Counterattack System appeared when I'm already At The Mahayana Realm

Chapter 58 - 58: Is the Taoist Ancestor Here?

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Is the Taoist Ancestor Here?

Translator: 549690339

It wasn’t that Jiang Li deliberately sought out the Yin Yang Heaven Seal, but rather, it was conspicuously in sight.

There was a seal floating in the air, flying and sobbing loudly all at once. The sound of its wailing was so loud that it could be heard hundreds of miles away, and it flew slowly as if searching for something.

As it entered into his Divine Sense range, Jiang Li heard the Tian Yin screaming, “Master, I miss you,” “Someone is bullying me,” “Your disciple, Zhang Cun, just stood by and watched,” “I want to tell Master,” “Master, where are you?” and so forth.

By the looks of it, ever since it escaped from Jiuzhou, it had done nothing but cry.

If time flowed at the same rate in this world as it did in Jiuzhou, then the seal had likely been crying for approximately five days.

He flew over to the Yin Yang Heaven Seal, his stern face echoing out, “Stop crying already!”

Upon seeing Jiang Li, the Yin Yang Heaven Seal got scared and tried to bolt away.

It wasn’t like the Brahma Tower, which could traverse through space, so Jiang Li caught up with it quickly and held it in his hands.

“Evil spirit! Bastard! Let me go!”

The Yin Yang Heaven Seal cursed profusely, but in actuality, only used these three phrases, over and over again.

Since he’d found the Tian Yin, Jiang Li decided to take it back to Jiuzhou right away. As for this peculiar world, he’d take his time to learn about it later. The Yin Yang Heaven Seal could run, but the world couldn’t follow suit.

Upon noticing its impending return, the Yin Yang Heaven Seal threatened, “When Master arrives here, I’ll make him avenge me!”

Jiang Li frowned. Sensing a problem in the seal’s words, he asked, “Are you suggesting that the Da Zu is in this world?”

The Yin Yang Heaven Seal sneered, “Hehe, did you think I let the little tower randomly choose a world? I’ve already traced master’s whereabouts through the power of cause and effect. He’s in this world!”

“Scared now, aren’t you? If you’re afraid, let me go. I promise not to badmouth you when I see master next!”

“You have no idea how much master cherishes me. After refining me, he affectionately hugs me in his palms every day.”

Jiang Li inwardly retorted, “I’m holding you and cherishing you in my palm right now, too.”

He brutally hit back at Tian Yin, “You’ve been crying for five straight days, yet the Da Zu hasn’t come looking for you.”

The Yin Yang Heaven Seal became despondent. It muttered under its breath,

“Maybe… perhaps master is in seclusion.”

“Aren’t you supposed to sense Da Zu’s cause-and-effect? Is it impossible to locate him precisely?”

The Yin Yang Heaven Seal was severely distraught, “Maybe because I left Jiuzhou, my sense of cause-and-effect has become imprecise. I feel like master is everywhere.”

“Could it be that there’s just an object related to the Da Zu here, causing you to mistake it for him?”

“Impossible! Da Zu himself is definitely here! This is the one thing I’m positive I can’t mistake,” the Yin Yang Heaven Seal declared with unwavering conviction.

“Where do you sense Da Zu’s cause-and-effect?”

“The entire continent,” the Yin Yang Heaven Seal responded before breaking down again, “Originally, I planned to sob all over the continent. However, I didn’t manage to fly even halfway around before you intercepted me.”

Jiang Li shook his head, “Your approach doesn’t work. If Da Zu wanted to see you, he would have found you already. It’s clear that he doesn’t want to.”

“Then what should I do?” the Yin Yang Heaven Seal agreed that Jiang Li made sense, but just didn’t want to admit it.

“I’m fortunate enough to have profound cultivation, and I can assist you in locating the Da Zu.”

Jiang Li intended to find the Da Zu even if the Yin Yang Heaven Seal didn’t.

