Cinnamon Bun

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Eight - Untoxication

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Eight - Untoxication

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Eight - Untoxication

I swam out of the dark, then slid back in.

My breathing was always hard and laboured, and I felt everything pressing down around me. Heavy. Everything was heavy.

Sometimes Id swim to the surface, only to find the world nightmarish and twisted, things clawing at me, and wetness pressing down all over.

The nightmares would fade though. Someone would always come in, with light and noise to cast away the dark and droning silence. Id feel a touch, fingers and talons, feathers and whispers, and for a while the light would turn the cloying dark into something kinder.

These were my friends. I couldnt put a face to them, and their names were nothing to me, but I knew, even as I laboured to breathe and fought against the rising tide, that they were the people I loved most of all, and that they were there because they loved me too.

And then, eventually, the darkness faded back, and when I sank once more it wasnt into the oily black of nightmares, but the quiet bliss of dreamless sleep.

I awoke some time later, feeling like the day after leg-day, but everywhere at once. I blinked and brought an arm up to get the eye gunk out of my eyes. It was almost as if someone was forcing my arm back down.

Persistence in the face of common sense was always my forte though, so I managed to get my hand close to my face, then let it fall down so that I could brush the crud away.

Urgh, I said.

I hadnt felt this tired in a long time, and yet I couldnt fall asleep. I wasnt sleepy-tired, I was just exhausted. And sweaty. And I had to pee.

With natures call prodding me on, I turned to my side, then used both arms to push myself up. My legs slipped off the side of my bunk and I just kinda sat there, heart racing as if Id sprinted a hundred meters instead of just sitting up.

I closed my eyes, let the dizziness pass, then tried to get up.

Then I failed to get up.

On my second attempt, I grabbed the little end table next to my bed, conveniently bolted to the floor, then hauled myself to my feet.

I stumbled over to my cabins ensuite, and did my business with some difficulty. Then it was back to my room.

My plan was to get dressed and head out to see my friends. From the little window above my bed I knew we were over the sea and in the sky, the sky bright and cheery, but that was all. It was my job as captain to be informed and to help where I could.

Instead, I flopped onto my bed and fell right back asleep.

Someone woke me up a few hours later. Broc?

I turned my head to the side to see Awen standing above me, blonde hair glowing in the light of the setting sun just outside the window. Hmmph, I said.

Youre, um, meant to sleep with all of your body on the bed, she said. I felt something grabbing my feet. Youre kinda half-off.

Thats how I landed, I said.


Had to use the washroom.

Oh, she said. Ah... well, okay? Can I move you? Ill tuck you in again.

I nodded into the bed, too weak to really protest as Awen shifted me around and pulled the blankets over to cover me. Thanks, I said.

No problem, Awen replied. You have a lot more energy.

I yawned, putting some doubt on that. How long has it been?

We left Needleford two days ago. You slept all day yesterday. We were worried, but Bastion knows a bit of stuff about medicine, and he gave you some antidotes. You were delirious, but it broke this morning.

Oh, I said.

Awen moved away, and for a moment I was worried she was leaving, but she returned with a cup and a rag. Can you drink? I can wet the rag if not.

I nodded. Can you help me sit up?

It took some doing, and a couple of pillows that Awen fetched from somewhere, but I managed to sit up enough that I was able to drink with just a bit of help.

Joe is actually a pretty good cook, Awen said. Ill ask him to make some soup for later.

Soup would be good, I said.

The door to my room opened and Amaryllis stomped in. She looked worried until she saw me sitting up, then her expression pinched and she looked like a bird who just saw a squirrel in her feeder. So, youre finally awake, she said. Do you have any idea how much trouble your nap has caused?

Thanks for worrying, I said.

I didnt worry, you imbecile! she screeched. Do you know that its illegal in harpy airspace to just dump a body overboard? We would have had to keep you rotting in the hold for who knows how long. I bet youd stink as a corpse.

I smiled. Thats a very confusing way to say that youre happy to see me alive, I said.

Hardly, she said. Awen, is she actually better?

I think so? Awen said. Shes drinking, and she can move a little. Um, it might take some time before she recovers, maybe. Im a mechanic, not a doctor.

I feel much better, I said. I tried to gesture for emphasis, but all I did was knock my cup of water over and spill some all over myself. Ah, oops? I said.

You moron, Amaryllis deadpanned. Just rest some more, maybe when you wake up, some of your missing brain cells will reappear.

I smiled and helped Awen take the cup from me. Okay, I said. Awen, can you wake me up when... suppers ready?

Awa, sure thing, she said. I dont know if youll be ready to come and join us, though.

She can eat here, Amaryllis said.

