Conquering His Cold Heart

Chapter 209

209 Plotting – II

[A day before the coronation day]

“Milord, Lorenzo is here,” one of the many servants of Romulus came to his bedchamber and informed him.

Romulus was checking the clothes that he was going to wear on the coronation day of the new King. Two of his personal attendants were displaying the clothes for him.

“Send him in,” he replied without taking his eyes off the nicely tailored set of his white outfit.

Moments later, Romulus was greeted by the voice that he was waiting for, “Good evening, Milord. I got a message that you called for me.”

Romulus ran the tip of his fingers across the collar of the coat. And while he did that, he replied to Lorenzo, “Yes, I had a few things to discuss with you before we attended tomorrow’s ceremony.”

“I also have some important things to share with you, Milord.” A sense of urgency was reflected in Lorenzo’s voice.

However, Romulus didn’t immediately start the conversation because his servants were present in the room. He was more than confident that they wouldn’t dare to leak anything that they heard inside his manor. But he was still cautious.

So, he turned his head to take a glance at Lorenzo and then asked him, “Why don’t you sit down while I try the clothes on?”


“Sure, Milord,” Lorenzo bowed his head and then went and sat down on the edge of a chair that he saw at the furthest corner of the alpha’s bedchamber.

After the servants helped Romulus change into his new clothes, he stood in front of the mirror and darted his eyes from head to toe at his reflection.

“Hmm...” He approvingly nodded his head and then turned to look at Lorenzo. And he asked, “How do I look?”

“You look very handsome and youthful, Milord,” Lorenzo replied without missing a beat.

Romulus smirked as he was satisfied by the answer. He turned to look in the mirror again.

“Let’s see what kind of smile suits me,” he mumbled to himself.

Then he started practicing several types of smiles. After trying for a whole minute, he finally settled with a soft smile. ‘Okay, this one looks good enough... friendly but mysterious at the same time,’ he thought.

He then changed into his bedrobe and sat down on his bed while facing Lorenzo. After dismissing his attendants, he asked, “So, how’s your progress with the soon-to-be King? Are you coming here after visiting him?”

Lorenzo gave a nod and replied, “Yes, Milord. I was there in the castle for the whole day. I got a chance to have an audience with the Crown Prince just an hour ago.”

“So, what’s that important thing that you had to share?” Romulus asked and then lay down on his bed while resting his head on his palm.

Lorenzo cleared his throat and revealed what he had heard from Everard, “Milord, it seems like he had sent a couple of spies to Sorvando to fetch that woman’s parents from there.”

“What woman?” Romulus asked curiously.

“The woman who was turned into a werewolf by the Crown Prince,” Lorenzo replied. And he immediately added, “But the problem is that he said he sent those spies a few weeks ago. I don’t know how skilled they were, but I believe that if they haven’t returned yet then they might have already been killed by now.”

An evil smirk lurked on Romulus’s face, his eyes glimmered with excitement. “He sent spies to the Kingdom of vampires... Oh, how foolish can someone be?” He cackled like a maniac and mumbled while still laughing, “I thought he was better than that! But it looks like our old King gave birth to a fool. Ah! Good for us! Fools are easier to mold.”

A few lines of worry appeared on Lorenzo’s forehead. He took a deep breath in and asked Romulus, “Alpha, won’t it be a problem though? If the spies were really caught then the King of Sorvando might already be aware of the person who sent them. What if it causes friction between the Kings tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?” Romulus raised his brows and asked, “The King of Sorvando, that vampire, is coming here to our Kingdom?”

Lorenzo looked down at his hands and replied, “I’m not exactly sure if he will come here or not. The Crown Prince didn’t confirm anything, but-”

“But he sent the invitation letter to Sorvando?” Romulus interjected in between. “Just like how I asked you to suggest that to him?”

Lorenzo gave an awkward smile and agreed. “Yes, Milord. I snooped around in the castle this morning and saw that King Caspian’s name was on the guest list.”

Romulus laughed as though he was amused by what he heard and praised Lorenzo, “I’m amazed at how nicely you have Everard wrapped around your fingers, Lorenzo. Even I am not capable of doing that no matter how hard I try.”

Lorenzo happily grinned after getting praised by his alpha. And he modestly said, “I just used his drunken state to my benefit, Milord.”

“Oh, is that so?” Romulus smirked and asked, “What did you say to him?”

“I convinced him to send the invitation saying that he could invite the Queen of Sorvando as well.” Lorenzo smiled and further added, “You know... since our Crown Prince is apparently in love with the Queen, I didn’t need to do much. He instantly agreed to my idea.”

“However, I wasn’t sure if he had sent the letter or not since I wasn’t allowed to linger around in the castle for long. But it looks like he did.” Lorenzo felt a little proud when he met his alpha’s eyes.

Romulus stared blankly at the floor and then mumbled, “That’s interesting. Now I wonder if the King of Sorvando will really come here or not. The boring day would be very interesting if he came here.”

He chuckled while imagining tomorrow’s ceremony and then said, “And it would be even more interesting if he brings his wife along with him.”

“Is there anything specific that you have planned for the King of Sorvando?” Lorenzo asked curiously because he hadn’t been informed anything about it.

Romulus, however, simply ignored Lorenzo’s question and kept on smiling to himself. Maybe it was the look in his eyes or something else, but he looked every bit evil even when he was smiling softly as he had practiced earlier.

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