Conquering His Cold Heart

Chapter 244

244 Trouble in the Inn

The moment the soldier went in and informed Henry, one of the royal guards, he ran around spreading the information to all the others that they were under attack.

Rupert, another one of the King’s guards, ran towards the room where the King and the Queen were staying so that he could alert the King about the imminent danger.

“Your Majesty,” he restlessly called the King and then knocked on the door.

The King instantly opened the door and came outside. He locked the door behind him and asked Rupert, “What’s all the commotion about?”

Rupert kept his head low while replying to the King, “Your Majesty, it looks like some of the werewolves did come after us. I was informed that there are around 35 of them on their way. Our soldiers are already in the battle position. However, I suggest that-”

“That we leave right away?” Caspian asked, almost sounding ready to do so without any hesitation.

Rupert looked at the King with a slight hint of disbelief lingering in his eyes. When they used to come under similar attacks and ambushes in the past, even though they would suggest escorting the King away, Caspian was too proud to do so. He would stay behind with all the others and make sure to slay the enemies with his own hands, while also getting help from the others.

However, since it was the first time Caspian was agreeing to leave the battlefield like this, Rupert was a little taken aback. But he did understand why the King was doing so.

Thus, he gave a gentle bow to the King and said, “Yes, Your Majesty. I suggest that you and the Queen stay out of the enemy’s reach. You can take the sky, while the five of us will follow you from the ground. And the soldiers will stay behind and deal with those enemies. The elite squad is more than capable to deal with the lot.”


Caspian instantly agreed to the suggestion. “Yes, let’s do that.”

“Then I will inform all the others,” Rupert replied.

He was about to rush to the others when Caspian stopped him and asked, “Did you inform Hamilton and Vincent?”

Rupert had almost forgotten about them. He instantly replied, “I will inform them as well.” And he left from there like a gust of sudden rush of wind.

Caspian turned towards the door of his room so that he could prepare Anastasia for the travel. But he suddenly remembered that Anastasia’s brother was also present in the inn and that he wasn’t a vampire. His guards as well as he were humans.

‘If the werewolves were to somehow get inside the inn, then Alexander wouldn’t stand a chance,’ he was worried for his brother-in-law.

‘I’m sure that bastard of a King wouldn’t hurt his best friend though...’ He wondered if he could leave Alexander behind. However, he shook his head and pushed that idea out of his head. ‘Considering how they are here to attack us, I don’t think he cares anymore.’

He turned around to see if there were anyone else around. He wanted to ask a few of his guards to escort Alexander to safety. However, no one was in front of his eyes at the moment.

‘I think they all are preparing themselves,’ he thought to himself and then decided to do something on his own.

Right then, he saw Tilla returning while holding the hood in her hand. Caspian rushed in front of her, and he immediately asked her in a hurry, “Tilla, prepare the Queen for travel. Make sure to dress her warmly.”

“Prepare her for travel?” Tilla exclaimed in a worried voice.

Caspian took a deep breath and replied while nodding, “Yeah, something urgent has come up. So, prepare her in a minute or two.”

Tilla didn’t ask for any specific detail. From the way the King looked and sounded, she understood that something very bad was about to go down.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” She bowed and quickly ran to the room.

Caspian, on the other hand, ran in the opposite direction and headed to find his guards.

However, on the way, Caspian came across Hamilton, who looked very concerned.

“Cousin, is it true?” Hamilton asked while clenching his fists.

Caspian nodded while breathing heavily. “Yes. Get ready to departure,” he ordered with haste and looked ahead at the corridor to sprint again.

But Hamilton grabbed Caspian by his arms and asked, “What about the Crown Prince?”

Caspian looked over his shoulder and replied, “Yeah, I am going to order two of my guards to stay with him and take him to safety.”

“We’re just leaving him behind?” Hamilton asked with a deep frown between his brows.

Both of them suddenly stopped like statues and perked their ears. They could hear a rustling sound in a distance.

“They’re already here!” Caspian mumbled and then asked Hamilton while turning back towards his room, “Pass my message to my guards. I will leave with the Queen before the battle starts.”

Hamilton left his hold on Caspian’s arm, but before Caspian could disappear from his sight, he firmly said, “I will stay behind with the Crown Prince and make sure he is safe. You should take all of your guards.”

Caspian frowned and turned around to give a concerned look to his cousin. “But what about you?”

Hamilton sighed and smiled. And he said in a consoling tone, “I will be fine. And I can protect the Crown Prince better. You already know it.”

Caspian couldn’t disagree with his cousin. So, he simply gave a nod and said while firmly patting Hamilton’s shoulder, “I will put my trust in you then. Protect him, and yourself too. Don’t let those damned things get very close to you.”

“I understand.” Hamilton pointed his jaw towards the room, and then asked Caspian, “You better hurry.”

Before Caspian could even take a step, they heard the loud bangs from several pistols going off at once.

Both Hamilton and Caspian exchanged a knowing glance with each other. And in the next millisecond, both of them ran in the opposite direction of each other as if they were nothing but a passing gust of wind.

Caspian almost broke down the door when he barged inside his and Anastasia’s room at such a great speed.

Anastasia and Tilla were already huddled together after getting frightened to their core by those loud noises. And their souls almost left their bodies when suddenly someone barged inside the room like that.

“Don’t be scared. It’s me,” Caspian raised his hands in front of his chest to calm the ladies and said breathlessly.

Anastasia looked into Caspian’s eyes and asked in a dry whisper, “Wh-What was that just now?”

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