Contract marriage: His Sweet Wife and Cutest Twin Babies

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Obviously, it took only two stitches and a few minutes, but Bai Weiwei has the feeling that a whole century has passed.

But it was finally sewn up and the wound was wrapped up.

In fact, her painful clothes were wet with sweat, her body was full of sweat, and her lips were almost bitten.

After shangguanchen treated Bai Weiwei's wound, he said to Qin Yihan, "I've treated the wound. I'll leave you some medicine. Change the medicine every day. If you have anything to do, come to me again. I won't disturb your world. I'll go first."

"Thank you, doctor Shangguan." Bai Weiwei sat up from the sofa.

"Thank you for what he's done to you!" Qin Yihan glared at shangguanchen with some dissatisfaction.

If shangguanchen hadn't been sewing just now, he would have scolded.

The woman's painful teeth were almost broken, and her body was shaking.

What a quack!

Shangguanchen said he was innocent, shrugged and said, "I tried my best."

After that, shangguanchen trotted out of the Qin villa and drove away by himself.

Bai Weiwei sat on the sofa. She was still weak in pain and couldn't stand up.

It's more than ordinary people can bear to sew like this.

"Bai Weiwei, are you stupid to let others smash you and don't know how to escape? The company is right behind. Why don't you escape back to the company?" Qin Yihan looks at Bai Weiwei. The anger in his chest seems to explode.

The wound on her forehead seemed to have been stabbed in his heart.

When I saw this woman sitting on the sofa, it was very painful, but she just bit her lips without saying a word and endured such pain.

He was even more angry.

Wouldn't she vent? Wouldn't she cry?

Won't she seek comfort?

It hurts and it scares me.

She can fall into his arms. Come on, he can comfort her!

Bai Weiwei heard Qin Yihan's angry scolding and frowned slightly. As a result, her eyebrows frowned, which involved the wound. She gasped in pain.

"Idiot, why are you frowning!"

Qin Yihan looks defeated by Bai Weiwei.

"If you feel pain, cry out. You can shout out. No one will say you." Qin Yihan looked at Bai Weiwei. "Do you want me to let you hold me? Don't you want a shoulder to rely on when your women are in pain?"

Looking at Bai Weiwei, Qin Yihan is angry and angry.

Simply pulled the woman into his arms, then hugged her tightly and gently patted her on the shoulder.

Bai Weiwei leaned against Qin Yihan's arms with an ignorant face.

Just now he was still scolding her, but now the man hugged her and let her lean on his shoulder and him.

My heart was suddenly warm.

Think of Qin Yihan holding his hand just now.

He actually cares about her, doesn't he?

Bai Weiwei is really tired and frightened. Although she appears strong, for more than 20 years, she has been a girl who lives on her parents. In less than a year, how can she be strong?

Relying on Qin Yihan, a lot of grievances suddenly came to my heart.

Tears uncontrollable began to fall.

Qin Yihan felt that his chest seemed a little wet, and his chest suddenly shook.

"Are you crying?" Qin Yihan gently grabbed Bai Weiwei's shoulder. "If it's better to cry, you can cry."

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