flowers and some past memories awoke and she started to see herself to get fond roses.

There was a wide variety of Roses here, which included even some of the rarest in the world. Some were artificially created, such as the Rainbow Rose, and the dark purple rose, but then some were naturally cultivated with the utmost care, such as the Juliet Rose.

”She loved roses.” Orpheus absentmindedly mumbled but Lily was too focused on the ethereal feeling she was feeling at the moment to pay any head to his mumbling, she was trying to pierce together those jumbled memories inside her mind, she wanted to form a clear picture of them to at least get some answers which had been previously bothering her.

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