Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 559: 180. “Spirit” 0 points_3

Chapter 559: 180. “Spirit” 0 points_3

This reactor has a low output power, but it can operate continuously for 30 years without the need for maintenance and repair, making it ideal for deep-space drilling synthetics.

[Soul Strength] 0 points

The actions and thoughts of synthetics are purely driven by circuits, motors, chips, and various integrated modules. Therefore, synthetics do not have soul strength.

[Basic Attributes]

Different numbered Dsmi series synthetics have different basic attributes. Their basic attribute values will not exceed the following ranges.

[Toughness] 11~30 points, mainly determined by the strength and structure of the synthetic’s biomimetic skeleton and other technological materials.

[Vitality] 0 points, synthetic’s biomimetic muscles, synthetic skin, and other artificially synthesized flesh do not have self-repair capabilities.

[Strength] 15~40 points, mainly determined by the power system and transmission system inside the synthetic. The better the performance of the motor, joint actuator, and rigid body structure, the stronger the destructive power of the synthetic’s body.

[Agility] 23~50 points, the determining factors are similar to the “Strength” attribute.

[Spirit] 0 points, Dsmi series synthetics have not implanted any integrated modules involving spiritual power, therefore they do not have a “Spirit” attribute value.

[Charm] 0 points~10 points, determined by the synthetic’s logic and emotion modules, biomimetic facial features and artificially crafted body curves.

[Willpower] 0 points, synthetics purely rely on the master control chip to determine their behavior, there is no soul, so there is no willpower to speak of.


[… Several skills provided by integrated modules are omitted …]

Oh, my God, Dsmi series synthetics really don’t have the “Spirit” attribute value.

Noland Lee regretted it greatly, almost slapping his own forehead in front of Denise Green and Kalandi.

Due to the high energy consumption of harmless deconstruction, coupled with his current scarce energy point inventory, he wasn’t able to obtain the panel information of synthetics with basic attributes through harmless deconstruction earlier.

Usually, to get the intelligence of “Basic Attributes”, the degree of deconstruction has to reach around 50%.

There are many examples of this, such as passively deconstructing double-wing mutants, passively deconstructing Blackbone Hermit, and so on.

Without exception, all of them reached a completion level of over 50% before Noland Lee became aware of the specific values of the target’s “Basic Attributes”.

If he had known earlier that Dsmi series synthetics do not have “Spirit”, he would definitely have killed all of them without a word, before the Wizard Enforcement Department could even show up.

Many eye-catching electronic components, chips, and integrated modules exist within these synthetics. After being killed by Noland Lee, just the electronic parts scattered from their bodies alone would be enough to divert all attention away from him.

Noland doesn’t have to worry about facing investigation at all.

Fortunately, it’s not too late to find out that synthetics do not have a “Spirit” attribute now.

Noland Lee calmed down and carefully examined the passengers on the emergency ship again.

The previous synthetic whose head exploded and died attracted the passengers’ attention.

A large group of people surrounded the scene of the incident, pointing at the beheaded corpse whose circuits were crackling.

Anyone with clear eyes could see the peculiarity of this corpse.

At its neck, there were several three-centimeter-wide cables that could discharge electricity. Looking at its spine, it was clearly a grey multi-segmented metal tube full of metallic color. Moreover, of the blood and fluid flowing out of it, only a small part is red like normal human blood, the rest was a foul-smelling blue liquid.

This humanoid creature, which inexplicably died, exuded weirdness at every turn.

The passengers asked each other but none could explain the origin of the humanoid creature.

All they knew was that before it died, the humanoid creature clutched its head in pain, rolling on the ground, and then its head exploded.

Just then, another passenger suddenly groaned and fell to the ground.

Everyone’s eyes followed the person’s figure and saw a man with a distorted face and closed eyes.


After a brief struggle, this man followed the same fate as the previous victim, becoming a headless corpse with an exploded skull.

The passengers gasped in unison.

This time, they were much calmer, far from the panic they had previously experienced.

Not only that, they soon noticed something unusual about the second headless corpse. The same blue fluid, equally metallic spine, and electrical wires. The physiological structures of the two corpses exhibited abnormalities compared to a normal person.

The Deep-sea Wizard responsible for protecting the passengers and controlling the emergency spaceship, pushed through the crowd to the centre of the scene.

The Deep-sea Wizard listened to the passengers vividly describe what had happened, while examining the two headless corpses.

At the same time, Noland Lee finished observing the magic vision of the emergency ship.

There were only two synthetic humans on the ship, which had been eliminated by him using “Psychic Bombardment”.

The first synthetic human contributed approximately 30,000 energy points, allowing Noland Lee to unlock the standardized panel of the Dsmi series synthetic human.

Due to the earlier unlocking of the standardized panel, when Noland Lee killed the second synthetic human, he only received the reward of unlocking the personalized panel information of the second synthetic human.

This reward of 1.3 thousand energy points was exactly the difference in energy requirements for actively deconstructing the first and the second synthetic human.

With the addition of 43,000 energy points, Noland Lee’s energy store replenished, making him feel much relieved.

Now, it’s time to deal with the synthetic humans inside the magic ship, especially that fat and big-eared impostor supervisor. This guy held a significant hatred value for Noland Lee, and so had long been on his hit list.

Noland Lee glanced at the situation of the two people beside him.

Denise Green’s transformed torch was floating close to him.

Kalandi maintained the appearance of his half-meter-long green leaf flight spell, slightly fluctuating in the air, obviously worried about his shop.

Seeing that the two did not notice him using mental magic, Noland Lee settled his mind and looked in the direction of the magic ship.

He did not release a new “Mind Beacon” towards the magic ship.

The Nine-Circles Deep Sea Witch was guarding the archway, controlling her magic servant to bring the scattered passengers inside the magic ship out and to the emergency spaceship.

If Noland Lee released a “Mind Beacon” next to her, she would definitely detect it immediately.

Similarly, if he used “Mind Beacon” and “Mind View” to observe the other high-ranking wizards on the magic ship, Noland Lee would only get himself caught red-handed.

The good news is that the mind beacon Noland Lee left in the office of the Barron Arena Manager was still intact. It was the only beacon that could help Noland Lee bypass the Nine-Circles Deep Sea Witch.

Noland Lee pulled out the beacon list, selected this beacon, activated it, and cast “Mind View” across space.

The magical vision unfolded before him, and Noland Lee saw the scenery in the supervisor’s office.


Even if Noland Lee could keep his calm, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath at this moment.

The 15 synthetic humans in the Barron Arena could no longer be considered human.

They pressed against the office wall, raising their arms, gripping each others’ hands tightly, standing in a circle.

Their faces, chests, and front sides of their thighs were split open, revealing the crimson bionic muscles and blood vessels. Rather than saying they were humans, it’s more accurate to say they were pentagonal petals with chunks of meat.

The electronic devices, integrated modules and electrified wires wrapped in bionic flesh were also exposed to the air.

An environment circled by metallic devices, shimmering with a dim blue light, was in the center of each synthetic human’s chest.

The sharp, unbearable noise was coming from these round metallic devices.

The blue light within the circular metallic devices sent chills down to everyone’s core.

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