I shrugged, then held back a yawn. I wanted to know how things were going, and knowing Amaryllis, shed be too worried to tell me if I looked tired. Where are we now? Is Rogers after us?

Were two, maybe three day from Insmouth, Amaryllis said. No sign of that golden bastard either.

Insmouth? Isnt that... uh, to the south of where were going? I asked.

We dont have much of a choice. Theres a nasty crosswind this time of year that would fling us off course. If we had come down over Deepmarsh, like we were meant to, then we could have avoided it by flying over the Trenten Flats, or at least along the shores, but as it is well have to go the long way around.

Im sorry, I said.

Idiot, she replied. I think that was an I forgive you from her. You have two days to feel better and get on your feet. It wouldnt do to land without our captain in tip-top shape.

Yes maam, I said. Hows the rest of the crew?

Amaryllis huffed. It was a mildly annoyed huff, annoyance at someone that wasnt here to feel all the wrath of her huffing in person. Those brats you brought aboard are a bunch of mewling babies. Youd think they were the nobles, what with the way they whine and moan about every little thing.

Really? I asked.

Awen shifted. Well, theyre not so bad? Sally has been helping with the sails and such, and Oda is helping with the engine and maintenance. Joe... does complain a lot, but he works hard still.

Thats great, I said. I blinked, then blinked again. It was hard to keep my eyes open, and the next yawn was too strong to stifle. Hows... ahhh, Bastion?

Hes fine, Amaryllis said. You need to sleep.

Just fine? I asked.

He trains a lot, and sometimes hell help, but he keeps to himself, Awen explained.

We need to make him open up some more. He could be a nice friend.

Amaryllis crossed her wings. He did save your sorry hide. No one noticed you were sick until he did.

Ill thank him later. Did sylphs like hugs? And Clive? And the others?

That old bird will outlive the lot of us, the way we do things, and the other two are smart. They mind their own business and do their work as best they can. My sister picked good workers.

Good, good, I said. And you two?

Awen pressed a hand to my head. It was warm. Were fine now, Awen said. Well let you sleep, alright?

Mm? But I have more questions.

Moron, Amaryllis said. You can ask them to an empty room then. Get some sleep.

I waved my friends goodbye, but only after Awen helped me lay back down properly and fluffed out my pillows. Shed make a great mom someday. Not that Id tell her that, I didnt want to have her be feverish too.

When I was alone, I found myself stuck between sleeping and not. Half-dreams slipping past like a haze, then disappearing with a blink and a shift. It took a lot of effort for me to actually fall asleep.

I woke up some time later when the door opened and Awen came in, this time accompanied by Bastion who was holding up a little lantern with a glowing rune within. Youre awake, the sylph said.

Yeah, I said. I think Ive been in and out.

We brought supper, Awen said.

I glanced around. The sky had darkened while I was dozing. Probably why they needed the lantern that Bastion set on a hook.

What is it? I asked.

Just soup, Awen said.

She helped me sit up again, though I didnt need it as much. I was feeling far better already.

Thanks, I said as I took the bowl she offered me and sniffed it. The soup was just shy of being hot. I held it against my sternum with one hand and chowed down with a spoon. I didnt know I was so hungry until the first few swallows were down.

Youre looking better, Bastion said.

Mmhmm, I said. Thank you, by the way.

Its nothing, Bastion said. Fighting piracy is one of my duties, as is caring for the companions I fight next to. It was the least I could do.

I nodded. He was getting so many hugs later. Thanks anyway. I took another spoonful, then licked my lips. You do training, right?

I do, he said.

Can you train me some? I nearly died on Rogers ship, and I have the impression he wasnt even trying that hard.

I suppose I could spar with you a little. Though I cant exactly teach you any techniques from my order.

Thats fine, I said. Ill owe you doubly then.

Awa, can I train too? Awen said. I dont want to be kidnapped again.

Im not sure how much training will help you in that regard, but I can give you someone to test your skill against, Bastion said.

Awen nodded, then bowed a little, as much as she could in my rather cramped room. Thank you.

We can see about that tomorrow, I said.

I think it might take you a little more than a day to recover fully.

I pouted, but that didnt seem to do much to sway Bastions opinion on the matter.

Awen smiled and absently started playing with my ears. Youll be fine, she said. Take your time. Were in no hurry, alright?

Of course we are, I said. We need to get so strong and tough that even things like nasty pirates wont be a problem for us, I said.

I look forward to seeing you reach hitherto unknown levels, Bastion said. But perhaps a little bit of patience would do you better than merely rushing along without a care.

I gave him an Amaryllis huff, but I couldnt really disagree. Fine then. Well just see. I let my spoon drop into my empty bowl. Can I have more?


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