Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 89: Out of My Mind

Chapter 89: Out of My Mind

Moments after Luna stormed out of the Celestine Manor

Youre an idiot. Archduchess Zaira grimaced and then sighed at Kais figure that was sporting a bewildered yet guilty look.

Whats that supposed to mean? And youre pretty rude to someone whos a member of the imperial family. Kai replied.

Are you sure you were given memories of a parallel world and not having your mind encroached by some weird power? she retorted, her voice low. You mustve forgotten Im this empires guardian. Ive raised Praijis leaders since the time of its founding. Youre the one whos awfully rude now.

Kai, who seemed to have realized what he just said, could only look away and not say anything. He saw Zaira sigh and shake her head.

I dont know why you did that or what compelled you to actually pull such a move but you do realize you two like each other?

I beg your pardon? Kais eyes were as wide as saucers when he heard her words.

Im not entirely sure why youre acting this way, but I know it has something to do with the memories you received. You better sort yourself before you hurt the people you cherish, Luna included. she sighed. Kids these days. If they dont realize it then they deny it.

Why would you care about Luna, Archduchess?

Shes my si- I mean, shes my adoptive niece. That means shes under my protection and is one of the four successors of the Celestine Family. I know it is part of growing up but I dont like it when my wards get heartbroken. Its the most difficult injury to heal.

Kai, wasnt really sure what to do next.


I arrived rather early in the stadium. From the third day onwards, the participants of each school were supposed to stay at their designated rooms for the duration of the next event; Capture the Flag.

Just as the name suggests, two teams with all its members will go against each other and their goal is to pull the opponents flag out where its placed. But if somehow it is proven difficult to take the flag then the participants can go after the captain of the opponents and take him down.

I suppose it was a sort of simulation or a practice battle for the participants while the captains ability to lead and make strategies will also be put into test.

Well everyone of course found it amusing ad exciting, apart from me.

I arrived early in the stadium not because I was excited or anything, but because I was too frustrated. I didnt return to the residence I shared with the other participants from Praiji Imperial Academy the previous night and I never even have a wink of sleep. I spent the entire night hunting and training, but to be honest, I was probably just blowing some steam off.

-So this is how it feels to be told off and rejected by a friend.

I felt awful. Kai and I had always been close ever since we became friends five months ago. But then I heard him say those words which really shook me.

I didnt even pay attention to the three matches that happened before ours. I was too absorbed worrying why Kai would say such words to me as well as hating myself for it. I could feel my frustration build up as time passed. None of my teammates, or anybody actually, bothered to come near me and ask me what was wrong. I was probably emitting too much malice that anybody who could feel it would instinctively get away from me.

Once I heard the announcement that it would be finally our turn, I trailed behind everyone else to reach the arena. I knew they discussed some sort of plan a while ago but I didnt really listen since I was too wrapped up on my own thoughts.

There was one thing I was sure though, I assured myself that we would win against our opponent, Cedi Royal Academy, no matter what. And I would make sure of it.

The arena was modified for the Capture the Flag Event. Instead of its open and plain area, it was transformed to a small rocky forest. I could see two towers, each with a flag on them.

-So I only have to pull the flag out of where its standing or knock the opponents team captain.

-Luna! Senior Trent yelled which pulled me out of my thoughts.


Youll be guarding the flag with Freya. Discuss with her the formation youre going to use.

I only nodded and we started heading to our stations.

Theres something off about you. Freya suddenly said after tapping my shoulder. We were on our way to the tower where our flag was located.

Im fine. Well win this.

Im not really worried about that. Instead, Im worried about you. I frowned at her words. I feel like youre going to do something stupid and irrational.

Thats just your imagination.

She shrugged. Maybe. Anyway, what kind of formation will we use? We can use the usual right? Youll guard the base of the tower while I-

Ill make sure well win.


Once the blare sounded, which signaled the start of the match, I pulled out Rile and Sanx, and then used Flash Step. With it accelerating my speed, it was a piece of cake to travel from one point to the next. Before I knew it, I was already in the opponents territory and brought down one of them.

I could hear my teammates yelling to me what I was doing and to get back to my position but I didnt care and proceeded to the tower where the enemy flag is located.

Suffice to say, I wasnt on my right mind at that particular event. Well, I could see what I was doing and I even planned out the route Id take to get to the enemy flag, but I was moving out of frustration and grief.

I was used to people hating me or not liking me, but being hated by someone I deemed as a close friend was too much for me to handle.

-He hates me already anyway, why would he care if I screw this match?

I could feel my energy flare up and condense around me. To the eyes of others, theyd probably think Im using my signature bluish-white flames or being engulfed by bluish-white flames but it was actually just my energy thickening around me. With this, I can move faster and have more power.

A few of our opponents already started getting in my way and it was making me even more frustrated.

Yeah. Its really a bad idea to dive into a fight when ones not mentally and emotionally stable. I wouldnt recommend it either.

I cleaved a path for myself towards the tower, flinging whoever dared stop me out of the way.

After kicking the last guy, who I think was the team captain of Cedi, I gathered energy in my legs and shot out from the ground. Once I was on level with the top of the tower, I sliced the pole of the flag which bore the crest of Cedi Royal Academy and caught it with my hands.

A-a-and Praiji Imperial Academy wins! announced someone.

At first there was only silence but then deafening cheers erupted from the crowd.

I didnt smile, nor did I cheer for the win. I remained rather impassive and gave the flag to Senior Trent. They were announcing the matches for the next day but I didnt really stick around and started to head outside.

I was so out of it that I didnt even notice the angry and heavy footsteps behind me. Before I knew it the wind knocked me off my feet and pushed me to the wall.

And then I saw a furious Freya with the fan I gave her pointed at me.

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