Chaos' Heir

Chapter 709 Laundry

Chapter 709 Laundry

The conversation with Abraham stretched for hours, depleting multiple bottles in Khan and Monica's stash and leading to various hilarious instances.

Of course, Khan pressed to handle the serious part first, and Abraham didn't object. The scientist explained everything he knew about any Nak-related topic, Khan's parents, and the Nognes family, but no news was too surprising.

The Nak-related topics only involved things Khan had already learned or guessed. The Global Army found their ability to mutate living beings incredible, and some factions believed they could accelerate humankind's evolution. Yet, as far as Abraham knew, the experiments were still inconclusive.

Abraham also mentioned the visions, mental instability, and other issues the infected subjects demonstrated. He never used the word "nightmares", but Khan and Monica knew enough to link the two topics. Of course, they both held back from revealing Khan's status.

As for the Nognes family, Abraham obviously couldn't know much. Even his lofty position didn't give him access to noble-related information. He was only aware of what Elizabeth had shared, which was enough to reveal something new.

"So," Khan exclaimed, "Princess Felicia is my cousin."

"Indeed," Abraham confirmed. "One of many. Your grandfather had two daughters and one son, all with children."

Khan rubbed his head on Monica's curls since his hands were busy hugging her. Princess Felicia didn't sound hostile during Rick's wedding, but things could change if Khan became a candidate for nobility. She and all his other cousins might start to see him as an enemy if they didn't already.

The aunt and uncle were also potential problems. Khan could compete with fellow descendants, but the higher positions still escaped his reach. Of course, he wasn't even considering his grandfather. He wouldn't have any chance against such a lofty figure.

Monica shared Khan's thoughts, but her pondering went deeper due to her education. Abraham had mentioned the favors Khan's grandfather had called in to protect his daughter. There was a chance he had lost too much influence in the process, leaving most authority to his other daughter and son. That could lead to additional problems, leaving Khan without backing among powerful nobles. After all, he would be the only one without parents or allies with equal status. Still, Monica limited herself to mentally noting down those worries. She would reveal them once her private time with Khan came.

Then, the time came to discuss Khan's parents, but the conversation quickly went in the opposite direction. Instead of Abraham revealing information, Khan found himself bombarded by questions.

"Sir Bret a drunkard?!" Abraham gasped.

"That's how I know him," Khan commented. "I don't blame him, and he was always there when I truly needed him, but that's how he was."

Khan avoided mentioning his various doubts about Bret. He had always justified his father while living in the Slums, but his time on Nitis had created an immense crack in their relationship, and he still didn't know what to make of it.

Facing Bret would have been the most straightforward way to clear those doubts, but hesitation had filled Khan in the past years. He didn't have the means to avoid being lied to again, so he delayed the reunion and focused on expanding his knowledge.

However, now that Khan felt ready to face his father, the Global Army seemed unable to find him. Khan checked his mission's status every day, but no one knew where Bret had gone.

The easiest solution would be for Khan to go to the Slums himself. After all, only someone with knowledge of the place could truly navigate it and find answers. Yet, his many duties prevented him from leaving his post, leaving the mission in inexperienced hands.

"What a waste of one of the most brilliant minds the Global Army has ever produced," Abraham sighed. He looked heartbroken, and Khan felt the urge to reassure him.

"He didn't lose his gall," Khan said. "He was also the one to implant my mana core, so I guess his skills didn't wane too much."

"Sir Bret's gall," Abraham snickered. "He would throw a tantrum at the slightest hindrance. The lab manager summoned him so often that he moved his office next door at some point."

"Sounds like my father," Khan chuckled.

"You said the last time you saw him, they were jailing him," Abraham exclaimed.

"For throwing a dead Tainted rat in the middle of a crowd," Khan nodded.

"The risk of infection is almost non-existent with carcasses," Abraham frowned. "The regulations clearly state that. Sir Bret wrote them."

"That's what he said to the apprehending soldier," Khan recalled. "He didn't like that."

Abraham chuckled before lowering his head and voicing a sad comment. "I guess they erased everything about him. The new generations won't know how much they are benefiting from his genius."

"He is almost as hot-headed as you," Monica pointed out.

"I can always blame my element," Khan joked.

"Lady Elizabeth was more hot-headed than him," Abraham revealed. "I've seen her break more phones than I can recall."

"Phones?" Khan asked.

"Whenever someone disturbed her," Abraham explained. "It was her policy to remain untraceable."

"You broke many training halls," Monica teased.

"I was simply training," Khan scoffed.

"Blood doesn't lie," Abraham laughed. "Major, it seems you inherited your parents' most troublesome traits."

"Ah!" Khan cursed. "Are you both against me now?"

"Come on," Monica giggled, kissing Khan's cheek. "Do you know how many times I've fallen for you after the incident with Francis?"

"Do you like when I make a mess?" Khan wondered.

"I love when you are ready to destroy everything to protect us," Monica said. "I wish I could have seen when you broke that door in my father's office."