How could Da Zu, who should have ascended to the Immortal Realm, be in such a place like this? Even if he wanted to live in peaceful retirement like Elder

Zhang Cun, he should return to Jiuzhou. After all, Da Zu was born and bred in Jiuzhou.

Was it possible that this place simply had a similar spiritual energy to

Jiuzhou’s, prompting Da Zu to mistake it for Jiuzhou due to his old age? Moreover, Jiang Li’s intuition told him that Da Zu must know where the Immortal Realm was and what had transpired there.

According to Elder Zhang Cun, the Heavenly Demons were originally blocked by the Immortal Realm. Now that the Heavenly Demons have appeared in the world, it surely indicates that something has happened to the Immortal Realm.

Jiang Li was far stronger than the Yin Yang Heaven Seal had known. Although it didn’t believe Jiang Li was on par with Da Zu, its odds of finding Da Zu would definitely improve with his assistance.

“If we can find Da Zu, you must return to Jiuzhou with me.”

The Yin Yang Heaven Seal promptly agreed, though it was silently thinking, if it found master here, could Jiang Li still forcefully take it from under the master’s watchful eyes?

Jiang Li and the Yin Yang Heaven Seal unashamedly landed right in the middle of a bustling city.

They weren’t sure if it was because such behavior was commonplace in this world, or for some other reason, but a flying person and a flying seal didn’t attract any attention at all.

When Jiang Li used his Divine Sense to scan the area, he discovered that the people of this world were rather strange—almost devoid of all emotions. Everyone was busy carrying out their duties and responsibilities, apathetic to the outer world’s affairs. Their conversations revolved solely around improving work efficiency with no regard to gossip, news, or national affairs.

Even at rest, they were doing so merely to perform better at work. They had no desires, no interest in immersive games, movies, novels, comic books, or TV series.

Surgeons operated diligently, oblivious to the potential consequences. Whether patients lived or died left the surgeon completely unfazed, as their sole intent was to fulfill their responsibilities as doctors. Actresses were expressive during their performances, but as soon as the shoot ended, they wore blank expressions as if the exuberant character they had just portrayed wasn’t them. Nurses lifted babies out of their incubators with neither joy for the new life nor revulsion for the travail they had just witnessed.

People walking on the street were only focused on reaching their destinations. They could not care less about what happened on their way, whether someone was flying or killing.

Thus, everyone in this world had a unified dress code: silver jumpsuits. Jiang Li’s Divine Sense revealed intricate circuits inside the jumpsuits that aided in lifting heavy things, controlled temperature, relieved fatigue, and more.

Their food comprised tasteless nutrient meals that could provide for an entire day’s worth of necessities. Each person only needed to eat once a day.

A robotic world devoid of emotions— that was Jiang Li’s initial impression of this strange world.

Can living beings truly lack emotions? Jiang Li didn’t believe it.

After carefully scanning several people with his Divine Sense and observing the birth of babies, he finally discovered the cause of their emotionless state.

People provided their reproductive cells to hospitals, which would then alter the genes in those cells to suppress emotional genes, followed by selective breeding. The resulting embryos were nurtured in a nutrient solution. Such a baby would be born without any emotions, and any crying would only serve to open their airways.

Jiang Li couldn’t understand why the people of this world would intentionally make themselves unfeeling. There had to be a hidden reason. “Why would Master be in such a world?” the Yin Yang Heaven Seal was bewildered. Before it developed spiritual intelligence, it had a vague impression of the outside world, so it naturally recognized Elder Zhang Cun.

From what it remembered, its master was a genuine, emotional person who hid nothing, be it laughter or anger. The people of this world were polar opposites of his philosophy!

“Go to the library.”

Jiang Li knew that as long as he went to the library and used his Divine Sense to scan the books, he would completely understand this world.

He used his Divine Sense to envelop the entire city, but he couldn’t find any place storing books.

Thank you to book friends Big Orange Cat and Shrimp Cat for their monthly support..

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