Conquering His Cold Heart

Chapter 320 - 320 Valentine’s Day Special - II

320 Valentine’s Day Special – II

18th October

I NEVER, NEVER spent such a lovely night.

My loving husband, Caspian, came barging into my chambers, startling me since I was immersed in my book.

Almost instantly, my whole chamber smelled like a garden full of sweet-smelling flowers. When I looked at him, I was almost blinded by the dazzling face of my dear husband. I don’t know if it was just me but he looked very handsome than usual.

Yes, yes! I know you are going to say that he always looks like an angel who just descended from heaven. But what I was saying is that he looked even more enticing… beyond my capacity to stop myself from lunging at him and smothering him with hugs and kisses.

You know what I did.

I did just that.

I instantly threw my book away and got up from the sofa. I embraced him and kissed him softly. His lips felt tender as always.

I knew he was in a good mood since he was being playful, just like most of the nights.


I was unable to point it out at first, but something felt different about his demeanor yesterday. He was too sure about what he wanted to do.

At first, I thought that he was going to do the usual… bury me in his kisses and then carry me to bed.

But! He said to me that he had prepared dinner for me in a separate location. And he shamelessly said that he would take me there if I agreed to be his dessert!

Ah! I still feel shy when he says things like that out of the blue.

But I am not that innocent either. I knew what I was up for. And I readily agreed with his demand. I wanted to be his dessert. I wanted to give him my all.

After all, my dear Caspian is simply irresistible.

I surrendered myself to him and he swiftly carried me in his arms as if I were as light as a feather. I assumed he would take me outside to the garden somewhere. But, oh, was I wrong!

He gallantly headed toward the window as if he was carrying the trophy of his bravery. And he leaped out of the window along with me.

By now, I obviously trust him with my life. Still, I haven’t gotten used to flying with him yet. I need some time to get used to the wind and the height. But resting my head on his chest is reassuring nonetheless.

Ah! Let me explain the best part about that night now. Never had I ever imagined that Caspian was such a romantic man! I thought that it was simply going to be a casual dinner somewhere. But when he asked me to open my eyes, I almost teared up with happiness.

He had prepared a huge heart made out of beautiful and freshly picked rose petals for me!

There were foods as well, but I couldn’t care less about that at that time. All I saw was the big heart that showed his love and dedication toward me. Ah! He keeps on making me feel like the heroine of a fantasy novel, and this surprise was the best until now.

And right then, I had already made up my mind that I was also going to make his night as memorable as I could.

I believe that relationship flourishes if there’s both give and take.

Once we landed right in the middle of that beautiful heart, I immediately took the initiative to give back to him – by kissing him obviously. He earned that kiss!

One thing led to another and… I found the perfect time to show him that I was willing to do a lot more than just kiss.

And oh! I am never going to forget that dumbfounded look on his face when I dived back and made both of us fall on top of the roses.

Even he looks cute at times when he has that surprised look on his face.

Now, I don’t need to describe it here about how good it felt when he did all those things to me. Every inch of my body knows it. And even if I tried to explain the things I feel at such times, I will fall short of words. The ecstasy I feel cannot be described by the words that I know.

Let me try to articulate it using one word though… Heavenly.

Would it be bad to say that it feels heavenly? I don’t think so.

After we both lay down for a while to get back our lost stamina, he carried me again. Oh my heavens! And then we danced under the moon! The whole sky was our dance floor. The full moon, our light. And the sounds of nature our music.

Everything felt so divine.

It was the happiest and most memorable night of my life yet!

5th December

I had a small argument with Caspian today. I had seen a dream and I suggested that he become friends with Everard. But my efforts were futile. Caspian seems to hate Everard from his guts. I hope it will change in the future, but right now, I don’t see them having any friendly relationship at all.

In the middle of the argument, Caspian blurted out that he had never liked the tea. Although he immediately said that he liked the tea I made, and he didn’t mean what he said, I think he spilled out what was in his heart.

I decided not to bring tea to him from today on. I don’t want him to forcefully intake something that he doesn’t like. Tea isn’t his typical diet after all. I don’t want him to get sick. I think he was just drinking it because he couldn’t say no to me.




I feel restless now. He hasn’t come to the chamber even when it is this late in the night.

Did I make him mad? I sure hope not.

Should I have brought that tea to him? He is not angry at me, right? Or did I make him feel that I am favoring Everard again? That would be the worst!

Ugh! And I even fell asleep in the afternoon! Tilla insisted on giving me a head massage when I mentioned that it hurt a little. If I was awake, maybe I would have changed my mind about that tea.

Now, it’s too late...

6th December

Turns out, I was only worrying for nothing. My dear husband had a lot of work. So, he came in late yesterday.

But as soon as he came in, he began kissing me and teasing me.

Ah! What a relief it was!

He even apologized for coming in late and waking me up. I hadn’t gone to sleep yet. I was waiting for him. But I think my eyes looked tired.

Nevertheless, everything is good between us husband and wife.

Oh! And I slept on his bare chest for the whole night! How careless of me! How could I fall asleep after teasing him so much and leading him on?


But I think I was just too tired… I hope everything is fine with me, as far as ‘fine’ goes in my case.

Ah! Nevermind that. I am just happy that Caspian and I slept together like that. He says he loves my warmth. Sleeping on top of him means I gave all of my warmth to him.

Oh, Anna… You can’t stop smiling now, I see.

Okay, that’s it for now. I think I should brew that tea for him. He was so sad that I didn’t bring it to him yesterday. I don’t want to make him sad. Besides, it’s my excuse to go and see him.

I can’t help but miss him even when it hasn’t even been a few hours since I last saw him.

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