"He was out of line," Khan snorted, and Monica smiled while nestling back into his tight embrace.

"I can't express how much you resemble both your parents," Abraham laughed. "Tell me, do you have a knack for technology too?"

"He sucks at it," Monica promptly declared.

"I don't suck at it," Khan cursed. "I just don't find it interesting."

"He sucks," Monica reiterated.

"What a pity," Abraham cheerfully announced. "Though I know you are a great pilot, like Lady Elizabeth."

"That he is," Monica confirmed, coyly diverting her gaze as memories of their flights together popped into her mind. "Among other things."

"He took that from Lady Elizabeth, too," Abraham muttered. "Sir Bret lost a lot of weight after the relationship started."

"Me, too," Monica snickered.

"Can we avoid this topic?" Khan sighed. "What is it with my life and mothers?"

"You shouldn't be ashamed of your passion, Major," Abraham declared. "It's an enviable trait, especially since you seem to apply it to multiple fields."

"Let's just keep my mother out of it," Khan uttered.

"Of course," Abraham agreed. "May I ask what you remember about her?"

"Nothing much," Khan admitted. "Flashes of what I think are memories of the time before the Second Impact, but nothing detailed."

"That's truly a pity," Abraham shook his head. "Lady Elizabeth was an amazing woman in many ways. She was shrewd, driven, and uncompromising, always one step ahead of her fellow nobles."

"I would have loved to meet her," Monica admitted.

"She would have given you a hard time," Abraham revealed. "Her standards were impossible to meet. I can't imagine the hardships you would have endured as her only son's future wife."

"She would have done just fine," Khan reassured. "Monica already overcame the harshest task there is. That's enough proof."

Monica couldn't help but blush. She knew Khan was talking about making him love again, and that awareness made her hate the current lack of privacy.

"When are we going to kick him out?" Monica whispered in Khan's ear. "I'm reaching my limit here."

"You are right," Khan muttered. As enjoyable as the conversation had been, Abraham had been inside his flat for too long. The network was probably buzzing with gossip, and prolonging his stay would raise too much suspicion.

"Abraham, let's call it a day," Khan announced. "I truly enjoyed this. I hope we can repeat it."

"I'm at your service, Major," Abraham declared, standing up. "You simply have to ask, and I'll come."

"That's the problem," Khan sighed. "Let's see how the situation evolves first. Your superiors might very well recall you after today."

"I doubt that," Abraham replied. "Not so soon, at least."

Khan inspected the scientist from head to toe, and his serious face eventually stirred a question. "Will you be fine?"

"Don't worry about me, Major," Abraham reassured. "Nothing would make me happier than using this life to serve you. The consequences of my actions are mine alone to bear."

Devotion invaded the hall's symphony. Abraham's resolve was so intense that his aura-inhibiting items failed to hide it. However, Khan was no evil tyrant.

"Denied," Khan stated. "You are to remain safe and well within reasonable limits. Are we clear?"

"But, Major," Abraham tried to complain, but Khan didn't give him the chance.

"No buts," Khan said, azure light flashing through his eyes. "You are with me now. If you don't want to see me take down a few buildings, I suggest you avoid getting hurt."

Abraham was speechless. He had planned to be a positive and selfless force in Khan's life, but the latter rejected those terms. Khan had his way of doing things, and Abraham had to abide by them now.

"It's also useful to have a man with such a good position on the inside," Khan continued. "The best way to help me is through a long and lasting alliance."

Khan was right, but anyone could read between the lines. His priority wasn't a lasting relationship. He was simply trying to trick Abraham into remaining safe.

"Very well, Major," Abraham quickly gave up. "I'll do my best."

"Don't forget to report eventual problems," Khan ordered. "I'll ask Hyper-Privacy to set up a secure line to exchange information."

"I'll wait for further instructions," Abraham exclaimed. "Until then, I'll continue enjoying your lessons."

"Let me accompany you to the elevator," Khan smirked, but Monica promptly pulled his arms, stopping him from standing up.

Khan shot a questioning glance at Monica, but his eyes suddenly widened in understanding. The slight shyness and pleading vibe in Monica's mana made him realize that something was off, and his nostrils soon caught a familiar scent.

"No need, Major," Abraham said before Khan could speak again. "Though, allow me to leave with one last praise. Your parents would be proud of the man you have become."

Khan glanced at Abraham, but the scientist only showed his back as he walked into the elevator. The lift soon activated, and his presence disappeared from the flat.

Monica didn't have Khan's senses but could hear pretty well. She heard the elevator closing, and the disappearance of the slight tension in Khan's muscles confirmed her hunch. She knew privacy had arrived, so she pulled down Khan's hands to make him understand the gravity of the situation.

"Did you forget what I was wearing?" Monica asked, half-scolding and half-whining. "You even said all that stuff while holding me. Now I have to set up the laundry again."

Khan didn't hear Monica's whining. As soon as his fingers touched the warm, drenched fabric of her pants, his mind went blank. It was time to unwrap his present.

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